Chapter 104 I avoided a foursome...? (R-18)

Holy Sword Tournament Arc II


(POV: Lumiere)

In the night, an air of secrecy infused the room as Stellaria, Serena, Isadora, and I gathered around the cozy confines of the bed, our voices hushed in intense conversation.

I revealed to them my plan: ordering Umbra, my ruthless summon, to execute Duke Veltuor.

The moment those words escaped my lips, a symphony of reactions unfolded before me.

Isadora's brows shot up in astonishment, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"You... you actually commanded Umbra to take the Duke's life?" Her voice hid excitement behind its shock.

Serena's face was a painting of astonishment, her cobalt eyes shimmering like moonlit waters.

"So, that means the threat against the crown prince has been eradicated," she murmured softly, a hint of relief coloring her words.

Amidst the chorus of reactions, Stellaria's confusion was palpable, her mind struggling to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"Hm?" she uttered, her voice laced with bewilderment. "What's happening?"

With a reassuring smile, I gently brushed off Stellaria's concerns.

"It's nothing to worry about," I assured her, concealing the tumultuous machinations that churned beneath my composed visage.

As the discussion continued to unfold, our minds intertwined in desperate strategizing.

Isadora daringly suggested we eliminate Bluestella as well.

But my instincts cautioned me against such a swift decision.

"Bluestella may no longer pose a threat to the crown prince," I admitted, pausing to gather my thoughts. "Umbra's reports suggests she's lost interest in his demise. Instead of eliminating her, we could use her weakened resolve to our advantage."

A yawn escaped from Stellaria's lips, betraying her growing boredom as the discussion delved further into complex schemes and motives. Her eyes glazed over, perhaps unable to comprehend the intricate webs we had spun.

In straightforward terms— she didn't give a damn.

"Besides, if we could get her to confess... she'd either meet her demise or be exiled for treason. However, given the king's benevolence, the latter outcome is more likely." (Lumiere)

I couldn't even imagine killing Jericho?s mother.

Undeterred by the vastness of our situation, Serena spoke with a voice of foresight and caution.

"Bluestella isn't one to easily succumb to pressure. If she would kill her own maid to conceal the truth, she won't yield to mere persuasion."

I raised my head, my eyes narrowed slowly, as I responded to Serena?s question. "If it comes down to it, I'll do whatever it takes to uncover the truth," I declared, my voice infused with quiet resolve. "Even if it means subjecting her to unimaginable pain."

Stellaria let out a small yawn, her eyelids drooping with weariness. "I'm getting tired," she mumbled, her words barely audible.

Serena rolled her eyes at Stellaria's display of exhaustion. "Not now, Stellaria," she chided, her voice tinged with impatience. "This is important."

Serena turned her gaze towards me. "It seems you trust Umbra quite a bit," she observed, her voice laced with curiosity.

A playful smile crept across my face as I pondered Serena's comment. "I suppose I do," I admitted, a hint of mischief in my voice. "But can you blame me? He's proven time and time again that he's my most capable spirit."

Isadora's eyes widened in realization, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and confusion. "So, Umbra is... made from my spirit particles, right?" she asked.

A nervous chuckle escaped my lips as I tried to downplay the revelation. "Well, it's possible," I replied, my voice betraying my unease. "But who's to say, really? Let's just focus on this."

Suddenly, as Isadora uttered those words, a flash of memory surged through my mind. The enigmatic girl I had encountered not long ago, claiming to be Isadora's sister. I opened my mouth to speak, but a hesitation gripped me. No, it was best to keep that information to myself for now. If Isadora had something to share, she would do so in her own time. This unspoken bond of trust was too fragile to be tampered with.

And just like the unspoken agreement between the grygans and me, where they never questioned me about my family and I never brought it up, I knew that maintaining this delicate balance was essential.

Secrets had their place, even in a world of fierce loyalty and unwavering resolve.

Isadora's eyes glittered with contemplation as she emitted a thoughtful hum, her fingers tracing an imaginary pattern on her chin. "But wouldn't the death of the Duke cripple the progress of the tournament?"

I took a deep breath, my face etched with weariness as I weighed her words. "You're right," I sighed, running a hand through my silky long hair. "It would certainly stagnate my chances of becoming a noble."

Serena, her eyes ablaze with intrigue, raised an elegant eyebrow. "So, that was the reason you joined the tournament?" she inquired, her voice filled with calculated interest.

I scratched my cheek, a faint blush creeping up as I struggled to find the right words. "Well, yes," I stammered, my voice laced with embarrassment. "But that's not the only reason."

Serena's cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink, her porcelain skin matching the color of a blooming cherry blossom. "Oh?" she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper, surprised by my admission.

Nervously, I ventured forth, my words laced with anxious anticipation. "I also wanted to take first place," I confessed, a hint of determination seeping into my voice. "So that I could make another Holy Sword for you to use."

Serena's eyes widened, her lips parting in a silent gasp. Her gaze flickered between me and the ground, unable to meet my intense gaze. "Either way," she murmured, her voice barely audible, "it was sweet of you."

As if to break the tension, Stellaria, always the playful one, couldn't resist teasing. "How cute," she chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Serena shot Stellaria an admonishing glare, her face a mix of embarrassment and affection. But to me, her reaction was nothing short of adorable.

And then, in a surprising turn of events, Serena crawled on the bed, the fabric of her outfit stretching against her curves, accentuating her ample cleavage. Her breasts swayed enticingly from side to side as she leaned in, her lips brushing my cheek in a delicate kiss. "Thank you," she whispered, her breath warm against my skin.

Thankfully, she wasn't angry anymore.

I didn't know what history Serena and Stellaria had between them, but it didn't seem like a good one.

I gasped, my eyes widening in surprise at Isadora's bold actions. She stretched her arms languidly and a mischievous grin spread across her face, a glint of mischief in her eyes. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched her gently cup her breasts, her fingers sensually massaging them, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. The room grew thick with tension as Isadora's arousal expedited, her moans escaping her lips in soft gasps.

Just as I was about to lose myself in the intoxicating scene before me, Isadora paused, her eyes locked with mine. "Since it's the night before the tournament," she said in a sultry voice, her words lingering in the air, "wouldn't you like to have some fun with us until then?"

Before I could respond, Serena leaned in, her lips pressing against mine in a hungry kiss. Her warm breath tickled my ear as she whispered, her voice laced with desire, "I can't wait to see what we can do together." Her teeth gently nipped at my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine.

Stellaria, always the curious one, smiled and spoke up. "I must say, I'm quite interested in this," she purred, her eyes gleaming with a telltale mischief. She began to crawl towards me, her movements predatory and enticing.

However, before Stellaria could get any closer, Serena's protective instincts kicked in. She grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me towards her, my face nestled against her ample breasts.

Isadora positioned herself in front of both of us, a stern expression on her face as she calmly addressed Stellaria. "I'm sorry, but you're not involved in this," she declared with a hint of possessiveness.

The room grew tense as an argument ensued throughout the night. Isadora stood her ground, protecting me from Stellaria's advances. In the end, we didn't end up indulging in our desires, but the tension that lingered in the air held promise for what was to come.

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