Chapter 370: Company


My rapier cut through the first zombie, and came at me, before cutting through another and then a skeleton, in a single attack.

The horde is massive, and we have less than two hours to achieve our objective. If we don’t achieve it, then this whole horde will swallow our army and turn the city into undead territory.

Their victory will not only affect the city but also the other cities and merchant states.

They have provided us with quite some help, but I still wish they would have done it more, seeing if the undead had control over the city. They will have control over the trade route, which is getting more profitable by the day. Sёarch* The nôvel_Fire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Before today, the number of ships was increasing by week; the parties in the empire were buying things really crazy rate.

I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the undead. Every attack of mine would kill, three to four of them; there were so many of them, that it felt like I was cutting the vegetables.

I thought it would be a little difficult since I didn’t practice at all in these past six and half days, but it is not.

Well, I am against the common undead. They are not powerful, but they are in massive numbers, and they will tire me out soon, and once that happens; it will only take them seconds to swarm me up.

It is why, we need to achieve our objective before that happens.

Everyone has a role, including me.

Stone had divided the army into different units from squads to divisions. I am part of the company, and it has a special mission, because of me.

I am a big target and Stone wants to use that, to lure the big fishes.

It is a mission of the whole army. We have to kill the powerhouses; they are the legs on which this horde is standing. Once we dealt with them, dealing with the horde would be much easier.

However, seeing the size of the horde; it seemed like wishful thinking, and unlike the last time, there was no final plan.

When I think about it; I feel like, we were better prepared to fight last time than this time.

There will be only one battle and if we achieve our objective. We will win it. If we did not, the horde would swallow us whole.


I was in my thoughts when I received a cut on my thigh. I was able to move before the blade of the skeleton could deeper, but it was an injury.

The undead are everywhere and in every direction. I may be talented with good attributes and a powerful class, but I could not defend from all directions.

Seconds passed, and I continued to kill the undead with my company. Moving deeper into the horde, which in normal times is a grave mistake, as it would cut the avenues of retreat, but in these battles, there is no retreat.

Eighter, it is a victory or defeat.


I killed a few more undead when I saw them appearing in front of me. The bones spears, they are directly coming at me.

Bang Bang Bang

The shields appeared above me and defended against the attack, while I continued killing the undead. There is no reason to stop when you can’t defend against the attack.

The attack didn’t come again, but a few seconds later, the undead parted, revealing a group of fifty-something people.

They were led by Necromancer Rydove and the middle-aged, curly-haired man. I am sure, he is also Lv. 30+ powerhouse.

Seeing them, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.

The danger had increased with their appearance, but it was our aim to begin with. Our mission is to kill the maximum number of powerhouses to break the legs of the horde so that it would collapse on its own.

We acted immediately.

Shaun appeared and took the lead, with two orcs and one-half orcs. Surrounding them, is a two squad of men, both orcs and humans.

Four other people with him, for the middle-aged warrior before the necromancer. Of the four, three are humans, and all of them are pre-level 30s. While the Orc is mid-level 20.

He would have been more fit with Shaun, but the other orcs refused to work with him. Even to keep him company, took a lot of threats from Stone.

He is planning on grooming this young Orc. Stone had said he had one of the most enviable classes. A survivalist is a class with great potential. If fostered well, he will be a great asset to the city.

He already is. In the last battle, he had fought against two pre-level 30 and survived, but now Stone had given him an even bigger challenge.

He will be fighting against the Lv. 30+ and it will be like fighting death, but he isn’t alone. Of the four of them, two are mages and quite a good one. They all had fought well in the last battles.

The two-level 30’s aren’t the only ones that we need to deal with. There are also a lot of pre-Level 30’s, they brought in their groups.

Our mages and warriors quickly moved to deal with them. Others and I also moved to deal with the others.

It is going to be a great challenge, seeing as we aren’t going to have the protection like the Level’s 30s and the pre-level 30.

I was moving toward the enemies, with spells shooting from both sides, when I saw Necromancer Rydove bring out the six zombies. There are zombies everywhere, but these special zombies are big and armored.

