6 Times a Day

Chapter 406 The Sultan [Iveyflame Sponsored]

Iveyflame Special [ 3 / 5 ]


A distressed Susan hastily cut in, "Brenda, wait! Time out! 'Sex slaves?' Us? Really?! Isn't that going too far? I try not to ever think about that because, well... to be honest, I find it too arousing! Too extreme as well!"

Brenda responded, "Susan, relax. This is just a dream. It's not even from our time or place. It's a total fantasy from a time in which sexual slavery of the very most beautiful and sexy women was common. Remember King Solomon and his harem? It would kind of be insulting if the Sultan did NOT make us his sex slaves. It was the thing to do back then."

"If you say so," Susan muttered reluctantly.

"I do. Trust me. Anyhow, I defiantly said to him, 'We refuse to play your sick games! We are as pure as the driven snow, and we would rather DIE than submit to you and your elephantine appendage!' You nod in determined agreement."

"I do?" Susan said. "I mean, uh, I do. Good for you! If he wants to be our master, he has to earn it."

"Right. But you know how Alan is. He's so strong and clever, there's no way we can possibly win. He just laughs at our defiance. Then, with his three slut-slaves still squirming all over him, he says to us, 'It will be amusing breaking your spirit. Don't worry, I won't kill you; you're much too valuable alive with bodies like yours. But I certainly will spank your bare asses until you understand who's in charge. And if that's not enough, I have the whip!"

Susan gasped. "Brenda! Really! 'The whip?!' You go too far!"

Brenda had already surmised that Susan didn't get as extreme or kinky in her fetishes. So she tried to downplay that. "Don't worry, it's just a threat. He knows he's not going to need to use it in any case, and you'll see why. Okay?"

Susan nodded nervously, forgetting that Brenda couldn't see that over the phone. She had an extremely vivid imagination, so she was treating this like it was really happening to her. Finally, realizing that Brenda was still waiting for a reply, she grunted, "Okay."

Brenda resumed, "Facing no other choice, and with his sexy and busty but very angry looking slave guards holding their sharp swords behind us, we get down on our hands and knees and crawl all the way to him. We stop right in front of him and look up in fear, with our huge tits nearly drooping to the ground."

She continued, "He nods. 'Good. You're learning. What are your names?' I meekly tell him, 'Lady Brenda, sir.' He frowns and says, 'You will call me 'Sultan' or 'Lord' from now on, because I am your lord and master! My ownership and control over you is absolute! From now on, your only purpose in living is to please me, and pleasure every part of my big dick!"

Susan said, "Brenda, I have to call time out again! Again, that sounds so... extreme!"

"Oh, it is! Remember, things were different back then. Women effectively had no rights. It was a miracle our virginities lasted as long as they did given our outrageously curvaceous bodies. In fact, pretty much throughout human history, women like you and me have been OWNED, not married! If we were born in another time and place, we almost certainly would have wound up in a brothel or a harem! Can you deny it? With OUR bodies?"

"Well..." Susan couldn't deny it.

"It's only in the last hundred years or so that things have gotten so civilized that we have other options. But it doesn't feel right, does it? Civilized ways, I mean. Restraining your TRUE sexual nature due to some old prudish beliefs. Doesn't it feel better, knowing your proper place is between your son's legs, with your tongue dancing on his sweet spot and your lips sliding up and down his thick shaft? Doesn't that feel like..." - she paused dramatically - "home?!"

Susan thought, Oh my goodness! It does! So much! I wish I was "home" right now, slurping and struggling with his sheer size!

However, she didn't say anything out loud. Brenda worried she'd gone off on a tangent that Susan didn't entirely agree with, even though she could clearly hear Susan panting with desire.

So to be safe, she went back to her story. "Never mind about that. We don't have time to think anyway, because Sultan Alan is towering above us in his throne, while we cower naked on all fours! With two of his slaves still trading turns bobbing way down his thick shaft, he looks to you and asks, 'And your name?' What do you say?"

Susan nervously stammered, "'Um, Lady Susan, your... uh, Lord.'"

Brenda explained, "He grunts noncommittally. Then he says, 'I was hoping you'd say something defiant so I'd have an excuse to punish you. But I don't need an excuse, since I now own you, body and soul."

"Wait!" Susan exclaimed in dismay. "Who decided that?!"

Brenda neatly tied that into the story. "That's what you tell the Sultan. He just laughs. 'I did. Might makes right. You foolishly wandered into my lands, like an insect drawn into a spider web, and the old life you knew is over, forever! Your new life is in my harem, helping my other slaves take care of my cock!'"

