Chapter 97 - 97: Escorted Out

‘I was right? The hell, all I said were lies. Who’s helping me.’

A man among the group came up forward with a crystal in his hand.

“I just used a Memory Recall of the Earth. It showcased exactly what the boy did. He fought against a man wearing Saharan clothes the black turban on his head means he is a Sheikh… the boy also beat several Djinns, which is pretty impressive. And here as you can see, the Sheikh was actually using several forbidden arts. It’s here where he used necromancy…”

The man said as he began showing scenes that definitely did not happen.

Ludwig was completely baffled when he saw things that shouldn’t be there.

On the crystal, scenes of the Sheikh personally calling necromantic sigils, and Ludwig in the crystal was throwing his scimitar at the sigils, breaking its harmony and making the corpses go against the Sheikh.

The look of utter surprise and confusion on Ludwig was thankfully hidden by his mask.

‘The fuck is this? Do they have a memory recall magic? And it didn’t work on me? Was it the lantern that affects all that is perceived about me?”

[+1 wisdom]

‘Well, I guess that confirms it.

“Ah, ahem…” the old man coughed in embarrassment, “I truly apologize if I sounded or looked skeptical because the words you said do sound quite… strange, he had no reason to use necromancy after all. But from the scene, you didn’t allow him to do anything I guess his desperation got the best of him. Regardless, we’ll still need a bit more from you regarding the investigation. So how about you follow these gentlemen here so we can figure out some more.”

“Sure,” Ludwig said shrugging.

“Escort Ludwig and Alva outside,” the old man said.

Ludwig nodded and followed the lead of one of the soldiers. Only then did he realize, ‘When did I ever tell him my name?’

Turning to the old man, the latter gave him a knowing smile and turned his head back to the group of soldiers to manage the rest of the scene.

[You have successfully cleared the Sudden Quest: Survival]

‘Thankfully, that’s done.’ Ludwig thought to himself as he was escorted out of the dungeon by three knights who seemed to belong to the old man. The rest of the paladins were giving Ludwig the eye, perhaps discontent with the fact he called them out for being warmongers and killed his family. But hey, anything works as long as he gets to survive this ordeal.

The three Knights moved Ludwig up, and one of them couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it? You look barely over the age of twenty, you killed several Djinns and a necromancer!”

“Hey, Pavel, don’t ask questions you’re not supposed to,” another knight rebutted.

“C’mon Simons, you saw the boy, those are Lesser Djinns, they’re pretty tough. I’d take any of us a hard time clearing out this whole place by ourselves.” He said.

“He did have the Urbaf girl’s assistance,” another said.

Ludwig jumped in, “Yeah, she helped a lot, I’m not claiming to be some sort of hero. I did have help from her,” Ludwig said as he peeked over his shoulder, the paladins from before were healing Alva as they moved her behind them.

“Quite the good move kid,” the man named Pavel said, “This should put you in good regards with the Urbaf family. Keep it up and you might even get an invitation to their house,” he said.

“What would that serve me?” Ludwig asked.

“Seeing that you don’t have a house emblem on your academy robe, you’re probably from either a commoner family, or maybe a special admission, having the backing of the Urbaf family will serve you greatly in your career. Trust me,” he said as he pointed at his own symbol on his chest, a small Bear like badge was pinned to it.

“I see,” Ludwig said, he had no intention of joining any family but faking interest would easily get him on the knight’s side.

“All right climb up,” the soldier said as they reached the ladder.

The whole group soon left the dungeon and were out on the street. Where the city was full of noise and commotion, it was far calmer now. Soldiers and Knights wearing the same designed armor as the people escorting Ludwig were all over the city.

“Seems like news of what happened spread really fast,” Ludwig said.

“It’s because the Lord came to enjoy the festival, I guess we were fortunate for his presence,” Simons said.

“Who is the lord by the way?” Ludwig asked as he didn’t have the chance to inspect the man earlier.

“Don’t,” Pavel spoke immediately putting a stop to the conversation. “If the lord wanted you to know, he would have told you personally, regardless, please go up that carriage and wait a bit.”

Ludwig nodded and hopped on the carriage, watching the events unfold.

He was expecting to remain here for a while, but soon the giant man and the person everyone called Lord came out of the dungeon. Alva was hastily carried away by the paladins and that left only the Lord and his escorts.

The old man asked a few questions to the guards next to the carriage then took note of Ludwig sitting inside it.

He then gestured with his head to Ludwig recognizing his current situation and then approached him.

“Ludwig,” the old man said.

“Yes,” Ludwig calmly replied.

“You’ll have to come with us for tonight, we have many things to ask you.”

“Fine by me,” Ludwig said, although he was worried that if he were to be taken for investigation more issues could come up. “But, can you send someone to check up on my friends, one of them was a victim to this ritual, I want to know if she is alright,” Ludwig said.

The old man’s brow furrowed and then he smiled, “Sure, you do have a genuine heart for caring about your comrades.”

[Fakery of Death has activated]

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