Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 96 I encountered another demon spirit...?

Chapter 96 I encountered another demon spirit...?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc II


(POV: Akashic Records)

Once again adorned in his Black attire, Lumiere strode down the dimly lit corridor the coliseum, his steps echoing against the stone walls.

He passed a mysterious figure cloaked in black robes.

He barely spared her a glance, dismissing her strange presence as inconsequential.

However, much to his surprise, the woman, Lirien, abruptly halted, turning her head to face him.

With her always dull voice, she spoke.

".....Do you know Isadora.....?" (Lirien)

Lumiere halted in his tracks.

"(Isadora? How does she know her?)" (Lumiere)

"Isadora? And who might that be?" (Lumiere)

"....It is Isadora...." (Lirien)

As always, Lirien was vague and devoid of emotion.

Adjusting his mask Lumiere furrowed his brow.

"That's too vague." (Lumiere)

Continuing his stride, Lumiere believed the conversation had come to an end.

"....Isadora, is a demon spirit...." (Lirien)

Her words stopped him in his tracks once more.

"Anything else?" (Lumiere)

"....Isadora is my sister...." (Lirien)

Lumiere nodded, a trace of indifference seeping into his tone.

"Good for you," he muttered, not bothering to turn and face her.

"....Do you know her....?" (Lirien)

"I've never heard that name in my life." (Lumiere)

"....Liar...." (Lirien)

"..." (Lumiere)

"....You smell like her... her mana, it's all over you...." (Lirien)

"Okay." (Lumiere)

Calmly and with an air of indifference, Lumiere slowly walked away.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The echoing sound of his footsteps booming again.

"....I see...." Lirien spoke, her voice laced with bloodlust.

In the blink of an eye, Lirien appeared right in front of Lumiere, her movements faster than any mortal eye could follow.

With a deadly grace, she unsheathed her blade, poised to deliver a fatal strike to Lumiere's exposed neck.

"Hm?" (Lumiere)

Just as swiftly, Lumiere's hand shot out, gripping his tsurugi, <<Demon Blade, Benimaru>>, and without even glancing in Isadora's direction, he intercepted her deadly blade.


The clash between their swords sent shockwaves reverberating through the corridor, creating an explosive burst of air that resonated like a cannon, shaking the very foundations of the coliseum.

Sparks danced through the darkness as their weapons collided, illuminating the intensity of their confrontation.

"Will that be all?" (Lumiere)

"....Yes...." (Lirien)

The two withdrew their swords.

Quietly, Lumiere walked away, not bothering to say anything more.


Lirien reached into the her robe, retrieving a shimmering crystal.

Infusing it with her mana, it revealed a holographic projection of Vyndariel.

"What seems to be the problem, my dear Lirien?"

Vyndariel's voice echoed with a soothing and authoritative tone.

"....I think I've found Isadora...." (Lirien)

The holographic image leaned in, its presence serene yet attentive.

"Have you managed to capture her?" (Vyndariel)

Lirien shook her head.

"....No, I'll save her for last...." (Lirien)

"And what of Valtara?s heart? How do the proceedings fare?" (Vyndariel)

A thoughtful expression settled upon Lirien's features as she pondered her next move.

"....I have two options...." (Lirien)

Vyndariel nodded, awaiting her alternatives.

"....I could either force the archbishop to remove the sword from the heart or win the contestants in a fair duel to claim it...." (Lirien)

Vyndariel's face brightened with a knowing smile.

"Knowing you... you'd prefer the latter." (Vyndariel)

"....As a Battle God, it is my duty to uphold honor in tournaments such as these...." (Lirien)

For most Battle Gods, the fair and square approach was the only way to achieve true victory.

"No matter, I've sent aid to assist you." (Vyndariel)

Lirien's eyebrows furrowed in mild annoyance.

"Don't give me that look... you don't make the rules here." (Vyndariel)

"....I can handle myself...." (Lirien)

Stroking his chin as he smiled smugly, Vyndariel shrugged.

"Doesn't matter, just focus on your job." (Vyndariel)


The 2nd round of the tournament.

The atmosphere charged with excitement and anticipation.

Fanatio, no longer occupying the VIP section, was amidst the lively bleachers, her eyes fixed on the current battle.

"Hmph! They both have small pee-pees." (Fanatio)

As she observed the fierce clashes, a figure approached from behind - it was Ress, the adventurer Lumiere disgraced.

He walked confidently.

"How are you doing today, little lady?" (Ress)

Fanatio turned to face him, her expression reserved yet tinged with intrigue.

"I'm fine," she responded politely, her voice measured. "But please, refrain from calling me 'little lady'."

Ress raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.

"Isn't that what you are?" (Ress)

"I am not small, dear Ress. It's merely that you are rather... big." (Fanatio)

"I suppose you're right." (Ress)

"But I suppose your... physique may not reflect your pee-pee size." (Fanatio)

Ress blinked in surprise and confusion, his mind struggling to comprehend her words.

"Eh?" (Ress)

Fanatio folded her arms and turned her gaze to the side, dismissing the topic with a wave of her hand.

"Never mind." (Fanatio)

She decided to redirect the conversation.

"Congratulations on making it to the main round. It seems you've proven your mettle." (Fanatio)

"Don't talk like I'm weak," he retorted, a hint of pride coloring his words. "Black was just exceptionally strong."

Fanatio nodded in understanding.

"Indeed. But I must warn you, Fanatio, there's another competitor in this tournament who possesses equal strength. Her name is Lirien." (Ress)

"Hmm... how come I haven't heard of her?" (Fanatio)

"That's because her preliminary rounds took place a day to yours. She won every fight effortlessly, without even unsheathing her sword. But strangely, all her opponents had sword wounds." (Ress)

"I see... a bit similar to Black." (Fanatio)

Fanatio opened her eyes and smiled as she turned to face Ress. "The third round is a crucial one," she began, her voice filled with anticipation.

Ress, intrigued by her statement, asked, "Why's that?"

With a knowing look, Fanatio explained, "Black will be facing off against Garret of the Knights of the Cross."

Ress raised an eyebrow. "Isn't he the knight who took down the Dark Mage, Insidius Black?" he asked.

Fanatio shrugged slightly, her focus on the upcoming battle.

"I wouldn't know about that," she replied nonchalantly. "But what I can tell you is that Garret is known for his exceptional strength and formidable skills with a blade."

"Is that so?" he retorted, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"I've also heard rumors of his... large... pee-pee." (Fanatio)

A mix of surprise and confusion appeared on Ress' face.

"Well, I wouldn't put too much stock in those rumors," Ress replied, trying to regain his composure.

As they spoke, the attention turned to the arena where Black and Garret made their grand entrance. The coordinator's voice echoed through the air, announcing the commencement of the third round.

"Black may be skilled, but Garret has the advantage in terms of pure physical strength and superior equipment," he noted.

Fanatio nodded in agreement, her eyes fixed on the two combatants. "Indeed," she conceded, her voice calm but determined. "However, Black possesses unparalleled speed, precision, and accuracy. It will be an intriguing battle to witness."

Ress acknowledged her words with a slight smirk. "We shall see."

Meanwhile, Genevieve was engaged in a conversation with Skum, the seasoned better.

"Did you place your bet on Black as usual?" she asked with a curious smile.

Skum chuckled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Of course," he replied confidently.

"It's unfortunate." (Genevieve)

"Huh? Why's that?" (Skum)

Genevieve shrugged. "Garret has better equipment and strength, he'll win."

"Oh, how adorable... Black is my sugar mommy, he'll win." Skum adjusted his spectacles.

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