Chapter 110:A night in the sewers

“It was also out of hopelessness that my human brother committed such an action.“ Huo Lei comforted Xiaomu.

“Goblins truly are cunning and filthy creatures…”

“No. Their torturing methods are far inferior when you compare them to demons that originated from the primal chaos, the trolls in particular.” Ji Bai flung his dagger outwards, stabbing it deep into the tree bark.

Huo Lei heaved a deep sigh.

“A burial would bring peace to the deceased. Let’s… bury her on the spot.” Suggested Xiaomu while restraining her tears.

Ji Bai didn’t object.


“Are we able to escape through this path, obscene middle-aged man?” Asked Lil’ Sha.  Her frail body nestling within Xiaomu’s embrace, she was looking at the silhouette walking in front of them.

“I can’t confirm that.”

“Are you still choosing your path based on instinct?”


“Heh.” Lil’ Sha revealed a helpless smile. “I really regret accepting your request back then. If I had known earlier that this would happen, I’d have never come with you, even if the remuneration is doubled…”

Even though she said those words, her tone carried little intention to blame him.

Lil’ Sha looked at the rest of her comrades: Xiaomu, who held her and was riddled with worries —Ji Bai, who steadily opened up a path in the front — And finally Huo Lei, who guarded them against surprise attacks from the flank. Although Lil’ Sha wasn’t sure of the reason why, she felt more secure at this moment than she had at any other time.

‘Is this what it feels like to have your companions’ concerns and protection? It feels surprisingly pleasant…” 

“It’s getting late. Let’s make do with this spot and spend the night here.” After examining the surroundings of the corridor with a glance, Ji Bai turned to the crowd and said.

After hearing that, Huo Lei laid down the cloth bundle he had been carrying on his back, took out a blanket and spread it on the floor.

Xiaomu carefully placed Lil’ Sha, who was still draped in the overcoat, on top of that blanket. At the same time, Ji Bai relit some torches he had seized from the goblins and hung them on four separate corners, which was just enough to light up the area they had occupied to spend the night.

“Seems like the food I brought along can barely last us through tomorrow.” After Huo Lei sorted out every piece of food that could fill their bellies from the cloth bundle, he crossed his arms and sat cross-legged on the floor, slightly vexed.

“I’d even thought that I was bringing too much food and water with me before…”

“To prevent goblins and other creatures from attacking at night, Huo Lei, you and I should take turns to be on night watch.” Ji Bai returned after setting down the final torch.


Lil’ Sha had her eyes semi-opened while draped in Ji Bai’s overcoat. They were devoid of any expression, making it unknown what she was thinking about.

It is currently the middle of winter. Although demons were not that particularly fearful of the cold as humans were, they would still get a series of chills from it.

The clothes that Lil’ Sha was originally wearing were ragged to the point that they had already lost the ability to resist low temperatures.

“Whoosh.” Ji Bai piled up the combustible materials he had brought along with him and used a torch to set them on fire. Warmness emanated outwards, acting like a shield that dispersed some of the cold.

Huo Lei then stringed together some rations and ready-to-eat meat onto skewers, planning to place them on a firing rack to give them some light grilling.

The rations, as well as the ready-to-eat meat sprinkled with some salt, were made with no thought as to their tastes. After all, the only thing that everyone was thinking about was how to make good use of their food to fill their stomach.

“Uhm… Mr Ji?” Asked Xiaomu coyly in an attempt to feel out Ji Bai’s reaction.

“Mhm?” His iron helmet turned in Xiaomu’s direction.

“I’m sorry for my words earlier…”

“What words?” Ji Bai tilted his head in confusion, not knowing what Xiaomu was referring to.

“”T-That’s… when I said that Mr. Ji Bai was too ruthless…”

“No matter, it’s the truth anyway.” Ji Bai shook his head and returned to maintaining silence.

“…To tell you the truth, this is the first time I’ve accepted a mission since I joined the chivalric order a year ago.” Said Xiaomu in a somewhat embarrassed manner while stroking her hair.


