6 Times a Day

Chapter 470 It's Nude-Y Time! [DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏDrunk Dargon Special πŸ‰ [ 10 / 10 ]


After lunch, Alan maintained his seemingly unaroused mood, leading to lots of questions from the others. He just kept on apparently reading the newspaper at the dining table.

At one point, Susan walked up to him and shyly asked, "Ah... Uh, Son... How is the state of your, uh, penis doing these days?"

ραпdΞ± ЙᴏνΓͺ|(сòm) "Good, in general. Not a lot of soreness or chafing." His mother looked very tempting in her sexy outfit, but he had some idea of what was coming, so he tried his best not to let his penis engorge.

She smiled, but with worry on her face. "Excellent. But I mean, more specifically... how is the, uh... the getting erect status going?"

He grinned, secretly amused at how she was blushing slightly while trying not to show how eager she was to help him out. "Why? What would happen if I were erect?"

She stared longingly at his crotch. "Well... one of us, we could help you out."

"With your mouth, you mean?"

Her blush deepened and she turned away in embarrassment. "That's uh, one possibility." Without realizing it, she licked her lips several times as she pictured herself naked and on her knees, sucking his cock.

He said, "Cool. Thanks for the offer, but I'm fine for now. I don't need any help."

"Oh." She frowned sadly. "Are you still upset at how I interrupted you, Suzanne, and Brenda earlier? I'm really sorry about that."

"Nah. That's not it at all. I can understand how you were upset, coming straight from church and seeing that. Let's just forget all about that, okay?"

She nodded. But then she perked up a bit and resumed eye contact. "Could I bake you some cookies?"

He chuckled. "Sure. You're the best!"

After he'd enjoyed a snack, complete with oatmeal raisin cookies, Katherine came by and asked him, "Hey, Bro, don't you need some relief after all the teasing? I heard all about what happened with Aunt Suzy and Brenda and all. You must have worked up a big, creamy load."

He replied, "Nah, I'm good. It's still flaccid at the moment."

"Oh. Okay." She looked visibly disappointed, as did Susan and Suzanne, who were listening in.

He asked, "By the way, how did you hear all about that already?"

"Well, while you were off sulking, Aunt Suzy gave us all a full debriefing. Even Amy got to hear." She looked over at Amy and smiled.

Amy's return smile practically lit up the room. Obviously, she was very glad to have been included.

He asked, "And Mom wasn't upset?"

"Are you kidding me? Her story was so hot we could use it to run a power plant. Then, as soon it was over, she called up Brenda to get what I'm sure was an even hotter debriefing."

He looked over to Susan, who was puttering about in the kitchen, still close enough to overhear.

She blushed and suddenly started doing something that allowed her to turn her head away.

Suzanne was reading "When Genius Failed," a book on finance, while sprawled out on the love seat in the living room. She put the book down to comment, "You know, you need to maintain a better than average number for the rest of the week, to build up a surplus before your scouting trip next weekend."

"I'm aware of that. Thanks." He kept reading.

Suzanne looked over to the kitchen and shared a concerned look with Susan.

In a way, he was simply experimenting. Yes, his dick would become erect from time to time in the face of all their flirting, but overall he still felt sexually satiated from the previous day's extreme activity. He wanted to see just how desperate they would get, and what they'd do to entice him.

Katherine sat down next to him, picked up a section of the newspaper, and started to read it.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

He looked over at her. "Hmmm. Sis, the Business section? Really? Since when have you been reading that?"

She blushed, realizing that she'd been busted. Obviously, she wasn't seriously interested in that section of the paper; she just wanted to be near him for when his penis engorged once more. Instead of trying to defend herself, she asked, "You have the comics?"

He handed her the comics. He deadpanned, "Make sure to check out Family Circus. It's hilarious this week, as usual."

She smirked, since she knew that he found that comic strip as unfunny as she did. "Let me guess: is it the 'little Billy running all around the yard with a black line tracing his winding path' joke, or is it the 'Not Me' joke?"

He hadn't actually bothered to look at the comic, so he said, "It's a brilliant combination of the two!"

They both snickered at that. Even when things were slightly tense, he loved the camaraderie he had with his little sister.

All the women continued to linger nearby, frequently ask him how he was doing.

When his mother came over from the kitchen yet again to ask once more whether he needed any "special help," he finally lost his patience. "Geez! Give me a break already. First off, I believe I came ten times yesterday. TEN times! That's a record, and it's left me a little wiped out. Second, I've only gone a short time without any action, since Sis helped out earlier, and then I had fun with Aunt Suzy and Brenda."

