
Everyone in the arean could feel it, the craftsmen, the blacksmiths, all of the participants right now, they were pouring their very heart and soul into their last creation. It wasn’t a battle of magic or something, there was no longer any more indirect fights.

It was just a battle of wills!

Their Auras as blacksmiths expanded, resembling domains of their own, their blazing smithies unleashed their fire, their hammers smithed the metal and put it on place, the cold water cooled it down, and their magical powers and skills were imbued into their creations.

There wasn’t a single participant right now that wasn’t extremely gifted and talented. Even the two surviving newbies, BlackEye and Erika, had their amazing, budding talent, and were improving by the second!







The sound of their hammers hitting metal, the sound of the cold water cooling down the metal, the sound of their magic being inscribed into runes into the creations, everything resonated.

The loud and annoying sounds, generated by the master’s dexterous hands, created a beautiful chorus, a song imbued with their emotions and their passion.

It was a song to their passion, to their dreams!

Since they were children, since they all started working, the smithy and the hammer, they had always been their best friends.

They smiled almost wickedly; they were obsessed with their creations.

To pour one’s life and soul into their creations, to let their creativity blossom and go everywhere all at once!

The King and the Queen smiled as they nodded, the things they were making… the things these people were creating!

It was incredible.

Their creativity was finally let loose.

They were given all the resources they could have wanted.

They were given a short amount of time, and therefore, they had to hurry.

And because they had to hurry, their soul and heart had to be poured all at once!

“I won’t lose this time…! I will get the first place! UUUOOOHHH!”

Horshen roared, his blazing flames of spiritual power imbued into his magnificent creation.

“I will show my tribe that they were wrong… I will show them that I wasn’t merely playing with stones and a hammer, that I wasn’t just trying to imitate the humans!”

Erdragon’s draconic powers imbued themselves into his creation, his eyes blazing with draconic pride and honor.

“I was given a new chance… a new chance to finally start again, to leave behind my horrible boss… I cannot waste it, I’ll show her, I’ll show everyone… That I am also special, even if a little bit! I want to show them my creativity!”

Melisa wasn’t holding back either, her cursed powers changing and shifting by the second as her imagination was imbued into them, her creation constantly changing in shape.

“This gold that was gifted to me by grandma… I won’t waste it! This power was made to reshape the world, and I will continue on my path! Not for riches, but because I want to make that old granny proud of her bratty granddaughter!”

Goldanaba’s powers unleashed as countless rivers of liquid gold-like essence was poured into her creation, shining with absolute brilliance.

“T-This is so fun… I can’t stop! I can finally make things with my hands… After that accident, I never thought I could craft again! Mom… thank you for buying me this game!”

BlackEye started crying as he continued his craft, his hands moving dexterously, like they once did before the accident that changed the young man’s life.

“I have to show them that just because I’m from the countryside, it doesn’t mean I’m not good enough to become a blacksmith! T-The King and the Queen are watching…! Pops, mama, I’m gonna show em’!”

Erika thought about her beloved family as she worked hardest than ever before, her arms were already terribly tired and her Mana had already run out, but she was continuously putting everything she could, every single detail.

“Almost there, hold it tight!” said Ambil.

“Yeah, I got this!” Titan said.

“There!” Planta roared. “Connect everything together and breathe life into our creation…”

“{Spiritual Blessing}!”


A large quantity of Spirits merged together into pure spiritual essence, fusing into their creation and finally connecting everything together into Ambil’s most ambitious creation so far.

And just in time!

“The fourth and last round has come to an end! All participants, please show to the judges what you’ve made!”

The announcer gave the signal, as all participants stopped working. Most of them were midway through giving the very last polish to their creations but were quickly forced to pull back.

“Hahh… Hahhah… so this is it!” Horshen sighed in relief with a smile. “Alright then, let’s do this.”

“It’s over so quickly…” Melisa sighed. “If only I had a bit more time…”

“I just finished it barely in time! I can’t believe it…” Erdragon sighed in relief. “Hahah…”

“Phew! Hey, one hour is way too short!” Goldanaba complained. “Dammit, I was about to add it the last thing! Uuugghhhh!”

“Hahh… Did I do good?” BlackEye wondered, looking at his creation.

“Phew! Just in time! Heheh!” Erika giggled innocently and happily.

Planta and her group quickly grabbed their creation, carrying it towards the King and the Queen, who were already assessing everything.

The audience gasped due to the strange and bizarre shapes of the creations that every participant had made; they were certainly not conventional items at all!

“These are all truly wonderful,” said the King. “Such artistry!”

“I’m glad you were able to show off how much you can do,” the Queen smiled, nodding. “Now, let’s begin. Make a line, we’ll check every single creation one after another, everyone.”

Like that, they formed a line, Planta’s group was the slowest, so they ended coming at the end once more, not like they truly cared.

The first participant to show off was Erdragon, whose creation was an interesting artifact, it resembled a large egg of at least thirty centimeters of height, made completely out of metal.

“This is an egg?” wondered the Queen.

“Quite beautiful, but what else can it do?” the King asked.

“You see, imbue it with your Mana,” Erdragon suggested.

The rulers looked at one another, touching the egg and imbuing it with their Mana.

And then…



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