Chapter 51: Imperial Palace (1)
The Head Professor’s office was deathly quiet. Deculein focused intently on the scroll without saying a word. The scroll was covered with various lines and circles. Epherene swallowed hard and clenched her fists, watching Deculein with tense anticipation. Her heart pounded, cold sweat trickling down her temples as her breath grew ragged.
“The knots connecting the magic circle are loose,” Deculein said, still examining the scroll. Behind him, a fountain pen floated up. “These sections here.”
The pen marked eight different spots, and he soon instructed, “Observe the difference between a secure connection and a loose one.
Sylvia compared the marked and unmarked areas with her eyes. The differences were subtle but noticeable. Epherene, for once, took his advice seriously.
“The remainder of the work meets satisfactory standards,” Deculein noted with a nod.
At that moment, Epherene felt a surge of joy rising from deep within her chest. His remark that the rest of the work was satisfactory meant he hadn’t detected her trap.
“… Hmm~”
In truth, it was only natural. Catalyst Magic involved inscribing runes onto the catalyst itself, dedicating 70% of the spell’s power to the catalyst and only 30% to the caster. It was a burden-relief technique, with 70% of the spell concealed within the catalyst.
“Proceed as you have been,” Deculein said, unaware of the trap.
Epherene couldn’t help but burst into laughter and said, “Aha-ha.”
Deculein looked back at her, and she responded with a beaming smile, “Thank you, Professor. I feel so relieved now.”
“If everything is complete, you may all leave,” he said.
“Yes, sir!” Epherene exclaimed, jumping to her feet, her face lighting up with a broad smile.
Sylvia cast a narrow-eyed glare at her, but the five of them soon left together. Once outside Deculein’s room, Sylvia muttered, “Arrogant Epherene.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Epherene replied with a laugh.
The team took the elevator down to the study room in the lower levels of the Mage Tower. Thanks to Sylvia, the room was spacious and tidy. Epherene spread the scroll out on the large table.
“Wow, the Professor is incredible. The work isn’t even half-finished, and he spotted the issue immediately,” Eurozan said.
“Yeah, I only noticed what was wrong after he pointed it out,” Daine added.
“Actually, this is pretty fun. I thought it would just be difficult, but it feels like I’m being able to see the world through magic,” Eurozan said.
Sylvia inwardly scoffed at their words about seeing the world through magic. They were so out of their depth, it was almost pathetic. It felt like an eagle watching caterpillars boast about their tiny feelers.
“Nope,” Epherene said confidently, shaking her head. “Deculein was wrong this time.”
“Arrogant Epherene,” Sylvia said, frowning as her eyebrows twitched with irritation.
“Sylvia, remember our bet?” Epherene said with a small smile as she pulled a mana stone from her pocket.
“You guys made a bet? What was it about?” Eurozan asked.
Last week, during an argument at the mansion, Epherene and Sylvia made a bet about Deculein’s skills.
“Look at this,” Epherene said, taking out the mana stone she had received as a reward from Deculein in a previous class. She had divided it into four parts for practical use and had inscribed a circuit on one of them.
“Remember what I told you before,” Epherene said, placing the mana stone on the scroll and infusing it with mana. The catalyst reacted with the intricate runes on the scroll. “He didn’t even catch my trap—”
Before she could finish, a liquid burst out, covering Epherene’s face.
“He… didn’t even… notice my trap…” she said, her words trailing off slowly.
She stumbled back, and the team blinked at her in surprise. Sticky black ink clung to her teeth and gums, coating her face entirely.
“Ah… Ah… Aaah!” she screamed as the burning sensation hit. Thrashing around, she caused her teammates to burst into laughter. “Aaaaaah!”
“Why are you, haha… like that, Epherene?”
“Aaah, gaaah!”
Only Sylvia turned her head away. She didn’t want to laugh, so she avoided looking, but her nostrils and lips kept twitching.
“Aaah, it burns!” Epherene gasped, hastily making a bowl from whatever she could find to douse her face with water.
Gurgle gurgle—
After a while, the burning sensation subsided, and she lifted her head. Her lips were swollen, and her eyelids were red as she moaned, “Ah… Ah… I’m going to die…”
Sylvia smirked and said, “Arrogant Epherene, look at this.”
Epherene struggled to open her eyes and looked where Sylvia was pointing. A glowing blue message hovered above the scroll.
Your ingenuity is deserving of commendation, albeit modest.
“Oh damn it, it’s burning again…” Epherene groaned, plunging her face back into the water.
Meanwhile, Sylvia calmly resumed her corrections. This time, she exercised more caution. Catalyst Magic was a secretive art, revealing only parts of itself.
Predicting the circuits the opponent inscribed was crucial. It required not only magical ability but also a creative and mathematical mind. To dismantle, steal, and transform an entire spell, Professor Deculein was proving to be more of a genius than Sylvia had anticipated.
Three days later, my butler Roy brought me the auction results.
Even after deducting taxes and labor costs, we netted over eighty million. Because we hosted the auction after acquiring the appraisal office, there were no fees. I transferred twenty million elne to the Hadecaine family account, hoping Yeriel would make good use of it.
