
Not only amazing protection against damage, but the armor also had the power to summon a Beast Spirit within it, which attacked at the same time as wielder did. Above all, it could also merge with the protective scale barrier into a mirror-like shield of scales and golden spiritual essence, capable of firing back the magic attacks it received.

The queen was surprised at that, realizing the crab which everyone had told her was very might sea monster ended being one-shotted by Planta’s armor! Was this really an armor and not just a weapon? The Queen smiled slightly, looking back at Planta and her group.

“Let me guess, there’s more.”

Planta smiled slightly apologetically.

“Yep, there’s a few other things you haven’t discovered yet…”

As the Dryad smiled gently, the Queen immediately knew that this little monster of a woman had made another equally monstrous piece of equipment.

“Huh, alright then!” the Queen laughed. “Bring me the Level 300 monsters!”

“Level 300?!” the King panicked. “Honey, wait a second, you can’t just…!”

“This armor was made to handle monsters much stronger than what we’ve been fighting,” said the Queen. “So bring them over!”

The gates trembled, as several soldiers stepped out, bringing with them several beasts sealed with countless chains made of magic. They were strange and more monstrous than the rest, chimeric, and covered with tentacles.


The people around the arena clamored at the sight of these wondrous beasts, the Queen stepped forward mightily as she faced these monsters.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Queen has decided to showcase one of the surprises of today! All of these monsters are Level 300! And above all, were brought all the way from the Demon King Continent! It is said they have enough power to destroy an entire country! Yet our Queen… Is she strong enough to defeat them all with Planta’s armor?” the announcer said, making the people grow in anticipation.

“Are you sure this is okay?!” the King panicked.

“It’s fine, after all, you know I am already Level 300 anyways, right?” smiled the Queen. “And it’s not like I didn’t get to that level without fighting these monsters either…”

As the Queen spoke, the King and everyone else stepped back, the three Miasmic Beasts were freed, their countless red eyes and tentacles moving around, wiggling.

The soldiers ran away, but the beasts rushed towards them to devour their captors, only to be stopped by a giant golden lion with wings, a mighty roar that made them all stop their movements and direct their eyes towards the Queen.

“So it has Taunt Ability too? Huh… Alright, all of you, come at me. I’ll take you on all together.”

The Queen materialized a sword made of blood and darkness and confronted the aberrations, explosions of darkness and blood erupted, golden light from the armor surged, the spirt beast attacked.


The more damage the armor took, the more it started glowing, releasing a powerful Aura of Gold and Crimson, until eventually…


Another beastly roar surged from it, as another Spirit Beast appeared, fully materializing, and rushing to fight the creatures, this one had the form of gryphon made of fire.

With the other spirit beast, they clashed against the Miasmic Monsters and kept them busy, the Queen smiled as she rushed forwards, slashing through the bodies of the monsters.


One of them died instantly after her powerful series of attacks, the other two rushed towards her, only to be bombarded by beams of light and fireballs.

As the explosions reverberated, the tentacled creatures’ bodies burned, covered on bloody holes and flames, they grew even more weak.

Yet the Queen knew there was something else.

“Come on, hit me more!”

She let the monster shit her more and more, the armor accumulated the energy, although its durability went down, that didn’t matter.


And then, something emerged from it, the Queen could immediately tell. The two Spirit Beast moved back towards her, fusing with her armor and then her body.

And the armor grew, covering her entire body into a powerful metallic, spiritual, and beast-like suit, with wings of their own and four additional arms.

But that wasn’t all, as a third Beast Spirit surged, a green-colored dragon that quickly became her new sword, taking into the shape of a beautiful emerald blade.

“This is insane… Just how did they do it?”


The monsters charged towards her again, they pierced the body of the one that had died and absorbed their miasma, becoming at least fifty percent stronger temporarily!

The Queen, however, did not cower or acted afraid, immediately accepting the challenge, and clashing against the hideous beasts with her new sword.

She charged forwards, leaping and then spinning in midair at lightning speed, the arms not wielding weapons fired beams of light and fireballs, overwhelming her foe as her giant blade cut through them like a hot knife through butter.

CLAASH! SLAASH! BOOOM! ƒгeewёbnovel.com

The emerald blade did not only slice through anything, but with each slash, wooden roots and spears would grow on the wounds, piercing the insides of the monsters and weakening them even more.

Eventually, the two remaining monsters collapsed and died, their miasmic bodies burned to a crisp and with no more miasma to act as their blood.


The people clamored in awe and surprise; they were all greatly amazed by her performance. They never imagined the queen they knew about for all these years was this strong.

“T-The queen did it!”


“She’s so strong…”

“This entire country is safe as long as she is with us!”

However, the Queen knew that this wasn’t just everything, the power of Planta’s armor was incredible, capable of summoning spirits and unleash their power, shapeshift them, and even combine them temporarily.

Her form quickly reverted back to normal, the armor having unleashed its powers, entered into a cooldown state, letting out some steam. She analyzed the armor, finding out twenty percent of its durability had been worn down.

“It’s powerful, incredible even. But it takes a lot of Durability when using,” she said. “That wouldn’t be a problem if you don’t activate all of its special powers though. I liked everybody’s armor, but at the end, Planta’s group seems to be the winner once more.”

The Queen gave out her verdict and the King nodded.

“I agree, team Planta is the winner of the second round!”


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