6 Times a Day

Chapter 476 Double Play-Go Amy! [Iveyflame Sponsored]

Iveyflame Special [ 4 / 6 ]


As soon as the three of them crossed the line that they'd guessed marked the start of the nude beach, the two women took off their bikini tops again.

Alan still had his hands on (and in) their butts.

Suzanne said, voicing it as a complaint but with the intent of a command, "I suppose you're going to have to play shamelessly with our tits now, Mr. Pimp."

"It's a bit hard when we're all walking," he pointed out. "Besides, I don't have enough hands." Inwardly he wondered, "Mr. Pimp?" What's that all about?

"I'm sure you'll manage," she replied. She grabbed his wrist from near her ass and guided his hand to her chest as she thought, And to think, we might even have been fucking behind those rocks over there if Susan hadn't insisted that Amy come along on this walk. It's so fucking frustrating! I've just got to get a few hours with him alone.

God DAMN Susan for keeping him on such a short leash. I thought today would be my big chance. But it hurts so good to have the anticipation build. When I finally do fuck him, he's gonna know what it means to be truly and profoundly fucked by a woman who really knows what she's doing. Watch out, big boy; you don't have even a clue about what's coming. And I know I'm going to positively die of joy when he pummels me with that marvelous cock. My Sweetie!

Alan asked Suzanne as he caressed her nearest boob, "Isn't there some kind of public indecency law we're violating or something? I mean, I've got my entire finger up Amy's ass and she's squeezing it to death, and at the same time I'm shamelessly playing with your tits. There has to be a law against that, right?"

"Probably," Suzanne conceded. "But I'm so hot that I don't give a flying fuck! ... Pardon my language, Amy."

"That's cool, Mom. But I totally know what you mean. Can we stop soon? 'Cos I really have to cum pretty badly."

"I do too, but hold on just a little further, Honey Pie. We'll find a private spot up ahead and take care of ourselves, and then we'll take care of him."

A little bit further on, when they were firmly back in nude beach territory, all three took off the rest of their clothes. They went to a secluded spot behind some rocks so that both Amy and Suzanne could have their big climaxes from his continued probing. In fact, both of them got off even before they made it all the way to their chosen spot.

They collapsed on the sand, panting hard. But Suzanne quickly got Alan standing back up (so she wouldn't have to deal with the sand), then started to lick his erection.

Amy soon joined in, licking his ass crack. Since she was kneeling behind him, Suzanne didn't notice at first. In fact, Suzanne was so consumed with her cock licking that she pretty much forgot about Amy being there altogether.

Alan felt like a king. Man, this is great! Hot damn, it feels so good! Aunt Suzy's cock licking is as great as always, but Aims is really adding a whole 'nother dimension. She's licking my ass crack so brazenly! Thank God I'm clean back there. And not only that, but I'm standing up just enough to be able to look over these rocks. I can see the crashing waves and all of nature's beauty, but nobody out there is the wiser about what's happening to me. Sweetness!

Then Suzanne went from mere cock licking to cocksucking, and Alan's pleasure doubled again.

However, after a couple of minutes, Amy wanted to try something else. She couldn't see what was happening in front, but she could tell from the slurpy suction noises that her mother had switched to bobbing on Alan's erection. She knew that her mother did that with her eyes closed, so Amy reached between his legs and began fondling his balls.

That went on for another minute or two, until Suzanne's hands, which were holding the base of Alan's shaft, finally bumped into Amy's fingers long enough to realize that they were someone else's fingers and not just his balls.

Suzanne suddenly remembered that in her cock lust she'd lost track of Amy, and it became clear where Amy was and what she was doing. Chagrined, she raised an eyebrow and stared at Amy's fingers gently massaging both of Alan's balls.

It took a lot of self-control, but Suzanne managed to pull her lips off Alan's shaft and ask her daughter, "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"Just helping out." Amy kept fondling as she talked. "You said 'we' were going to help him out. 'We.'"

Suzanne let out a heavy sigh. She wouldn't have minded at all if she was sharing with Katherine, and she would have positively loved it if she was sharing with Susan. But she was having a very difficult time thinking of her own daughter as a sexual being. So she said, "Honey Pie, you can't do that! At least, not yet. I didn't mean 'we' in that sense. We need to talk about this at home, in private, okay?"

Far from stopping, Amy began licking Alan's perineum (the "taint" between the asshole and balls), right up to her fondling fingers. "But he looks like he really needs it. I just want to help! Can't I?"


"Why not?"

"It isn't right."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "Why not?"

"It just isn't!" Suzanne was trying to focus on getting Amy to stop, but with Alan's stiff cock still just an inch from her mouth, she couldn't help but resume licking it at the same time.

"Why not?" Amy was still fondling and licking.

"Susan has a rule against this very kind of sharing thing, and we have to respect that. Okay?"

"M'kay."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Some long moments passed. Suzanne kept on licking around Alan's sweet spot with her incredible tongue, but she kept her eyes open, watching for Amy's hand to pull away. It didn't. Finally, she said, "That means now."

