Chaos Heir

Chapter 1042: Bloodlust

Major General Arngan's arms were nothing short of mountains that slammed on Miss Christen's shoulders. The impact should have crushed such a slender woman, but she just slightly bent forward, and her feet dug into the ground, almost submerging her knees.

The General promptly attacked again. He twisted his huge body, delivering a punch to Miss Christen's thin waist. The blow flung her away, sending her flying until she crashed into a tree. Colonel Norrett shot a larger dart at Miss Christen, which exploded into another cloud. The poisonous gas covered her entire body now, allowing it to attack more of her pores. The evolved warrior couldn't help but absorb that half-transparent substance, and her problems didn't end there.

Major General Arngan released another wild battle cry while charging forward at full speed. His right shoulder slammed directly on Miss Christen's head, breaking the trunk behind her and digging her whole figure into it. Her arms fell limp at her sides, but the General followed with a spinning lariat.

The General's attack failed to connect since thick and thin roots suddenly shot out of the ground, binding his arm and body. Similar branches also rose around Colonel Norrett, trapping his ankles, waist, and shoulders. The forest immobilized the two warriors, and the culprit calmly walked between them.

Miss Christen left the hole in the trunk as if nothing had happened to her, placing herself between the two warriors. Some dirt had tainted her paler uniform, but her body carried no injury. Only her face had slightly changed, showing more vivid displeasure.

"I'm surprised," Miss Christen announced, "And disappointed, especially in you Major General."

Major General Arngan wanted to speak, but the roots rose toward his throat, strangling it and attempting to suffocate him. His muscles bulged and stirred underneath his military uniform, but all his strength seemed useless against those bindings.

"I thought the Demon of a Thousand Wars would harbor some resentment against the Global Army due to how it used him," Miss Christen continued. "Still, it seems you are a Demon through and through."

"As for you," Miss Christen continued, looking at Colonel Norrett. "You have the fame of a wise man but chose to follow a leader who brings nothing but conflict. The Nognes family can offer far better services and candidates than Prince Khan."

Miss Christen wasn't underestimating Khan's power, but her claim had value nonetheless. As amazing as Khan was, he was just one man, and his organization was young.

Khan's organization couldn't compare to the Nognes family as a whole, and his decision to leave humankind couldn't sit right with the General and Colonel. The Nognes family was a far better option if the two's goals still had something to do with the Global Army.

"Alas," Miss Christen sighed. "This loyalty is problematic. I suggest you change your mind before meeting the Nognes Excellenci-."

A violent cough suddenly took control of Miss Christen's throat, interrupting her line. An ethereal green gas came out of her mouth, weakening her grip on the forest. A drop of blood also fell from her nose, landing on the ground below.

Miss Christen didn't get the chance to glare at Colonel Norrett since a dark-red halo surrounded Major General Arngan, enveloping his body like a second layer of skin. That ominous light didn't do anything to the roots, but his physical strength seemed to increase, allowing him to stretch those bindings even further.

Then, one root gave in, snapping and triggering a chain reaction. Major General Arngan broke free of all his shackles, charging at Miss Christen while still radiating his dark red light.

The event weakened Colonel Norrett's shackles, decaying under the effects of his deadly element. He also broke free and imitated the General, jumping at Miss Christen.

Miss Christen had already recovered by then. Major General Arngan tried to crush her with his shoulder, but Miss Christen only needed to lift her arm to interrupt the bash.

The same went for Colonel Norrett. He summoned his yellow-green sword again, swinging it at Miss Christen, but she caught its poisonous edge with her free palm, stopping the slash without suffering any injury.

Colonel Norrett followed with another attack, spitting a poisonous cloud at the evolved warrior without caring about the potential friendly fire. However, Major General Arngan's dark-red halo dimmed while Miss Christen's vitality intensified, fending off the half- transparent gas before it could touch her.

"Major General," Miss Christen called. "That life you are overflowing with, I'll take some."

The halo around Major General Arngan grew even dimmer, and his figure almost shrunk as if drained of its power. At the same time, Miss Christen's vitality intensified even more, and the whiteness of her being brightened, illuminating her surroundings.

"Let this be your last act of resistance," Miss Christen pleaded. "Any more than this, and I'll be forced to fight seriously."

Major General Arngan grew ever weaker. His legs lost power, threatening to bail out on him. However, his mouth twisted into a strange smile, and calm words escaped it.

"The Global Army indeed used me," Major General Arngan admitted, "But I also used it."

"You have my sympathy, Major General," Miss Christen exclaimed. "Your element is quite accursed, even twisting your personality to this point."

"Stop lying," Major General Arngan chuckled, his skin slowly absorbing the halo, changing its color and even affecting his eyes. "Part of you is enjoying this."

Miss Christen didn't miss the development and decided to apply more strength to her restraining measure. Her hand pierced Major General Arngan's shoulder without leaving any wound on his skin, and she absorbed more of his strength from there.

The more forceful absorption seemed to work. Major General Arngan's halo disappeared entirely, but something else happened when he blinked. Somehow, his sclera had turned dark red in that instant.

"Do you know which bloodlust I smelled?" Major General Arngan asked, his voice becoming deeper and rougher. "Yours."

Major General Arngan's body abruptly expelled Miss Christen's hand, and his shoulder resumed flying forward, bashing on her head. She was pushed aside, but Colonel Norret was already there, and his poisonous blade finally pierced her skin, leaving a small cut on her palm while she stepped back.

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