“Close to one billion.”
There are still plenty of items to sell, so we can likely earn at least another one billion elne. The effectiveness of the Wealthy Magnate attribute is undeniable. Feeling satisfied, I sat down in my study and picked up the grimoires again. One massive, thick tome was titled Metal Enhancement.
This was part of my effort to upgrade Telekinesis. Previously, I lacked the necessary knowledge and mana to understand the Metal Enhancement spell. The mana consumption for Comprehension is based on my level of magical knowledge.
For example, solving calculus with elementary-level knowledge required extreme mana consumption, but with high school-level knowledge, it was somewhat reduced. Metal Enhancement was a mid-level spell that demanded enormous mana and intricate spells. It was incredibly heavy and complex, often used for fortifying massive castle walls.
Despite its simple name, it’s akin to an ultimate siege weapon. In the past, I couldn’t Comprehend the core circuits of this spell, even if I poured all my mana into it, nor did I see the need.
However, thanks to my consistent reading and magical studies, my knowledge has improved enough to partially decode the enhancement aspects of this spell. It’s a supplementary form of Metal Enhancement, composed entirely of curves without any straight lines.
Now, I plan to integrate this circuit into my Telekinesis. Naturally, I can’t replicate the original scale and performance of Metal Enhancement. Instead, I will significantly reduce its output, apply it only when Telekinesis grasps an object to minimize risk, and inscribe parts of the Metal Enhancement spell onto my Wood Steel shurikens.
“… In a way, I suppose I owe Epherene my gratitude.”
The inspiration came from her challenge three days ago, involving a Catalyst Magic that reduces my mana burden.
I engraved the circuit onto the Wood Steel shurikens. It took only thirty minutes to complete all twenty. After enhancing them with Metal Enhancement, I planned to work on Basic Restoration. This spell would grant Telekinesis the ability to restore, allowing objects manipulated by Telekinesis to recover on their own.
Such a versatile form of Telekinesis likely didn’t exist in this world. Then again, I was creating it by combining various techniques. With both Enhancement and Basic Restoration, it would become much more than just Telekinesis.
“… Restoration magic?”
A sudden thought struck me. I retrieved a pendant from my drawer. It held a photo of Epherene and her father, but his face had been erased. If I could find an expert in restoration magic, repairing this torn part would be easy. Of course, fixing it wouldn’t change much…
“It is better than doing nothing.”
The Mage Tower of the Imperial University, the tallest structure on the continent, stands at 101 floors. The floors above the 80th, referred to as the upper levels, manage the Mage Tower’s most confidential matters. Access to these levels is restricted based on a Mage Tower professor’s rank.
“Alright! Let us now commence the executive meeting of the Mage Tower of the Imperial University!”
On the 91st floor, one of the Mage Tower of the University’s highest levels, a vast meeting room occupied the entire space. Today, numerous professors had assembled for the Mage Tower’s biannual meeting.
“But first, let us celebrate some good news! Congratulations to Professor Deculein on being selected as an Imperial Palace Instructor Mage! Please join me in giving him a round of applause!”
The Chairwoman applauded while looking at me. In this tiered meeting room, she occupied the highest seat, with me seated just below her.
Clap clap clap clap—
The other professors joined in the applause, and I acknowledged them with a nod.
“Starting tomorrow, correct?! This is a great honor for our Mage Tower! Of course, someone named Louina from some kingdom was also selected, but moving on to our first agenda item, the final exams!”
Whereas the Mage Tower’s midterm exams were theoretical, the final exams were practical. Consequently, all non-elective courses required students to overcome scenarios or demonstrate their magical skills.
“As you are aware, the passing of the previous Emperor has delayed our schedule, leaving us pressed for time. If you need to book locations for exams, please submit your applications promptly!”
It served as a reminder for us to begin preparing for the exams.
“And next, you are all aware of the agenda passed in Berhert, correct? Our Mage Tower is required to support the Demon Purification. They have requested our Mage Tower for assistance, specifically asking for Head Professor Deculein!”
I looked at the Chairwoman without saying a word. She smiled slyly and asked, “You can manage this, correct?”
[Side Quest: Support the Demon Purification]
◆ Store Currency +2
“Yes,” I responded, offering no further comment.
Refusing would draw attention, and besides, handling demons was far easier for me than dealing with demonic beasts, unlike most mages.
“And we have decided to reopen the Mountain of Darkness, which has been closed until now. There is a directive for this! Additionally, the Marik Opening will commence next week!”
The professors murmured quietly. The conservative ones seemed uneasy about the current situation, but there was no avoiding it. The Empress was a radical, possessing the heart of a lion and a soul wrapped in mystery. Depending on one’s perspective, she could be seen as either an antagonist or a protagonist.
“And we’ve reviewed the professors’ research projects and papers, assessing them financially based on their expenses and income!”
The meeting, or rather the Chairwoman’s monologue, continued. Various charts floated in the air. Professors like Relin, Retlan, Siare, Fiorenz, and Rokan, who led dozens of mages, struggled financially. The newly hired professors weren’t even present at this meeting due to their lower ranks.