"Now?" Amy continued to gently play with Alan's balls.

"Are you hard of hearing? I said now! I told you, it's Susan's rule."

"Well, m'kay, I'll keep that in mind for next time. But you can't expect me to stop NOW, can you?"

"I can."

"Why? Just look how full of spermy goodness these balls are. Alan, don't you like what I'm doing?"

Alan was having a hard time not laughing. He could tell that Amy was just stalling for time, and doing a very good job of it. He played along. "Definitely!"

Suzanne exhaled in frustration. She could see that trying to stop Amy from joining in the task of helping Alan was a losing battle, but she was still fighting it at every step. She grumbled to Amy, "Not now, okay? Besides, we don't want those people to see, so we've gotta wait." She nodded towards a couple far off in the distance who were walking closer. "Okay?"

"M'kay." Amy reluctantly let go of his balls and sat back.

In fact, the distant couple was extremely unlikely to notice them, or care (except for seeing Alan standing above the rocks, seemingly alone). But Suzanne had seized on their appearance to finally get Amy to stop.

Alan remained standing, which was a minor miracle in itself, since his urge to cum had grown so great that he wanted to collapse and scream with joy. He didn't do either of those things, but he did clutch at the air dramatically, like an overemotional soccer play who had missed an easy goal. "Arrgh! You two are killing me here! I gotta cum so bad!"

Suzanne stood back up and wiped the sand off her legs. "Well then, let's hurry the rest of the way back. We're almost there anyway, and if you cum I'll bet your mom will sense it somehow and get upset. I swear, she's turned into some kind of bloodhound when it comes to your cum. I guess that makes her a cum-hound. But don't worry, we'll take care of you, soon enough."

Both Amy and Suzanne were still nearly frantic with desire, even though they'd just climaxed. The three of them hurried on since they had promised Susan that they wouldn't be gone for long.

Alan had the two women carry their own bikinis so he could play with their tits as they walked. His ego surged even more, despite the fact that the beach was nearly deserted now that they had returned to the nude section.

Amy commented on his tit play. "Hey, Mom, isn't this pretty cool? Doesn't this make you pretty horny?"

Suzanne was reluctant to admit that. "Well..."

Amy carried on, regardless. "I'm not talking about what he's doing with his hands. I mean, since we're walking and all, he can't do much but just hold our nearest titties. But it's the idea! Y'know? I mean, I've gotta admit that when Susan or Kat go off on all that submissive-y stuff, I've just been thinking 'Whatever.' Y'know? I mean, Alan's just Alan, not some superman, right?"

"Right," Suzanne agreed.

"But the way he's been parading us up and down the beach, letting everyone know that we both belong to him... Isn't that hot? I think it's super hot! Super duper lavatasticultrathermoflamoboilistically brilliant, even! I mean, walking along like this, with him holding our tits, doesn't that make you all tingly and giddy?"

"I was already feeling tingly and giddy," Suzanne replied. That was true, but she was also dodging the question.

"Me too. But don't you feel EXTRA horny, way more than if he'd just being doing it to you walking one on one?"

Suzanne realized she couldn't dodge that without lying. "I suppose."

Amy giggled. "You suppose. You're funny. Hey, Mom, you know, there's a problem. With Alan holding our tits, he can't do anything with the way his super-stiff thingy is all bouncing around. Maybe you should hold him there too."

Suzanne was going to refuse, because she didn't want things to get too sexual while Amy was there. Plus, with them walking in the open, there was a good chance others would see. But she was so extremely aroused that she threw caution to the wind.

Grinning from ear to ear, she wrapped a hand around his erection, saying, "Good point, Honey Pie. Sweetie, we wouldn't want you to damage your valuable equipment with all that bouncing. You might get, I dunno, a cock sprain or something. Do you mind?"

In fact, the bouncing had been bothering him, but he hadn't wanted to say anything about it because that could have led to him having to let go of their big tits. So he replied, "No, not at all. In fact, I was just trying to help you two out. What with all the bouncing boobies, I don't want to see you get a tit sprain."

Amy laughed. "How considerate!"

The three of them were nearly a walking orgy as they continued down the beach. They passed the occasional stranger sitting back near the cliffs, but they were having so much fun that they had no shame. Suzanne realized that she was sharing a sexual situation with her own daughter, but it wasn't anything that "serious," and since she couldn't see Amy with Alan in between, she found herself having a good time.

Alan was secretly ecstatic. I can't believe it. Aunt Suzy's totally jacking me off as we walk, AND I'm playing with Amy's tits at the same time, and I'm not getting busted for it! I know Aunt Suzy's really skittish about anything sexual happening with Amy in sight, but I can sense a kind of slippery slope that we're sliding down, and I'm all for it. It's funny that Aunt Suzy is so effective in manipulating Mom down her own slippery slope, and Aims is doing much the same thing without all the cleverness. She's just so damn persistent with her simplistic ideas and desires that it wears you down.

Go Amy!

The three of them took their hands off each other's privates when Susan finally came into view, but they were nonetheless quite a sight to see as they returned. They were panting hard, and not at all because of the walking.

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