Three people around him moved to deal with them, while he attacked the Necromancer. She defended, before launching the attack of hers.


I was watching the battle when a cannonball crashed not far away from me. We were getting support from the wall, but we couldn’t count on it much; their main objective was to protect the wall.

They will kill anyone moving toward the wall.

We cut through the undead, while the undead parted on their own as our enemies came toward us.

The intensity of undead attacks has also increased incredibly. They have become wild, attacking crazily. It was to be expected, seeing they have fewer numbers than us and using undead.

It is overwhelming and we are killing a lot of undead, but they are still coming, in full force.

“Form circle,” ordered Captain Rans, and immediately, the people moved to form a rough circle to control the undead. A group of squads will handle the undead, while we will fight those coming at us.

We didn’t do this before because we wanted to overwhelm our enemies with the numbers, but now with most occupied with stopping the undead, we are right in nearly equal numbers.

We have slightly less than our enemies.

They came closer and our people went to them to fight. Soon, a brunette with big muscles stopped in front of me. She looked to be in her early thirties, with the long sword in her hand.

“Lord Silver, there is a great prize on your head,” she said and grinned. She is happy, and she is not even trying to hide it.

“Dead or alive?” I asked back, and the smile on her face widened. “Alive, of course!” she replied and came at me like lightning.

She was really fast, and her sword felt like a blur. I had been prepared, but she still caught me a little off guard.

I launched the countered with Blade Of The Gale and retreated with the Blitz Steps, but the woman reacted fast and took a step forward with her speed skill.

The speed of her attack increased, and her sword flashed. It was a bright, too bright, and that light fell directly into my eyes.

It had lasted only for a moment, but it had done the job. She had evaded my rapier and now her sword is coming directly at me.


Her sword cut my clothes and gave me a deep cut in my stomach. The blood came out immediately, before stopping.

The scrips seemed to be working well.

The last time, I didn’t get a chance to use Eudo’s script. There was not enough time and limited ink. This time, I had made a preparation; the moment we found out about the enemy coming, Eudo began his work.

The ink was expensive, but seeing how its enhancements were working; it was worth it.

Though the scripts have stopped the blood, they didn’t stop the burning pain. I hope it is injury connected skill. The pain will lessen as the injury heals. If it is touched based, then I will need to suffer this pain, till it has complexly spent its power.

“You are as good as the information has said,” she said and attacked me again. This time, I responded directly and remained careful of the blinding light.

In the day, such attacks are not very dangerous, but in the moonless like this, it is a very dangerous attack.

I rather be careful against it.


The sword blazed again, but I defended against it. Feeling the powerful blow against my hand.

Clang Clang Clang

Right after it bother attack came and then another, each time, she would use that torch-like skill, and every time, I would defend against it, albeit barely.

There are thousands of skills, and each one is different and some of these, get boosted by conditions like a dark night. I had practiced against such skills, but only in daylight.

I should have done practice in the night too.


A couple more seconds passed when I noticed something about her attack. They are increasing in power, which is nothing strange; the woman is increasing the power of her attacks.

But the strange part is, that the power of attacks increasing constant, unchanged pace.

She is using a skill like a Consecutive Strikes and me with constantly countering, letting her build the power.

It is a good thing, I noticed it quickly. If I get, the attack, too strong, it would have cost me dearly. These skills get powerful too quickly, but they are also easy to break.


Her attack came again, but this time, I didn’t move my rapier to the counter. I didn’t move my rapier at all, instead, I retreated with the Blitz Step, avoiding the attack.

I wasn’t able to avoid it fully. I received a small cut on my arm, which is a small price to pay to break the skill, that could really become powerful.

“You are smart,” she praised angrily. “Thank you for the praise,” I replied, politely, making me angry even more.

“It wasn’t praise!” she said with gritted teeth and came at me again. This time, she was much faster than before and her attack was more powerful.

Seeing that, I didn’t hesitate to activate the copied skill.

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