
The King and the Queen were captivated by the beauty of the accessories, and had to praise everyone involved into their creation, this wasn’t a thing of rankings or who did it best, everyone did it amazingly, and that was enough to gain the recognition of the royalty.

“You did an amazing job with these accessories, they look wonderful,” said the Queen. “One of the main appeals of accessories, to begin with, is their beauty. With this alone, all of you would be qualified immediately. However…”

“Indeed, that alone is not enough, we also need to test their abilities,” the King nodded. “If they’re offensive abilities, magical, healing, protection, or something else, we shall test them all.”

The King and the Queen then stepped into the arena as monsters quickly started coming once more. It was the same show as before, they had already seen this two times already, yet it was never boring for the audience.

They tested everyone’s accessory sets one after another as they battled mighty monsters as high level as 250. Erdragon’s accessory set was interesting, giving the king, the one that wore them, the ability to summon tiny Phantom Dragons that can combine into shield, weapons, or magic projectiles.

It was quite clear he took inspiration from Planta’s armor set and gave it his own originality by imbuing it with Dragon Power and Magic, creating something truly wonderful. The beasts that the King battled had a hard time getting to him, and the King was able to swiftly slice them up.

Then the Queen tested Goldanaba accessory set, it granted her an armor of gold once activated with Mana, it was pretty good, the armor of gold could also transform into shields, or weapons, the basic thing.

The Queen noticed it was much easier to use than actual armor or weapons, very useful, yet not that original compared to the previous things.

Still good though.

Then, the King moved to test Horshen’s work, this time it was a purely magic-focused accessory set, capable of conjuring five different fire magic spells at once, even Ambil was left speechless as he would never be able to imbue so much into a single accessory set.

The fire magic was [Giant Fireball], which was effective offensive damage that can also turn smaller for less damage and cost, [Blazing Wall] for protection, [Fire Bird] for scouting and coordinated, long ranged explosive attacks, [Summon Fire Spirit] to summon a single fire spirit to aid the user, and lastly [Recovering Flames] to heal wounds using holy fire.

It was an amazing set of accessories, and it truly innovated on its tremendous utility, many Players and NPC alike were drooling after seeing that set, especially non-magician warriors and such! Who wouldn’t want to have all that utility while still min-maxing as physical fighters?

Then came Melisa’s accessories, used by the Queen, it was the same as Horshen, an accessory set that granted anybody that equipped it the ability to conjure several types of Curse Spells on foes, but that wasn’t all, as the curses accumulated on a foe could then be used to summon Curse Monsters, resembling beasts and not insects this time.

It was very interesting as well, although everyone had yet to forgive Melisa for the things she had done before, the rulers had to admit it was incredible.

Then the King and the Queen tested Erika and BlackEye at the same time. Erika’s accessories seemed all about survival and utility, possessing several spells for day-to-day necessities such as being able to conjure some fire, water, cleaning magic, and also the ability to create a shelter made of the accessories very metals and magic to rest for the night.

Nobody had expected how useful it was, despite its simplicity.

BlackEye’s accessory set was different, it fully offensive, with the ability to imbue different elemental auras into weapons to unleash devastating weapon techniques, it came with basic healing effect when wearing it, and also enhanced mana regeneration, it was pretty alright as well, and definitely useful for warriors that sometimes-needed elemental coverage, constant healing, and enhancement to their low Mana capacity.

And lastly, at long last, what everyone was waiting for, Planta’s team accessories.


And for that, the Queen decided to confront a five-headed Venomous Ooze Hydra, a Level 270 monster with Planta’s accessories. The slimy monster began to rapidly divide is head into separate snakes, rushing towards the Queen.

“Okay, let’s see what this can do then!”

As the Queen activated the accessories effects, a grimoire made of magic materialized in front of her hands, making her gasp, the grimoire opened, revealing many spirit spells. Enjoy more content from empire

“T-This is…?! What?!”

As she was utterly shocked, the giant snakes made of slime reached her!


“{Spirit Magic}: {Land Spirit Call}!”


Her aura was filled with spiritual essence, the ground beneath shook, as Earth Spirits were summoned, giant golems made of stone which were what the Earth Spirits took the shape of emerged.

The queen had no talent or affinity with spirits of the land whatsoever, so this was utterly shocking, the spirits of the land rushed to fight the hydras, using their big, burly bodies made of stone to smash their faces and bodies with tremendous force.


They combined their strength and rapidly eliminated half of the hydra’s body with their power, before quickly falling down… but the Queen continued using spells.

“{Spirit Magic}: {Sunlight Spirit Call}!”

With a fascinated smile, the Sunlight Spirits responded to her call as if she were a gifted did! They appeared around her, resembling huge spheres of pure sunlight, firing beams against the monsters and disintegrating them with explosions of fiery light.


“Hahaha! This is incredible! Keep the monsters coming!”

The Queen called and more monsters came, she tried several other spells, calling upon different spirits and their elemental powers. The diversity of powers and spells in this accessory set made it by far the most varied, and shocking.

“How… Just how did you even make this? To be able to easily conjure Spirit Magic, something only a few selected ones can use, so easily! I am… beyond speechless,” the Queen laughed.

“And that’s not everything, your majesty,” Planta giggled. “Don’t you feel a bit stronger?”

“Stronger- Aah!”

And then the Queen lost it.


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