Susan whispered in awe, "No!"

Brenda said, "Yes! And as frightening as that is, you can't help but feel incredibly aroused too! Me too, just as much. Standing naked in front of so many other people is a strange and powerful thrill. So many eyes upon you! And me. Not only that, but we've never even seen a penis before, yet we know the Sultan's is impossibly large and thick! And even as we cower before him on all fours, like farm animals in the field, we can look up at his other slaves taking turns on his huge cock! You have to admit that you're intrigued, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes!" Susan exclaimed. "So much more than intrigued! My pussy is wet and my nipples are aching with need! I just hope he can't see how aroused I am. I need to preserve some dignity!"

Brenda laughed, delighted by how involved Susan was getting with the story. "Forget that! We've lost ALL dignity, and we know it! The Sultan looks down at us and smirks, no doubt amused at the way we're obviously panting with desire already. He says, 'I've been through this many times, breaking and taming many women, so I'll cut to the chase. You won't even start to learn your place until you've been spanked hard a few times, so let it begin! After each smack, I expect you to say "Thank you, Lord, may I have another?" If you don't, the spanking will continue until you pass out!'"

Brenda went on, "Then the busty slaves behind us sheath their swords and get down to seriously whacking our asses with their bare hands! I won't go on about how long it lasts, but trust me, it lasts a long time, until our asses are glowing red and tears are streaming down our faces. And all the while, we have to stare straight ahead, where three of his slutty slaves keep trading places bobbing on his cock! His stamina is simply endless!"

Susan exclaimed, "My God! How do we get out of this?!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"That's just it!" Brenda cried triumphantly. "We don't! We are totally defeated in every possible way, and we know it! We're in a tent in the middle of some God-forsaken desert, thousands of miles from home. Nobody knows where we are. There's NO chance of rescue! If we did somehow manage to eventually escape the Sultan, we would just wander the desert until some other sultan picks us up and adds us to HIS harem! No, there's no point in denying it: we ARE sex slaves now, his sex slaves. We're going to be ravished in more ways and for longer than we could have ever dreamed possible! It is our fate and our duty! And since that's the case, we might as well try to make the best of it. Don't you agree?"

Susan was getting into the spirit of things so much that she said, "No way! We have to fight! To resist!"

Brenda says, "That's how you felt... until the spanking! Your ass is glowing as red as a ripe cherry. Mine too! You want to defy him, sure, but not now, not if it means more hard smacks on your bare butt! He snaps his fingers again and the slaves sprawled all over him scatter, then he points to us and motions to his crotch. He says, 'Your turn. Let's see if you're worthy of keeping. You will find that I am not a cruel master. I can even be very loving to those who win my favor. But I do have an insatiable sexual appetite. You will learn to love that fact. So get at it!"

Brenda went on to describe in great detail how the two shy, religious virgins began tentatively and fearfully licking his enormous cock. But since Brenda was so horny and eager in real life, and Susan was too, their dream characters didn't stay tentative or fearful for long. Brenda described a double blowjob in elaborate and loving detail.

In reality, Susan still prohibited herself from taking part in anything more than solo sexual encounters with her son. However, she'd been weakening on that, and that very morning she'd briefly stroked his shaft while Suzanne bobbed on his cockhead, before Katherine came by and shocked her. But since this was "just a dream," she didn't have to worry about breaking rules, and she was able to fully enjoy Brenda's passionate description while she furtively fingered her pussy and nipples (as Brenda did the same).

As a result, her resolve to avoid taking part in a double blowjob in the real world weakened, and then weakened some more. Brenda had never actually participated in a double blowjob, She also hadn't thought that much of solo blowjobs from her personal experience, in part because she went along with the common perception that blowjobs were demeaning to women. By contrast, she loved reading about them in porn since she saw that as a symbolically submissive act, and she actually got off on the idea that it could be demeaning.

But Susan had gotten her hotter than a blazing inferno while coaching her through practicing on a dildo the other night, so she didn't have to exaggerate her own enthusiasm in the slightest. Furthermore, she particularly loved reading harem-themed porn where double blowjobs were common, so she drew from that to paint an extremely steamy picture.

Just like the real Alan, the "Sultan Alan" had impressive sexual stamina. But Brenda exaggerated that too, so much so that in the fantasy she and Susan eventually got too tired to go on, well before they could make him cum.

The Sultan sent them away to rest, drink, and snack. Furthermore, he had his other slaves outfit them with bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and other ornaments to heighten their beauty, with most of them made out of gold. The only "clothes" they wore were strips of semi-transparent cloth right over their pussy mounds that were smaller than most napkins. The ridiculously tiny amount of "covering" was even more embarrassing than if they'd been completely nude.

