The Strongest Guild Master Founded a Nation in a Week

Saikyou Gild Master no Isshuukan Kenkokuki, 最強ギルドマスターの一週間建国記
The Strongest Guild Master Founded a Nation in a Week
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Renjin Yanase is an ordinary member of society whose occupation is a sales person. His hobby is an online VR game “Einherjar” that has been on for over five years now. It is a game with high degree of freedom and Renjin silently works hard to nurture his subordinate character.
The next day was a holiday so he’s going to use it for boss hunting all night.
When the boss hunt is finished, Renjin falls asleep in the game. He felt like someone was calling his name so he woke up.
Standing in front of the half-asleep Renjin was Eleanor, a character he created.
When Renjin looked outside after being puzzled to the characters who behave like they are alive, the outside scenery changed into one that he did not know at all.
Renjin who surveyed the surrounding, realized that the castle and the 200 subordinates that he created with time and money was transferred to a different world.
The transferred Renjin announced the declaration of the founding of a nation after a week.
6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 81 - To Finkle’s Parent’s House, GO!
- Chapter 82 - Maeas’ Representative, Romont
- Chapter 83 - Astonished Romont
- Intermission 1 - Sainos and Dan, Followed by Laurel
- Intermission 2 - Sainos and Dan, Plus the Female Team
- Chapter 84 - Maeas’ Influential Person
- Chapter 85 - S-Rank Adventurer’s True Strength (lol)
- Chapter 86 - Romont’s Apology
- Chapter 87 - Maeas’ Cooperation
- Chapter 88 - The Day of Maeas’ Reformation
- Chapter 89 - RenRen’s Theatrical Company(Jiromora’s POV)
- Chapter 90 - RenRen’s Theatrical Company 2(Karedia’s POV)
- Chapter 91 - Maeas’ Allegiance
- Chapter 92 - Slave Girl
- Chapter 93 - RenRen’s Theatrical Company Homecoming
- Chapter 94 - RenRen’s First Day
- Chapter 95 - The King Who Readily Consents with an Immediate Answer
- Chapter 96 - Rembrandt Kingdom’s Fifth Princess Rihanna and the Attendant Keira
- Chapter 97 - The First Inspection Trip Started
- Chapter 98 - Should a Student Dormitory be Made in Each City?
- Chapter 99 - Expand the City Immediately!
- Chapter 100 - The Night When The Princess and Her Attendant Came to G.I.Jou
- Chapter 101 - Morning, the Galland Empire Begins to Move
- Chapter 102 - Don’t Mind the Galland Empire Army and Build the School
- Chapter 103 - The Empire’s Muscle Brain Warrior Torga and the Hard-worker Karim
- Chapter 104 - The Night Before the Decisive Battle
- Chapter 105 - Morning of the Day of Collision with the Galland Empire Army, Ren-Ren Inspects the City
- Chapter 106 - Shall We Go to War Now?
- Chapter 107 - Galland Empire’s Army, the First Army
- Chapter 108 - Battle of Sainos and Laurel
- Chapter 109 - Magic All You Can
- Chapter 110 - Galland Empire’s First Army is Repulsed
- Chapter 111 - Galland Empire’s 2nd Army(Main Force)
- Chapter 112 - Can I Declare War on War?
- Chapter 113 - Ikkitousen: Ren-Ren Version
- Chapter 114 - Ikkitousen: Eleanor’s Version
- Chapter 115 - Ikkitousen: Cartas’ Version
- Chapter 116 - Matchless Warriors
- Chapter 117 - Magic Warrior Ren-Ren VS Muscle Brain Warrior Torga
- Chapter 118 - The Withdrawal of the Galland Empire’s Army and Thereafter