Chapter 507: Keeper of Secrets

Merchant of Desire Lv. 34 [Master of Legacy]

Merchant of Desire Lv. 35 [Master of Legacy]

[Skill Gained: Keeper of Secrets]

Valorous Lord of Courage Lv. 33

There were lines in the big bold letters as I opened my eyes. Seeing them, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.

“It seemed like the party had the big impact I was shooting for,” I said to myself, seeing I had leveled up twice in my main class, which doesn’t happen unless it is an impressive feat.

Especially now, after I crossed Lv. 30.

I had also got a skill that made my eyes lit up.

Keeper of Secrets.

It is a very rare skill and an elusive one. It could do many things, but one of its greatest uses is giving a sense of the verity of secrets.

A moment later, a stack of documents appeared in my hand, and I began to read them.

As I read it, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face. The skill couldn’t tell whether the information is true or lies, but it gives me a better ability to deduce that.

This stack of documents had the information that the girls collected. We never stopped doing that, but we also never aggressively used that information.

We mostly used it differently as research to spot the trends and moods of people.

People talk a lot in the company of beautiful women.

Not everything they talk about is truthful, but there are many things that could be learned from it, even if it is a lie.

It helps even more when our girls can carry on intelligent and engaging conversation. We have specially trained them to ask the right questions.

Most people that visit the legacy are rich and many have important positions. They are what set the trends. Knowing the direction they are moving is very helpful.

It had helped me tremendously in the decisions I had made.

I am tremendously happy with my skill. It is going to help me a lot.

I moved down from the skill to my Lord Class. Which, too, had leveled up.

With the two levels, I have two attribute points. I had already used the one attribute point I had from my last level up on intelligence, taking it to eighteen.

So, I used one attribute on strength, also taking it to eighteen, and one on vitality, taking it to twenty.

Class: Merchant of Desire Lv. 35 [Master of Legacy]

 Valorous Lord of Courage Lv. 33

 Trainer Lv. 08

Charisma: 20

Intelligence: 18

Vitality: 20

Strength: 18


● Trustful Presence

● Master’s Instinct

● Lord’s Contracts

● Torch for Seeker

● Rapid Strikes

● Blitz Steps

● Insightful Reading

● Price Is Right

● Mauling Strike

● Silver Tongued

● Gymnasts Grace

● Sight Through Veil

● Every Ear Listens To My Words

● Blade Of The Gale

● Mood of the Subjects

● Privacy Sphere

● Command Projection

● Get Ready

● Quick Parry

● Razor Edge

● Active Presence

● Vision Projection

● Instant Recollection

● Artistic Dealings

● Copy Skill

● Telepathic Call

● Energizing Essence

● Gymnasts Control

● Lord’s Presence

● March Of The Braves

● Laws of My Land

● Mark of Mist

● Fast Reflexes

● Public Works

● Appointment (3)

● Keeper of Secrets

Legacy: Demesne of Desire II


● Master of Legacy

● Laws of Legacy

● Share Authority (7)

● Vault of Ru

● Demesne Expansion

● Instant Restoration

Attribute Points: 0

Immediately, I felt the change.

I felt like spring had opened inside me. It made me feel cool all over me in the most comfortable way.

The feeling had lasted for a while before it had finally receded.

I took a deep breath and could feel big changes had occurred within me.

The change happens when the attribute reaches the multiple of ten. Reaching ten in attribute isn’t a big feat, most do it. Twenty is a rare feat, especially in two attributes.

If I am lucky, I might be able to reach that level in the other two attributes as well in my life.

I decided to not think about it and look at myself. There is a change in me physically. When I looked in the mirror, I could see it.

“I should have waited,” I thought.

It is a noticeable change. People will be able to sense it. I did not want that. It is related to my strength; I do not want to share that.


I sighed and pushed the window away before getting up on the bed and walking into the bathroom.

I slept late after the charity auction ended.

I had only slept for three hours, but I am feeling rested enough thanks to the legacy.

I came out and changed into practice clothes and stepped out of my room.

There are a lot of things to do. Hundreds of people to meet. Even so, I am not skipping the practice. I am skipping the combat spar, but not the aura training.

It is the greatest personal tool I have, and I want to master it.

It is difficult, far more than I had imagined, but I am making progress. It is slow, but progress, nonetheless.

I wanted to show it off yesterday, but neither Carla nor I had brought out our aura. I have already shown it when I could not control my emotions hearing about Carla.


Two hours later, I returned. Feeling exhausted, I wanted to activate Energizing Essence.

I didn’t, instead, I bore it.

I need to get used to the tiredness that aura brings. I need to push through it as it is the only way, I will be able to use it to its full potential.

I stepped into the shower and soon ice-cold water fell on my body. There is nothing like it to chase the tiredness away.


When I came out, I was surprised to see Carla there. Like me, she too had a busy day. Here, in my room, at this time, is the last place I had expected to see her.

She is sitting at a small table with breakfast in front of her. She does it when she has something important to talk about.

I changed into the clothes and sat in front of her.