In Brenda's telling, the Sultan then ordered Susan and Brenda to perform a sexy dance for him. They didn't have to be goaded or threatened this time, because their attitude towards him had drastically changed during their first blowjob session. (Actually, since they were thinking about the Sultan as Alan all along they never really were reluctant in the first place.) So the two buxom women danced like they were possessed by the most tempting succubi.

As they did so, three other sex slaves tended to the Sultan's erection. One was from sub-Saharan Africa and had very black skin, while another was from India, and the third looked to be from Russia and had hair so blonde that it was almost white. The contrast between that slave and the dark black one as they slurped on his thick shaft was visually arresting, to say the least.

Brenda could have kept going with this fantasy for hours and hours. Both she and Susan had been secretly masturbating almost since she'd started talking, and each of them had had at least a few small orgasms here and there. But the overall erotic excitement of the story grew and grew. Brenda could tell that soon both of them would have much bigger orgasms that would leave them sexually satiated for a while, so she brought their dancing to an end and had them take over joint cocksucking duties again. She knew nothing could arouse Susan more than that, at least if she didn't count areas she was afraid to go into, such as having the Sultan fuck the both of them, or lesbian play between them.

Sure enough, once the story got back to more blowjob action, Susan got so excited that she all but lost the ability to coherently speak. Then she crammed four fingers into her mouth to simulate cocksucking action, and she definitely lost the ability to speak.

The two of them spiraled up higher and higher. Eventually Brenda also stopped talking too, because she was so carried away with her own masturbation. The two of them huffed and puffed into their phone lines until they slammed into particularly loud and intense orgasms.

Both of them were ostensibly trying to hide that they were playing with themselves, so they struggled valiantly not to scream out loud when their big climaxes finally hit, which happily happened at almost the exact same time for both of them. However, although both of them managed to avoid overt shrieking or screaming, the intensity of their breathless moaning and groaning left absolutely no doubt what each of them had done.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Eventually, the two of them started to calm down. Brenda realized that she needed to say something to formally end the story, allowing them to maintain the paper-thin fiction that it hadn't peaked and ended with the masturbatory climaxes.

Moving her head near the phone receiver, she said, "So! To make a long story short, Lady Brenda and Lady Susan discover that being captured and enslaved by the Sultan isn't such a bad thing after all. In fact, it's a pretty great thing!"

"I'll say!" Susan laughed. "Do we finally manage to get him to cum?"

"We do! My GOD! What a sperm eruption! A spermy fountain floods our faces and chests, as one of his other slaves aims his cock here and there while we close our eyes and bask in the joy!"

"Mmmm!" Susan caressed her face and tits, as if she was running her fingers through countless cummy streaks.

"The Sultan is so impressed that he offers us a choice: total freedom, and an escort back to Christian lands, or our total willing submission to him and the chance to serve the power of his cock for the rest of our lives! What do you choose?!"

Susan just laughed. "No duh! As if there's a choice! How could I ever go back to my old life, after discovering the endless joy of serving my son's big cock?" She had a minor epiphany. "Whoa! That's so very much like my own life!"

"Hopefully mine too," Brenda said. "Needless to say, I make the same choice. We both bow low before our new master and adoringly kiss his feet."

"And then?!" Susan eagerly asked.

Brenda laughed, since she thought that was the end. "And then... more cocksucking, of course! And titfucking! And getting spanked! And anal sex! And... so much more!" She had been about to add "and vaginal sex," but was deliberately vague instead, since she knew about Susan's reluctance to even talk about actual intercourse with her son, but in her own mind there was no doubt that lots of fucking would take place.

Susan bristled at the mention of anal sex. She had a general notion of its existence, but she considered it so disgusting that she tried hard to never think about it. She decided to pretend Brenda hadn't said that, since it was only a passing mention, and discussing it would ruin her erotic mood.

Brenda concluded, "Every day. we slurp and suck and choke and gag on his incredible thickness, until our mouths are sore. But it's the best kind of sore, if you know what I mean. At first, we're novices and far down his list of favorite slaves, but our dedication to serving his cock with all our hearts is so pure and full of love and determination that it's not long before we become two of his favorites! Of course, we still have to share him with over 20 other incredible slaves, not to mention his four wives - he is the Sultan, after all. But he lets us suck his cock every single day, almost always together, since we make a great team. Sometimes, we even have the rare honor of sleeping in his bed! The end!"

Susan immediately pouted, "Awww! 'The end?' Why'd you have to say that? That's such a great story. I wish it could go on forever and ever."

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