Chapter 1772 Spirit Fusion
Tang Shaoyang nodded, “Post Zero is the closest post to the Void Gate. The first post that will be in contact with the Void Creature.”
Captain Barome widened his eyes slightly, frowning deeper. He finally understood why the young administrator spent his night drinking. The young administrator was gathering information by himself from the mercenary or else Tang Shaoyang would not know about the post since this was his first time here.
Barome looked at Tang Shaoyang in a new light, but it did not mean he would agree with the request. He shook his head, “Unfortunately, I can’t grant your request because I am not the person in charge of the post-assignment.”
“However, I can convey your request to Commander Edson. But before that, I will ask you again. Do you really want to be assigned to Post Zero?”
He noticed that many of the young administrator’s subordinates appeared to be nervous when he explained about The Post Zero. It was clear that it was Tang Shaoyang’s decision, not the team’s decision to make the request.
“Yes. Please relay my request to Commander Edson.” Tang Shaoyang nodded.
“Alright. I will convey your request to Commander Edson right away.” Barome left the house to meet his superior directly instead of sending a message. It was to give the team the time to discuss among themselves.
“We haven’t discussed this yet, and I don’t think our team is ready for Post Zero yet!” Khaya was more knowledgeable than everyone else in the room and challenged the idea of being assigned the post zero.
“Post Zero is the post closest to the Void Gate, the area with severe contamination of the Void Energy. Our team can’t survive in that environment, let alone effectively fighting the Void Creature.”
Tang Shaoyang listened to Khaya and made sure to listen to her until the end, “I understand your concern, but you don’t need to worry about the contaminated area because I will cleanse the area and make sure it’s safe for my team.”
“Most importantly, the post zero is the most ideal post for us. Do you forget the condition of the reward? I need to kill one million Void Creatures to receive the maximum reward. The best place to achieve one million kills is at the post-zero. Tell me I am wrong, Khaya?”
Khaya opened her mouth, and she could not find anything to retort. The reason she came here was for her three Junior Administrators to be promoted to Senior Administrator. It was to make a firm foundation for the Daenelis Clan in the Administrator Space. The ideal place to reach one million kills was the post-zero.
“I agree, but I think we need more explanation about this post zero…” Ira raised her hand and interjected. While most of them got the gist of what post zero meant, they wanted a detailed explanation. How close the post was to the Void Gate, how Tang Shaoyang would cleanse the contaminated area, and more.
The Admin Helper was obviously nervous when they heard that post zero was the closest post to the Void Gate. The nervousness turned into fear after hearing Khaya explain what post zero meant.
“If you are worried, I have a way to increase your power temporarily. Good enough for you to kill a Void Creature in on one-on-one fight.” He beckoned his finger at Ira, “Come here.”
Ira was confused, but she fully trusted Tang Shaoyang. That was the reason why he chose Ira. He placed his palm on her back and activated Spirit Fusion, picking Aerelion for the testing. The Infernal Wyvern King might fit with Ira than the calamity spirits he got from the first special mission.
Ira had her eyes closed and sensed the strange flow entering her body. To her surprise, the flow was comforting and warm. She did not sense any pain or anything, in fact, it was weirdly comforting.
Everyone saw Ira transformed before their eyes. Her white milky skin turned into black scales, her eyes turned dark purple, her height surpassed Tang Shaoyang, the horns, and the pair of wings on her back. They could tell it was kind of a dragon as if Ira was using her Bloodline Transformation. However, everyone except for the elves knew that Ira did not have a dragon bloodline.
Ira had not noticed the external changes, but she quickly noticed the change inside her body. She sensed someone else inside her body with her. That terrified her until it spoke to her.
[Don’t need to be scared, little girl. I am one of your captain’s servants, and my presence here is to make you stronger.]
She was panicking even though the voice told her not to worry and was about to tell everyone there was a voice inside her. It wasn’t until she noticed that everyone in the room looked at her weirdly? Their expressions varied, some of them confused, some of them amazed, and some of them worried, concerned. It was until Nayla brought up a mirror out of nowhere and put it in front of her face.
Her dark purple eyes dilated in shock at the change in her appearance. She was about to question her captain until the voice in her spoke again, telling her to calm down and reminding her of what her captain told her before the change. It was a way to increase his power temporarily. Only then did she open her window status and was surprised with the change.
She only has one stat in the God Rank, and one stat close to the God Rank. The remaining three stats were still in Primordial Rank. She focused her stats on Agility, and then Vitality while spreading the remaining stats equally. Now she found out that all her stats were in the God Rank, and her agility surpassed one hundred stars in the God Rank.
It was then followed with strange information, ‘No! It’s a memory.’ A memory played in her mind and was surprised to find out that she was seeing a wyvern. The memory then turned into information about most of the skills from the wyvern.
She was astounded with the marvel of her change. It was as if another life inside her and as if she was experiencing another life. Her mouth opened, turning toward Tang Shaoyang slowly. Her stiff movement was like a robot followed by her mouth, opened and closed. She wanted to say something, but she did not know what to say. It was more like she was afraid to ask what happened, afraid that her captain did not want to explain how the skill worked. It was after all one of his big secrets.
“I think that should be enough for you to win against a Void Creature. What do you think, Ira?”
The person in question was confused at first, distracted and confused. It took her some time to process the question before she absentmindedly nodded her head furiously and replied cheerfully.
“I think so too. I think I can take down one Void Creature.”
“Me too! Me too! Can you change me too, Boss? How about turning me into a phoenix?” Castor noticed the dragon characteristic in Ira. He thought Tang Shaoyang could transform him into a mythical creature.
[Don’t you dare confuse me with this idiot! Don’t you dare or I might try to destroy his body! Anyone else but this idiot!]
The only phoenix spirit in Tang Shaoyang’s armory immediately refused to be in one body with Castor. The flat refusal from Baccara caught Tang Shaoyang off guard, not expecting to see this side of the Black Phoenix. The usually aloof phoenix lost her composure right after Castor made his request.
“Unfortunately, the phoenix doesn’t want to share a body with you, Castor.” Tang Shaoyang chuckled, amused by the straight refusal from Baccara.
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