Suzanne pointed out, "But all I did was stroke and suck you a little while you played with Brenda's big tits, and you didn't even cum."

He sighed with exasperation. "Think how that would sound in any other house on this street. That right there is so 'not normal'. Are you all so perpetually horny that you can't give me one more or less sex-free afternoon?"

The fact was that, yes, they all really were that horny. Susan, Suzanne, and Katherine had each found the day before to be simply incredible, though for Katherine the highlight had been her sex with Suzanne. That day had been a sexual epiphany for everyone except Alan. (It had been fantastic for him too, but in his case it was merely the latest in a never-ending series of increasingly amazing days.) The three women wanted more, like another shot of an addictive drug.

Amy had missed out on almost everything that had happened the day before, but Susan had given her the green light to help that afternoon, and she was very keen to get more involved.

Susan replied to his outburst, "Sorry. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we're really sorry. It's just that... well... to maintain your average, we have to be ever vigilant. Especially with that scouting trip coming up that could knock your average way down. It's just that we all love you, and we're really concerned."

He nodded, and thought, Sure. It's just because you're 'concerned' and it has nothing to do with the fact that you're horny. Give me a break! But between the way you're licking your lips and staring wantonly at my crotch, I'm getting a boner again. Damn!

Although she returned to the kitchen, his erection just wouldn't go away. Finally, more to maintain his average and get the women to stop bothering him than anything, he said, "Hey, Aunt Suzy? You got a minute?"

She put her book down. "Sure. What's up?"

"My dick could use a little attention. But I'm keen on reading the newspaper for a while longer. Would you mind slowly stroking me while I continue to read?"

"Not at all!" Suzanne quickly stood up. Realizing that she seemed to be too eager, she feigned relative indifference and took her time walking to where he sat. She took a seat next to him, unzipped his fly and fished out his stiff pole, but for a change kept all of her own clothes on.

Katherine put down her newspaper and complained, "Hey! What about me? Am I just a bump on a log? I can help too!"

He looked over to the kitchen and saw Susan looking back with obvious disappointment on her face. He said to them both, "Sorry, but I had to pick just one, and Aunt Suzy was the one of you who was pestering me the least."

He tried to ignore her efforts and continue to read, but the others were not so disinterested. One by one, Susan, Katherine, and Amy stopped what they were doing and came closer, drawn like moths to flame. They all sat at the table and watched every move Suzanne made. No one said a word, since they didn't want to interrupt his reading. The room was deathly quiet except for the sound of Suzanne's hand as it slid up and down his erection, slicked up as it was with his pre-cum.

Suzanne wasn't happy that Amy was there, since she didn't want her to see her mother pleasuring Alan. But she realized, Amy is around here far too often for me to be able to hide everything sexual from her. The fact is, what I'm doing now is going to be the new normal. I just have to act like it's no big deal for my daughter, and hopefully she'll treat it like no big deal. That casual attitude will work wonders for getting Susan to accept what I'm doing in front of everyone as normal too.

Sometimes, you just have to make sacrifices. The good thing is that Amy is so accepting and easy-going about everything. She probably really doesn't think it's a big deal one way or another.

Alan didn't want a handjob. He didn't want to get excited; for once he really just wanted to read the newspaper. But having the other three females watch while Suzanne stroked him eventually drove him to distraction and crazy with lust. He soon gave up on the paper and just kicked back to fully luxuriate in what Suzanne's talented hands were doing.

It didn't help that Suzanne kept lowering the front of her white dress until her almost as white boobs hung free. Then she started muttering things to him in her scratchy yet oh-so-sexy voice. "Look, Sweetie, I didn't wear a bra. You know why? Because you told us all not to. Ever! But without it, my nipples get hard and rub against the rough fabric when I think of you, even in church. In fact, the fabric is so rough that I'd better lower this dress some more."

Susan overheard this and said, "Oooh! What a good idea. Too bad I don't have buttons in the front though." That was true, because her plunging neckline practically split the front of her dress in two. "Angel, can you be a dear and unzip me in the back? Thanks. Suzanne is right: Tiger is so diabolically clever. My nipples get hard all the time with all that rough rubbing and then all I want to do is suck his cock!"

Alan looked up in time to watch his mother stand up and let her dress fall to her waist when the straps slipped off her shoulders. Then he saw the same thing happen to Amy's and Katherine's dresses, although they remained sitting.

Amy cried out with glee, "Cool beans! It's nude-y time!"

He chuckled at that. Then he looked back and forth at the eight glorious tits that were being displayed just for him, and groaned.

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