Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 1268 Another Stange Creation of Mui

Chapter 1268 Another Stange Creation of Mui

As a few minutes passed with Chun Hua and Chu Yang began chatting with each other over Qing Yi's breakthrough, it didn't take long before Mui, who was just standing at the side staring into the sea of flames, grew bored and decided to sit down on the ground to start tinkering with a few formation stones used for practicing by the younger disciples of the sect who had barely stepped into the Apprentice Realm.

Of course, even though it wasn't anything dangerous and was a rather normal pass time for the younger disciples of the sect and a few older disciples who just wanted to take a break from cultivation by playing around with a few simple formations, Chun Hua, and Chu Yang both understood that these innocent formation stones were far from harmless in the hands of their little junior sister.

Although the chance of something happening that would cause problems for Qing Yi while their master was around, neither of them dared to let down their guard around the strange things created by Mui, both having personally had an experience with some of the things created by this youngest disciple. Making them fully aware that it had nothing to do with cultivation realm with her and the things she ended up creating.


Even Xuan Hao who had been fully focused on Qing Yi at this point in time, could not help turning to look over at Mui as she tinkered away with the small and harmless looking formation stone that wouldn't even be capable of hurting a normal mortal without any cultivation.

Though not having been on the receiving end of some of the more troublesome things created by this little disciple of his, he had heard about her antics, while at the same time also being presented with some of the things she created when she felt especially proud of them and wanted to show off in front of him.

At one point even showing up with some kind of artifact capable of drawing in the qi in a hundred-mile radius before launching an attack comparable to someone in the Early Stage of the Dao Domain Lord Realm.

Even if the artifact in question had been destroyed after it was used, it still left a deep impression on him over just how dangerous some of the things created by her could be.

Indeed, like the system had mentioned when describing the abysmal rank that Mui had reached, the things she created so far ranged between having the ability to kill an unprepared Dao Seed Realm cultivator to a pit of edible slime that could help the cultivation of the younger disciples.

He only hoped that by the point that she ended up creating something capable of sinking continents, he would be strong enough to deal with the situation before she really did destroy a continent by accident…

Why do I feel like the biggest threat to my life isn't the Blue Sea Empire, the mysterious sealed god, the weird feather situation related to the past or my background and how I ended up on this continent in the first place, but instead this little disciple of mine… Don't tell… Is she perhaps a hidden last boss or something along that line?

Not able to stop himself from smiling awkwardly to himself as he thought about this while looking in the direction of Mui who was innocently playing with the formation with a large smile on her face. Not a single care in the world as she was fully focused on etching a rather flawed fire related formation into the formation stone. Possibly feeling inspired by the majestic sea of fire that had manifested around Qing Yi following her breakthrough.

Oh well… If something does happen I-


About to encourage himself that he was more than strong enough to deal with things in case Mui ended up creating something troublesome, Xuan Hao was stopped before he could finish his train of thought, as the formation stone in Mui's hand suddenly erupted with a terrifying flame before flying directly towards Qing Yi at a speed no slower than someone at the Peak of the Soul Ascension Realm.

No, you don't!


Wasting no time after seeing this, Xuan Hao directly twisted the space around himself to instantly move in front of the formation stone that had long since turned into nothing more than a ball of pure fire. Intending to stop it before it could reach Qing Yi.

After all, even though the fire wasn't of any threat to him, it still carried a strength comparable to someone in the Soul Ascension Realm and wasn't something Qing Yi could deal with. Especially in her current state of having her full attention focused on stabilizing her cultivation base.


Not reacting to Xuan Hao now blocking its path, the ball of fire continued flying towards Qing Yi behind him-



And under the suppression from his dao domain and with him standing directly in front of it, the ball of fire simply phased straight through him. Completely unaffected by any of his attempts to try and stop it, as it seemed to exist on a completely different plane of existence. Rendering him unable to do anything but watch as the ball of fire slammed into Qing Yi.


However, instead of the flame phasing through her or blowing up in her face, the ball of fire instead seemed to merge together with her fire domain. Rapidly helping stabilize it before being absorbed into her body like some kind of heavenly tonic-


Allowing Qing Yi, who had just stabilized her cultivation realm with the help of the ball of fire, to breakthrough another minor realm. Reaching the Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm.


Not just Xuan Hao. Even Chun Hua and Chu Yang watching everything playing out from the side were left speechless when they saw this.

None of them expecting the strange ball of fire that seemed to have been casually crafted by Mui allowing Qing Yi to rapidly stabilize her cultivation realm before breaking through to the Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm the next instant.

"Hehe, it worked! This way, it should be easier for senior sister to stabilize her cultivation base!"

Out of everyone present, the only one who seemed to not be the slightest bit surprised at this outcome was Mui, who happily celebrated as she noticed that her senior sister's domain had ended up becoming more stable compared to before after she broke through to the Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm.

"Ma-Master, can I ask junior sister Mui to come with me when I breakthrough in the future?"

"Me too! I also want Mui around when breaking through!"

Being the first to interrupt the silence that had descended on the place outside of Mui who was grinning happily from ear to ear, Chun Hua, and Chu Yang both turned towards their master with a look of anticipation plastered all across their faces.

Even without them saying anything more, it was obvious that both of them wanted to get their little junior sister's help when breaking through in the future…

"Oh? It seems like both of you forgot that Mui doesn't always craft something useful like this… What would both of you do if she created a similar ball of fire for both of you and it ended up blowing up in your face instead of helping your cultivation grow?" Rolling his eyes at the request from the two, Xuan Hao couldn't help reminding them of the fact that their little junior sister didn't have a good track record.

On the contrary, most of the things she created had a negative effect on the people unfortunate enough to encounter them in the wild

Hearing what their master said, both Chun Hua and Mui froze on the spot before smiling wryly to each other for a short moment.

"This… I forgot about that…"

"Yeah… It might be more dangerous to bring her along when breaking through. Especially consider that even master was unable to stop the strange flame created by her"

Nodding their head after thinking over the situation for a few seconds longer, both of them realized that it would indeed be far riskier to bring Mui along whenever they wanted to break through to a new realm.

"Hm~? Master, Chun Hua, Chu Yang… And Mui? What are all of you doing here?"

Just at this moment, the sound of Qing Yi's voice drifted over from afar as the fire domain that had covered up a large portion of the Domain Lord Realm ascension Platform disappeared.

Leaving behind the small Qing Yi, who was already standing up looking towards them with a confused expression on her face. Clearly having no clue why everyone had decided to gather together to wait for her to finish her breakthrough to the Domain Lord Realm and stabilize her cultivation base.

Part of her seemed to believe that she had been busy stabilizing her cultivation for days- If not weeks. Unaware of what had happened to her only a few seconds earlier.

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