
The next morning arrived in the blink of an eye, and my room felt colder than I remember, the winter was getting closer and closer, and I started to regret having slept with the windows open. There was barely any sunlight coming out, but the greenery around seemed unfazed.

I wonder if they’ll suffer through the winter, or they will be fine. Now that they’re magical plants, I would assume they would be better than usual, right? And seeing how there are ice elemental plants, perhaps I could begin harvesting different things, or well, growing different things too.

But that also depends if I need to use them, like, that use would there be on making ice and winter-based magic plants… Unless I can grow stronger out of them. perhaps use them to craft ice-resistance concoctions, that would be interesting.

Or maybe just boost my growth too, I had been considering delving a lot into IRL alchemy and hastening the growth of my magic circle and physique through them, aside from rune engravement and physical exercise, there should be other options as well.

But for now, time to wake up.

“Mark? Wake up honey…”

I hugged him as I kissed his cheeks, slowly, he opened his sleepy eyes.

“Ah… D-did I overslept? My bad…”

“No, no, it’s fine, are you feeling better?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Was just tired. Can’t believe the exhaustion of BNLO just passed into our bodies somehow.”

“A bit, yeah. Maybe because of the synchronization between the body and the Avatar becoming stronger… Anyways, want some breakfast?”

“Sure, let me help too, can’t let you do everything.”

“Okay, then can you make waffles? You know how to prepare the batter?”

“I sure do, leave it to me.”

We woke up at roughly nine in the morning, it was a nice and comfy morning as usual. My daughter Monica was fast asleep, Anna and Elisa were staying for the weekend here, so they were also in their rooms.

They usually wake up at like twelve in the morning, or eleven at the earliest. Can’t blame them, I used to love waking up ultra late when I was younger. Just sleeping and not caring about anything, I miss that feeling a little bit.

Once we’re finally done with the Luminous Kingdom and the Demon King of Death, I’m definitely taking some big vacations and just chilling for several months, I hope I don’t get assaulted by random monsters IRL though.

Ah, I better not say that out loud to not jynx it.

Though I think I was wrong.


Because the smell of waffles actually woke all the girls at nine and thirty in the morning!

“I smell waffles…” said my daughter. “Oh, good morning…” she yawned.

“I am so hungry… I want waffles…” Elisa demanded.

“It smells nice…” Miranda said.

“Come on Elena, come back to bed… I want to cuddle…” Anna was following my daughter while hugging her from behind.

“Hmm, no more cuddling, I’m hungry,” my daughter looked at her, and then kissed her lips. “Make me some tea.”

“Eeehh…?” Anna made an annoyed sound, but then quickly walked into the kitchen to serve my daughter.

Haha, I suppose she’s very serviceable at the end of the day.

“I’m only making you tea because I was going to make tea for myself so I might as well…” Anna said.

“Good morning girls, Mark is making a million waffles for everyone, so sit down and enjoy,” I smiled.

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“Yep, here comes the first batch, five waffles!” Mark said, giving me the plate, as I placed it over the table.

Like piranhas that found a bird falling into the water, the girls swarmed around the waffles and took one each, devouring it after pouring some maple syrup and whipped cream on top.

“C-Calm down a bit! You girls are sure voracious…” I laughed. “Hmm, though I think someone is missing- Right! Where’s Gabriel at? Katherine, are you there?”


“Yes?” Katherine, the fairy I’ll have for a month, and which has already been here for a week, appeared by my side, snacking on a chocolate bar with cookies and cream filling. “The angel you ask? Oh, he’s on the garden! He has been watching over the Eden Apple Tree for hours, he was worried it would get attacked. I told him it would be safe here, but he wouldn’t listen.

Then, he went out hunting Hollows, there’s a big pile of their cores outside… He said you should feed them to the tree? It feels like he can communicate with it even better than me!”

She was sure a chatty fairy, but she told me everything I needed to know.

“Huh, so he’s outside, alright…” I nodded, taking a sip of my coffee, a piece of waffle, and then walking outside to bring him inside the house. “Gabriel? Are you there? What are you doing?”

I found him napping right besides the sapling, which had grown considerably by a few more centimeters. His Aura of Angelic Light was surging from his body slowly and gently, imbuing it into the tree.

Was he helping the tree grow? But why?

I also noticed that the soil beneath the tree had several cores of Hollows, but they had been improperly placed and they weren’t being absorbed correctly.

“Gabriel, dear, are you there?” I patted his head, and the little angel slowly opened his blue eyes, his long, blonde hair waved by the wind.

“Ah… Big sis! Huh? Why am I here?” he wondered. “Oh right, the tree! I was taking care of the tree! There were Hollows far away so I took them down!

I don’t want them to get closer to the tree.”

“Yeah, it is safe in my Domain though, you can calm down,” I sighed. “Nothing bad will happen to it.”

“I know but I was worried anyways… This tree, it somehow reminds me of home. It’s… its like it brings back some memories,” he sighed, caressing the tree’s branches. “Memories I have of home, fond memories.”

“What were they like?” I wondered, as I helped him stand up.

“Like… I was with my siblings…” he smiled. “There were six big brothers I had; they always took care of me… We had a big garden, and we always took good care of it.”

Suddenly, as he recalled, his eyes became dizzy-looking, and he started crying.

“I miss them…”


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