“With the exception of Professor Deculein, who hasn’t conducted research for three years, the rest of you have shown poor financial performance. They say that half the battle is simply showing up.”
For three years, Deculein had focused solely on lecturing. Half of the lecture fees were his, while the other half went to the Mage Tower. This arrangement generated far more revenue than any other professor’s work.
“Chairwoman, with all due respect, our research is purely academic. Therefore, evaluating it solely based on financial terms is…”
Retlan’s cautious defense was valid. The Mage Tower professors like Relin, Retlan, and Siare, despite occasionally being dismissed by me, had made and continued to make significant academic contributions. However, the cost of magic stones and the salaries of their subordinates were substantial.
“Nonsense! Are you saying pure academic pursuits don’t generate revenue?! Professor Deculein’s midterm exam, although purely academic, brought in a significant amount of money!” the Chairwoman retorted.
I quietly nodded in agreement.
“To tackle this problem, we have decided to reopen the Planning and Coordination Office after five years. We now need to appoint a director for this office. Are there any recommendations—”
I promptly raised my hand and declared, “I will assume this responsibility.”
“You are volunteering for this position, Professor Deculein?”
The Planning and Coordination Office primarily handles planning and budgeting, but my ambitions extend far beyond that.
“I asked for recommendations. Are you recommending yourself?”
“I recommend Deculein von Grahan-Yukline.”
“How shameless!”
“The charts clearly indicate that I am the most suitable candidate.”
The Deputy Minister of the Planning and Coordination Office wields considerable authority. However, my ultimate goal is to become the Chairman of the Mage Tower of the University. Adrienne will be promoted to Archmage within a year at most.
Such a powerful figure won’t remain at the Mage Tower for long. Once she leaves, I aim to take her position, which comes with substantial bonuses, including up to 1,000 mana points.
“Are there any other recommendations from the professors?!”
I fixed the professors with a menacing glare, daring any of them to challenge me. None did.
“… But if you haven’t conducted research for three years, how can you evaluate others’ research planning?”
“I understand practical research of all kinds. Moreover, this might not qualify as research, but…” I paused, surveying the room. “To my embarrassment, I’ve been deeply engrossed in problem-solving, particularly focusing on the Symposium problem.”
“Wait, Symposium problem?”
“So, you’ve been neglecting your research because of that?”
I sighed lightly and nodded, replying, “Not entirely, but my attention was somewhat diverted. However, that problem is now nearly resolved.”
The Chairwoman regarded me with a look of curiosity.
“Hmm! If you achieve such academic value and accomplishments with the Symposium, even if it’s not the Millennium, then you certainly deserve to be the Deputy Minister of the Planning and Coordination Office! But if you fail, the shame will be entirely yours!”
“… There have been such rumors circulating in the Mage Tower,” the eunuch Jolang reported to Sophien in the imperial palace study.
“Could he become the next chairman? His actions seem openly directed toward that goal,” Sophien mused.
“It seems possible, Your Majesty, but his research is currently at a standstill…” Jolang’s information was extensive and precise. Unlike a knight, he spoke freely, making him a convenient toy.
“If he solves the Symposium problem and leverages Yukline’s prestige, becoming Deputy Minister would be easy. However, becoming chairman is a different matter entirely. He would need Your Majesty’s approval,” Jolang added.
Sophien nodded and suddenly stood, leaning against the library’s windowsill. From there, she could see the Path of Humility leading to the imperial palace. It was nearly time.
At that moment, a woman approached. Her long, dark green hair seemed to absorb the surrounding light. With sharp features and tightly pressed lips, her firmly clasped robe coat reflected her resolute nature, appearing quite beautiful even to the Empress.
“Louina von Schlott McQueen!” the Empress’s voice rang out. Startled, Louina looked up at her. “Greetings!”
At the Empress’s hearty greeting, Louina quickly knelt on one knee and bowed her head, displaying utmost reverence. She remained motionless like a statue, waiting for the Empress’s gaze to shift away. Shortly after, another man appeared behind her.
The Empress called out once again, “Deculein von Grahan-Yukline!”
Deculein met Sophien’s gaze without hesitation or fear. He performed a graceful, respectful bow but did not kneel.
Sophien whispered to the eunuch behind her, “Why does he not kneel?”
“Traditionally, an instructor mage and the Empress are regarded as companions for six months to a year. While they observe proper etiquette, they do not display the extreme reverence of a subject to a sovereign, Your Majesty.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, Your Majesty. However, that’s merely tradition. In reality, he is rather insolent.”
Sophien twisted her lips at the eunuch’s flattery, then descended from the windowsill and returned to her chair. Her expression turned cold and emotionless, like a lifeless doll.
“I have chosen two of them, yet it feels bothersome. The thought of them droning on about their magic…” Sophien murmured.
“Your Majesty, we could delay their audience or turn them away at the door. It might prove to be a valuable lesson—”
“That’s enough. I have already greeted them.”
The Empress glanced at her desk, where a chessboard gleamed. She smirked and said, “I am overwhelmed by the burdens of work and have no interest in my companions’ tedious lessons today. Instead, let us play chess…”
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