Chapter 101 I'm meeting with All-Father again?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc II


(POV: Akashic Records)

After what felt like an eternity, Stellaria finally released Isadora from her merciless cage, causing her to collapse onto the cold, hard ground. Lumiere and Serena rushed to her side, concern etched on their faces as they helped her up.

Lumiere's eyes burned with rage as he turned to Stellaria, his voice dripping with frustration. "Why would you even do this?" he demanded, his tone icy and filled with righteous indignation.

Stellaria, still unclothed and unabashed, simply shrugged her delicate shoulders, her voice dripping with nonchalance.

"She was being a nuisance. I just wanted to teach her a lesson," she replied casually, her words carrying a hint of sadistic pleasure.

Serena, her anger simmering just beneath the surface, shot Stellaria a withering glare. She had expected this from the seductive enchantress, and yet the sight still filled her with boiling rage.

Lumiere, slowly began to understand why Serena of all people, would easily be provoked by Stellaria's actions.

"Jeez." He sighed deeply.

"We should head to All-Father already..." Lumiere said wearily, his gaze fixed on Stellaria. "But for the sake of decency, could you at least put on some clothes?" Lumiere pleaded, his voice tinged with exasperation.

Stellaria laughed playfully, her legs still spread wide open, causing Lumiere's cheeks to flush ever so slightly.

"Nudity is usual for my kind," she taunted teasingly.

Lumiere's patience waned, and he retorted, "Not here it isn't."

Isadora, now standing beside Lumiere, voiced her disapproval, her voice filled with disdain. "I already don't like her," she declared harshly, her eyes locked with Stellaria's with a fiery intensity.

Stellaria's grin widened, revealing her pearly white teeth.

"Well, that makes two of us," she quipped.

"Just open the damn portal already, Stellaria," Serena snapped, her words laced with frustration.

Stellaria smiled. "Anything for you little sister."

Stellaria gracefully rose from her reclined position.

A black material, as dark as night, enveloped her delicate form, hugging her moist vagina and veiling her pert nipples, adorning her plump breasts.

With a flourish, she extended her hand, her slender fingers taut with power, and unleashed her sub-skill, [Spatial Entry].

The very fabric of reality rippled and groaned, giving birth to a resounding boom that reverberated through the inn, threatening to shatter the tranquility within.

Lumiere, his eyes widening in alarm, rushed to her side, his voice filled with trepidation.

"Stellaria, are you trying to get us caught?" he hissed, his voice heavy with concern.

Stellaria's lips curled into an impish smile, her laughter tinkling like wind chimes on a breeze.

"Oops," she said in mock innocence, her voice dripping with amusement. "My bad. Or maybe, not so bad," she teased.

Exasperated, Lumiere ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply.

"Stellaria, please," he implored. "I can't afford any more unwanted attention."

"Sure. But it's not like any person in this city?s on your level. What do they wanna do... kill you?" she laughed finding the thought of it amusing.

As the two talked, Serena, still simmering with anger, remained silent, her gaze averted as she crossed her arms defiantly.

Lumiere, sensing the blistering fury that radiated from her, offered a feeble apology.

"I'm sorry, Serena," he murmured under his breath.

Isadora, unable to contain her indignation any longer, interjected with a voice sharp as a whip, "And what about me, Lumiere? Am I an afterthought as well?"

Lumiere winced, his bad day compounded by the mounting grievances of the women around him.

"I'm sorry, Isadora," he muttered, exhausted. "Everything seems to be going wrong today."

Stellaria, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire.

With a smug grin, she leaned towards Serena, her voice dripping with honeyed venom.

"Oh, Serendipity, how cute. Are you jealous?" she taunted, her words a mere flicker of fire meant to ignite a blazing inferno.

Serena's fists tightened.

At this point, Lumiere progressively turned pale.

"This is bad," he groaned.


The world of nothing but white.

Lumiere and his entourage materialized in the presence of All-Father.

The distinguished figure, clothed in regal white garments and crowned with a resplendent golden ruby tiara, exuded an air of both wisdom and authority. His long white hair and beard cascaded gracefully down his regal figure, lending an air of majesty to his appearance.

"Ah, Lumiere," All-Father's voice boomed with a hint of warmth, "it's been quite some time."

Lumiere grinned and retorted, "Ten years isn't really a while, you know."

The old yet handsome man chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement, and replied, "Perhaps not for mortals like yourself, but for me, time holds a different meaning."

As if the very fabric of space obeyed All-Father's command, the once-distant figure immediately drew near, the distance between them erased in an instant.

Chairs manifested in front of them, beckoning for them.

Isadora, her confusion palpable, turned to Lumiere and whispered, "What's going on?"

All-Father, his voice tinged with patience, responded with a smile, "Ah, another one of Lumiere's companions, I presume?"

Isadora nodded, feeling the powerful presence emanating from All-Father, and instinctively bowed her head in reverence.

All-Father chuckled softly.

"No need for formalities, my dear. Please, take a seat."

Stellaria, her eyelids heavy with boredom, let out an exaggerated yawn before sinking into one of the chairs.

Serena, always the picture of elegance, silently settled into her own seat.

Lumiere, eager to introduce Isadora to All-Father, leaned towards her and whispered, "This is All-Father, the one who bestowed upon me a great portion of my powers."

Isadora, now seated, nodded in understanding.

All-Father, ever the gentleman, placed a hand over his heart and mockingly expressed offense.

"Hurtful, Lumiere," he said with a feigned wounded expression. "Am I really nothing more than a power-giver to you?"

Lumiere chuckled, ruffling his own hair in a playful manner, as he added, "Oh, and did I mention he's also my father-in-law?"

Isadora turned pale, her eyes widening in shock. "Eh?"

Isadora stood frozen, her eyes widening as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"He's really your father-in-law?"

Lumiere nodded in response.

"So this is Serena?s father then...?"

Lumiere and Serena confirmed with a nod.

"Also her father...?" she pointed at Stellaria.

Lumiere, Serena, and Stellaria nodded in unison.

Isadora's mind was racing as she struggled to process everything.

"So, he's like a god or something?" she blurted out.

Lumiere, Serena, Stellaria and All-Father nodded at once.


The group exchanged glances before All-Father, with a knowing smile, confirmed, "Indeed, my dear, well... a Supreme God to be precise."

Lumiere and Isadora exchanged puzzled looks.

"Supreme God?" Lumiere questioned, seeking clarification.

Just as Serena was about to explain, Stellaria interjected.

"Usually, the rankings for beings go like this: Apprentice, Normal, High, Great, Supreme, and Emperor."

Lumiere nodded, a spark of understanding in his eyes.

"So, that means All-Father's almost on par with a God Emperor?"

All-Father nodded, but then dismissed the notion. "Ah, on the Welkin Continent, only the gods hold the title of God Emperor. But that's not important for now."

Applying pressure to his interlaced fingers, All-Father leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Lumiere.

"What bothers me is the fact that you haven't ascended to the rank of Apprentice God yet," he said, his tone serious.

Lumiere shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well, it's quite a hassle, you know."

All-Father burst into laughter, his booming voice filling the white world.

"Ah, Lumiere, my boy, you never fail to amuse me. Well, it's fine I suppose... if you want to die that is."

There was a moment of silence before Lumiere's eyes widened, and he stammered, "Eh?"

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