Demon Sword Maiden

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 29 – The Waterless Cabin At The Bottom of The Lake

Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 29 – The Waterless Cabin At The Bottom of The Lake

Lily navigated through the underwater ruins of the ancient palace, where currents flowed with barely perceptible yet powerful force. However, these currents hardly hindered her progress. She ventured deeper, reaching a secluded courtyard submerged in water. Despite its watery grave, the courtyard’s antiquated elegance and poignant beauty from bygone days were still faintly discernible.

A peculiar sight caught Lily’s attention: a cabin deep within the courtyard, seemingly illuminated by firelight. “Why is there firelight here at the bottom of the lake?” she wondered. As she proceeded along an underwater pathway

1, playful little fish darted around her delicate bare feet, seeking refuge among the aquatic plants.

Reaching the cabin’s entrance, Lily stepped onto the porch and opened the door, only to find, to her surprise, that the interior was devoid of water, a stark contrast to its submerged exterior. Despite opening the wooden door, the water from the lake remained outside. Inside, the cabin was lit by long-lasting candles, its interior spotlessly maintained as if recently abandoned. Ancient artifacts were neatly arranged, suggesting the recent presence of an occupant. Please visit 𝓃𝑜vel𝒏𝑒xt.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

The cabin, simple and old, miraculously kept out the water. Intriguingly, the water dripping from Lily’s garments gathered into small streams upon hitting the floor, flowing back outside. Yet, no signs of formations or spells were detectable in the house. “How amazing…” she murmured.

Lily’s attention was drawn to a shelf placed on the front table, which seemed to have once held something but was now empty. She scanned the cabin, which appeared ordinary except for its unusual underwater location. The mystery of the cabin deepened; it was improbable for someone to be living there. Using her spiritual energy, Lily detected no people or harmful entities nearby, only the original aquatic inhabitants unaffected by the strong currents.

“What’s the secret of this cabin?” Lily pondered. Her gaze then fell upon the wooden wall behind the table, revealing a built-in cabinet upon a gentle push. Inside the small compartment, she discovered a painting of a celestial maiden playing the lute and dancing elegantly. The maiden, charming yet lacking the majestic aura typical of celestial maidens, seemed more akin to an ordinary woman than a divine being. The room’s furnishings, however, hinted at the residence of a highly distinguished aristocrat.

As Lily gazed at the celestial maiden in the painting, it felt as though the figure was gazing back at her. Suddenly, a wave of ancient memories enveloped her mind. She found herself viewing through the eyes of the celestial maiden, standing in a vast, ethereal realm, with clouds swirling around towering mountains above the sky.

Surrounded by other celestial maidens, the maiden in focus danced gracefully while playing the biwa. The scene was set amidst endless mountains enveloped in layers of clouds, amidst which countless towering pavilions stood, creating a majestic and beautiful sight. However, the rapid twirling of the dance prevented Lily from capturing every detail, but the beauty of the place was undeniable.

Curiously, the maiden playing the lute often found her gaze drawn to a distant, enigmatic figure. This figure, adorned in a white robe, stood on a viewing platform amidst the vast array of pavilions. Despite the significant distance, the figure’s silhouette commanded attention, emanating a potent mixture of grace and authoritative power. The presence was so overwhelming that it seemed to hold the capacity to freeze the heavens and earth in its icy grip.

The celestial maiden’s reactions suggested a deep, unspoken reverence, perhaps even an infatuation, towards this figure. Each glance towards the distant silhouette appeared to stir a mixture of awe and unattainable longing within her.

Lily, observing all this through the celestial maiden’s perspective, couldn’t help but feel that this mysterious, powerful figure might be Tsukuyomi no Mikoto. The sense of majesty and commanding presence seemed to align with what she knew of Tsukuyomi, the revered celestial battle maiden of Takamagahara. However, the distance and the ethereal setting of the memory left Lily uncertain, unable to fully discern the identity of the figure that so captivated the celestial maiden.

2, a stark reminder of her nocturnal adventure to the lake’s depths.

In the mirror space, Lily checked and confirmed the placement of the sixth stone stele. Only one stele remained unclaimed. This last piece was critical, yet remained out of reach for the moment.

With a heavy heart, she thought of Rinne again, entering the mirror space to kneel before her for a while, lost in her thoughts and feelings. The complexity of the situation and her own uncertainties about it made her decide to keep these events to herself, as explaining them seemed futile.

Once she had rested and gathered her thoughts, Lily led her army from the southern shores of Lake Biwa, setting off towards Heian-kyō by land. The journey was significant, and the path ahead was fraught with challenges.

As they passed through Iga, the army’s ranks swelled with the addition of the Iga ninja army. But the most heartening sight for Lily was the arrival of the Asuka Army, a formidable force of 10,000 elite soldiers from Iyo Island, now joining them in their quest.

Takamine Reika led this impressive contingent, and accompanying her was a team of a hundred mercenaries under the command of Kazama Azusa. Lily’s heart leaped with joy at the sight of her sisters, whom she hadn’t seen for several months. Their reunion was a happy one, filled with excitement and mutual respect.

During their heartfelt reunion, Azusa relayed important updates to Lily. “Miss Lily,” she began, “This time, Princess Asuka couldn’t join us. She’s entirely engrossed in her work, tirelessly laboring at the furnace day and night.”

Reika chimed in to elaborate, “That’s right. Princess Asuka specifically asked me to inform you that the forging of the Oborozuki Muramasa has reached a critical stage. She regrets not being able to be here, but she has assured that once the sword, deemed the strongest in the world, is completed, she will personally deliver it to you.”

Lily’s heart swelled with joy and anticipation upon hearing this. The prospect of the Oborozuki Muramasa nearing completion, a sword renowned to be the mightiest, sparked a blend of excitement and curiosity within her. She eagerly looked forward to both seeing the legendary sword and reuniting with Princess Asuka.

Azusa had more news to share. “Oh, by the way, Miss Lily,” she said, “I also received a message from Madam Tokiwa during my journey here. She conveyed that she’s ready to assist you whenever necessary.”

Lily felt a surge of confidence, bolstered by the knowledge that such formidable and loyal allies were at her side. With the strength and expertise of her friends and allies, she felt fully prepared to march towards Heian-kyō, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead on this pivotal journey.


Robinxen: Oh no…. Quick, Nintendo fans, prepare your trauma coping methods!

Robinxen: Oh well… so that’s what she wears at night now…

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