“I’m clueless with a lot of things, choosing to rely on my shallow and subjective viewpoint to interpret and pass judgment…


“So, I ask Mr. Ji to bear with me…”


“To be humiliated and tortured by goblins in such a manner… Even if it were me, I guess I’d have lost the courage to live on. Perhaps, living was truly a form of suffering for her.”


“Seeing the looks of all of you, it mustn’t be the first time you’ve gone out adventuring, right? You guys have clearly just joined the order less than a month ago…”


“Uhm, Mr Ji?”

“You can stop, that guy has fallen asleep already.” Lil’ Sha, who sat next to her, patted Xiaomu’s shoulders.

Despite their overt actions, they could only see the figure wearing a metal helmet continuing to lean still against the wall with his arms crossed.

Xiaomu was slightly stunned.

As everyone present in the scene turned silent, they could faintly hear breathing noises reverberating from the metal helmet at a regular pace.

“This obscene middle-aged man, he’s able to fall asleep even in such a situation… I truly take my hat off to him.” Mumbled Lil’ Sha to herself.

“I guess he’s very exhausted. I’ll keep watch for the first half of the night. You two should also rest soon, we’ll think of ways to leave this place again tomorrow.”  Huo Lei formed a smile on his wrinkle-filled face.

“Seriously! I can’t even take a bath and my body is all slimy…” Said Lil’ Sha with a sigh. Looking at the rusted pipes that lined the ceiling, she tried her best to not give the horrible experience of today a second thought. But no matter what, she couldn’t clear her mind enough to fall asleep.

Bored-stiff, she turned her gaze towards Ji Bai in the corner, who had fallen asleep with his arms crossed.

The man, who gave off an extremely unreliable and indecent impression in his everyday life, had actually behaved like a fish back in water in such a crisis-ridden place. His various reactions and handling methods were so proficient that they resembled those of an experienced hunter, not to mention his frightfully calm demeanor. It made her wonder what his previous occupation and past had been like.

Her body began to warm up.

Wrapped in Ji Bai’s overcoat, Lil’ Sha watched the bonfire before her until it gradually turned illusory.

Along with the haziness of her vision, a spate of sleepiness came over her.


“Little sister Sha? Little sister Sha?”

A fine whisper intruded into Lil’ Sha’s weak consciousness.

“Ugh…L-Let me sleep for another minute, just another minute, okay~?” Lil’ Sha pouted and wrapped her ‘quilt’ around her body more tightly. Her tiny face was still red from the sleep.

“That won’t do. Mr Ji said we have to leave quickly. A goblin’s nose is very sensitive; They will find us sooner or later.” Said Xiaomu in a somewhat helpless manner while shaking Lil’ Sha.

“Uuu~ I don’t wanna get up~ If they want to come, let them… It’s still too early, all I want to do right now is sleep. Don’t disturb me…” Lil’ Sha, who usually got severely grumpy when she had poor sleep, flew into a fury when her biological clock was interrupted.

“My brother, how is the situation ahead of us?”

“There’s a fork in the path not too far ahead.” Answered Ji Bai as he returned from assessing the situation. After casting his gaze onto Lil’ Sha, he walked towards her, who was still hanging onto the blanket and refusing to get up.

“Umu, sniff, sniff… Iya! Are the g-goblins here!”  Lil’ Sha instantly quivered as she felt something cold intruding into her ‘quilt’.

“…What? Did you put some stick-shaped object inside, obscene middle-aged man? I-It’s so hard… Eh?” Lil’ Sha was slightly shocked as she pulled a straight cat-toy out of her blanket.

“My cat-toy… Were you the one who picked it up?”

“Mhm.” Responded Ji Bai as he tidied up his rucksack.

“Thank-… Hmph, I offer you slight thanks then.” Lil’ Sha was no longer sleepy after going through such an ordeal. After unhappily putting away the cat-toy, she stood up and, with the overcoat draped over her, let out a leisurely yawn.

“Breakfast.” Ji Bai handed her a few chunks of ration.

“Hey, are you not eating?”

“I already ate.” Was Ji Bai’s short answer.

“Can I wash my face and rinse my mouth a little?”

“Water is very precious in extraordinary times.” He slightly lowered his iron helmet.

“Alright… I understand. It doesn’t matter since my body has already gotten this dirty anyway.”

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