Chapter 1173 Their Relentless Resolve—–
Gabriel told the girls to get ready, his telepathic connection with Blackie helped him easily discern what was happening over there.
Although he wasn’t as strong as he once was after being weakened and almost killed by demons, some of his innate abilities such as telepathy and mind connection, basic abilities angels used to keep connected with one another…
Ended being a deciding factor in this battle!
Elisa’s nine spiritual breath attacks reached Tyrone, the moment they were fired, her spirit exploded into sparkles of light, the intense amount of power it released killed it instantly.
But the result was good, and no mana was wasted.
After all, Tyrone had to tank nine blasts of holy flames in the face!
“Impo… ssible…!”
Tyrone could only see as his body was pierced by the flames, burning through his skin and flesh as he vomited blood. His body reinforcement spells were reaching their limits, and although he tanked five out of the nine attacks, the other four hit him directly.
The first pierced through his left shoulder, leaving a huge wound that reached his bones, roasting his flesh and muscles.
The second hit his stomach, he gathered cursed mana in there and barely managed to not make it lethal, but he vomited blood due to the intense damage to his internal organs.
The third hit his left leg, the intense power dislocated it and broke his leg, cracking his bones all the way to the opposite side.
And the fourth beam hit his chest, he did the same for his stomach, but the impact was so strong it made his heart almost explode!
Tyrone fell into the ground and rolled over it, constantly bleeding all over, and vomiting blood. He quickly noticed his healing abilities were not triggering either, which were all within his formation tattoos.
“What’s going on?! Why am I not healing automatically?!” he muttered. “This is…?!”
And then he noticed it. His formation tattoos were…
Breaking apart!
A combination of both Monica’s cursed attacks, which tore through his own curses, Elisa’s holy flames that destroyed dark elemental beings, and then Gabriel’s spears, which had pierced deep into his flesh, spreading celestial energies.
“Hahah… They got me good.”
“Hahh… Hahhh…”
“Ugh… Hahh…”
Tyrone faced the two exhausted girls, both were gasping for air, their mana had emptied long ago, they were using the atmospheric energies within Elayne’s domain to power their abilities.
However, because it was so thin while being far away from it, they had to overstimulate their bodies, forcing their metabolism to their limits.
The two girls knew this bastard wasn’t going to die yet, he was tough. They had to keep going and splatter him into the ground into pieces.
But… were they capable of doing that?
They were high school girls not too long ago, and well, they still are.
To kill a demon was different than a person.
Even if that person was a monstrous, evil sorcerer…
It was still a person, and a crime.
“Your hesitation will be your demise.”
And then they were too slow to notice, Tyrone smiled viciously, his hands clapping together.
And then everything was engulfed in darkness.
“HAH! {Forbidden Cursed Technique}: {Domain Of One Thousand Curses}!!!”
“W-What’s going on?!”
The two girls were quickly engulfed by a domain of darkness and one thousand abhorrent cursed monstrosities. Tyrone smiled, looking at them.
“W-What is this?! A domain-“
Before Elisa could make sense of what happened, a gigantic arm made of cursed monsters and hollows punched her entire body away.
Monica was still there, glancing in disbelief as Elisa’s body was thrown away with immense force, her blood splattering everywhere, and even a few of her teeth falling into the ground.
“E-Elisa…?” Monica muttered. “E-Eli…?”
Her eyes widened as she saw Elisa’s unconscious body on the ground, slowly bleeding, covering the black floor, as countless hollows rushed towards her, beginning to suck her mana.
“So you’re the girl they told me about.”
Monica glanced behind her, noticing Tyrone had appeared behind her, his hand touching her shoulder.
“If you move, I’ll kill her.”
“They’re only draining her out of her mana… but if I want to, they can start tearing her to shreds, you know?”
“N-No…! p-please no!”
The sorcerer smiled, glancing at her.
“Your soul is strong, you posses a tremendous amount of cursed and ghostly energies within you…” he said. “I can understand why they want you. Well, as long as I extract your soul… It shouldn’t be so bad, right?”
Monica suddenly felt the man’s hand touching her back, and then beginning to turn ethereal.
Until something started to reach her very soul.
With a wicked laughter, Tyrone was about to grasp the girl’s soul.
“S-Stop…! STOP!”
Monica screamed in agony as she started squirming and fighting back with her weak body, but she couldn’t hurt Tyrone, even less within his domain that made him even stronger.
“It’s useless to resist, your soul shall be-“
Crack, crack…!
His eye glanced at the sky.
His domain…
Had a crack.
Then two cracks, three, four, five, ten.
“Someone is…?!”
His domain was shattered, as Tyrone saw Gabriel and Judith riding Blackie break into his Domain.
“Fools! You’re entering my domain willingly?! You’re all dying, hahahaha! KILL THEM!”
With a mere order, hundreds of giant hollows fused together into enormous arms and hands, reaching the trio.
“I will never forgive you for what you did to Emilio and grandpa!!!”
With a furious scream, Judith transformed into a giant black crow and descended towards the cursed monstrosities’ arms and hands.
“{Nature Soul}…”
Suddenly, an invisible shockwave was sent everywhere, as the domain of Tyrone began to shake, its structure rapidly deteriorating.
“What?! What sort of Nature Soul does that bitch has?!”
“{Eternal Shadow of the Night}”
The skies of the domain instantly changed into a starry night with darkness and stars engulfing everything, overwriting Tyrone’s domain from the inside out.
And making it pop up like a balloon!
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