“You should at least think about it,” she said after a moment of silence.

She is talking about marriage. There are offers, a lot of them. Powerful nobles have hinted at a marriage alliance, several Counts and one Marquess.

For people like me. Marriage isn’t for love, despite wanting it desperately.

It is a political tool.

“I will,” I replied and ate breakfast with her. Once finished, I gave her the peck on her lips and wished her good luck, before walking out.

The legacy is crowded. There are already people in the velvet blue, most of them are guests who came for breakfast.

The same is true for the velvet red.

We opened it an hour early today. Seeing the number of guests who wanted to visit.

Its opening time is eight in the morning, and it closes in the morning the next day at six. A lot of people remained in the legacy by that time.

The spa never closes, but stores have closing times. They close at midnight and open at six.

It is a legacy, and keeping it closed is considered anathema. That’s why there is a plan for it too. I am going to grant access to the mist to more people.

Not only more stores but also more people from each store.

Gagarin’s store had seven Mist-Artisans but I am planning to increase it by over ten or even twenty.

There is no space for them to work in the store. They will work outside. Thanks to the vault, we could transfer the supplies anywhere from the city into the legacy.

Though, stuff will be kept in an underground warehouse, under the park.

These people will work after midnight, until a few minutes before opening. I will do this for many shops, till every open space is used in the legacy.

Though it’s not free.

For it, they will need to make an investment in the city and also take the apprentices from the schools.

Which isn’t very risky for them. If they don’t act like idiots they will gain the benefits. 

Having a store in the legacy and mist access, gives them enough fame, that they will be able to sell what they make inside and outside of the legacy.

Gagarin accepted and in two weeks. His new store and workshop will be ready.

Along with expert blacksmiths, he is hiring.

There is no decision from the second store. I am not forcing them. If they can’t see the opportunity, then they don’t deserve it.


The elevator opened, and I walked out into the crowded lobby. Though a path had already been made for me.

I nodded at the people who greeted me, before walking out of the tower.

Even in the morning, there is a huge crowd around it. All wanting to get inside the legacy.

Twenty minutes later, the carriage stopped in front of the city hall, and I got out.


Soon, I stepped into my office, with Lola already there.

“Today is going to be busy,” I said as I sat down. “That is the greatest understatement I have heard today,” she replied.

My first meeting is forty-five minutes later. It’s not important, seeing as our people have already agreed, and I signed the deal yesterday, but the man is important. Sёarch* The Nôvelƒ website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He will leave the city directly after meeting me.

She had placed the files in front of me, and the first one was about the legacy.

My hands shook a little before I opened it. This file is about the expense of the party. As I begin to read it, my expressions become worse and worse.

There were over ten thousand guests. The food and drinks flowed freely, and there were also other expenses like the special accommodation for some important guests, along with other minor expenses.

“Those bastards didn’t hold back at all,” I cursed at my guests. Seeing how much they drank and ate.

The liquor wasn’t cheap and ran like a river at the party.

“It was within our estimate,” she replied coldly. Yes, we had expected it, but still seeing it made my heart bleed.

We spent massively on it, and I hope it will be worth it. 

I closed the file and opened another one and then another. Reading through them fast with my skills.

“Lord Silver, Lord of Inam, had arrived,” informed Jill.


A moment later, the door opened, and the familiar man walked inside.

“Lord Thorn,” I greeted as I got up. “Lord Silver,” said the man, and we both sat down.

“I hope you had a wonderful time yesterday,” I said. “It was more memorable than I had expected. Especially for my wife; she got enchanted with your spa,” he replied.

“I am glad,” I said.

“I hope you could stay a day more, my lord. Let me host you properly,” I added, but the man shook his head.

“Unfortunately, I can’t. If it had been any other time, I would have jumped at the opportunity , but now, I really can’t,” he replied.

“The next time you come to the city. I hope you stay longer than one night,” I said to him. I am just being polite, but I wouldn’t mind if he stayed for a few days, either.

“Have no doubts about it, Lord Silver,” he replied.

For a moment, there was a silence, before he opened his mouth with a serious expression.

“Lord Silver, I was hoping you would increase the quota of essences,” said the man, and I shook my head with a hint of regret.

“I can’t Lord Thorn. I had already promised you as much as I could,” I replied.

“I am at the limit, my lord. I had over promised and I don’t know if my legacy will be able to produce the essence that had been promised to many people,” I added.

He already received what we agreed on yesterday.

“Fine, but if your legacy produced more essence than your estimate. The city of Inam will pay more than a fair price for it,” he said.

“Of course,” I replied.

“There is one more thing. My niece will be coming to visit your city next week. I hope you will give her your time,” he said, with a smile appearing on his face.

“It would be my honor,” I replied.

He isn’t the only one sending his relative or daughter to the city. There are many of them.

They have already inquired with Robin.

He is responsible for it and currently, we are taking a non-committal approach to most proposals coming toward us unless, of course, there is someone with enough political weight.

I don’t want to marry, but I will need to for the sake of my people and dominion.

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