Chapter 152 - System vs System (II)

Ji Zuoshan waited a long time for a response: “…… Mr. Chi?”

Chi Xiaochi paused and said sincerely, “Xiao Ji, thank you.”

Ji Zuoshan is stunned, his face all red.

He had been an imperial war hero for some time now, and had been awarded numerous honours and gifts, and he was consciously forcing himself to be mature and stable, but he was still a teenager, and a word of recognition and praise from his benefactor made him feel as happy as if he had been praised by his elder brother at home.

The kindness and care that Chi Xiaochi showed him was all the more valuable in contrast to Tan Hu’s experience.

There is so little he can give back to Chi Xiaochi compared to what he has done for him.

”No …… don’t be polite to me.” He asked with bright eyes, “How’s Miss Six been?”

”Him.” Chi Xiaochi examined the ring on his hand, “He’s okay. We have four more missions to go before


While gossiping with Chi Xiaochi, Ji Zuoshan turned distracted and surreptitiously cut into another channel.

Yesterday, 061 went back to the Lord GOD space, and as a system, as long as it is not deliberately encrypted and hiding its whereabouts, it will always leave a trail.

He was able to sneak into Lord GOD’s space with the little trace of information that remained in 061.

This kind of mental intrusion from a distance was also very difficult for him, even with his signal enhancer. The overuse of mental energy causes severe headaches, and his ears are now ringing so badly that he can no longer hear Chi Xiaochi very well.

It’s a good thing he’s good at holding back.

Ji Zuoshan must admit that he is not smart enough to help Mr. Chi analyse and connect the dots, so he might as well take this opportunity to help him a little bit more.

Lord GOD is a large space, full of white and black-clad systems walking around, all busy, looking like an ordinary technology company.

He studied the brass signs placed in the hall to confirm where he was going and then grabbed them, quickly approaching the archives.

Mr. Ji seems to be concerned about 127, but he should not have access to the Lord GOD system, and leaving it to Mr. Six would inevitably draw the attention of that Lord GOD, in case he gets in trouble with Mr. Six.

He is a mature man and should learn to help his benefactor out.

The archives are easy for Ji Zuoshan to access, even in Lord GOD’s space, but the computers that store electronic data are highly encrypted and the password sequence changes automatically once the computer is switched off, and if you make more than two mistakes, the computer will automatically alert you.

Ji Zuoshan hesitates for a moment in front of his computer, as his mental energy is so depleted that he is afraid he can no longer distract himself from calculating the code sequence.

…… The good thing is that in case of computer malfunction, there is still paper material in the archives for archiving.

Ji Zuoshan searched through the shelves one by one, but found the information on No. 127 without difficulty.

He pulled the information out and looked at the photos first, and was just stunned.

The photograph of No. 127 differs from Tan Hu’s description of a somewhat wary-looking, pale, middle-aged man with danzai eyes.

Did Tan Hu go crazy and make up a number off the top of his head?

Or did 127 finish the job and retire with honour, and the next one took over the number?

But how do you prove which conjecture is correct?

Ji Zuoshan frowned for a moment and then his mind was enlightened.

He doesn’t have a bad memory.

Chi Xiaochi used to bring 061 with him for a chat when he was there, and he mentioned that 061 had been in the system business for 12 years.

Tan Hu was stranded in his own world 13 years ago.

It was the lack of an accurate time frame of reference that was so distressing for myself. Now I borrowed Mr Six’s file and compared it to the time of entry into the profession to see what was really going on.

The files for 061 are not difficult to find either, they are on less than two adjacent shelves.

As soon as he opened it, he was struck by the young man in the photo, and then realised that the photo was taken when 061 had first entered the system.

The characteristics of every teenage girl’s dream of a big brother next door can be found in him.

Ji Zuoshan gave a soft laugh with pursed lips.

It was interesting to see that the 061 brother, who he remembered as a mature, stable and accommodating man, had also had such a youthful moment.

He thought about it, but first compared the entry times of 061 and 127.

Sure enough, it was exactly three years ago that 127 joined the system and was numbered.

This means that someone else has taken his place after the departure of the previous 127.

But why should the new system repeat the numbering already used?

Wouldn’t it be called a mix-up in case there were other acquaintances within the system in the past 127?

With this in mind, Ji Zuoshan put the 127 file back in its proper place and took the 061 file with him, intending to put it back.

On the way back, he ghosted through his file folder again to check the time.

When he opened it this time, the first thing that caught his eye was the name field.

”Name: Lou Ying”.

Ji Zuoshan moves a little.

Lou Ying ……” Lou”?

If he remembered correctly, Mr. Chi had mentioned to him that there was a man called ” Brother Lou” who was very important to him ……

But he didn’t have the chance to think about it any further.

A headache so strong that it was unbelievable slammed into him, almost knocking the human form he had condensed with his mental energy to pieces on the spot.

Unable to support himself, he dropped to one knee on the spot and smashed the entire floor tile loose straight away.

The siren whines and the walls of the room turn bright red, making your eyelids pop.

…… was spotted!

Ji Zuoshan fought back a headache and tried to stand up, but his legs felt like a thousand pounds and his consciousness was about to fade.

He gritted his teeth out of the blood, shaking in disarray, and the file he held in his hands trembled.

No, the file has to be put back!

An intruder, with the 061 file in his hands, could get away with it if he was caught, but what would Mr. Six do?

Stand up, quick ……

– yet the force is overwhelming.

The headache was splitting, the brain was boiling and there was clearly a defence system releasing targeted ultrasound waves.

There must be no more delays!

Ji Zuoshan’s eyes turn a little red as he puts one hand on the adjacent file shelf, leaving a ghastly palm mark on the iron shelf before, with a stifled grunt, he flips it over!

The shelves fall in dominoes, the files slide off the shelves, and Ji Zuoshan raises his hand, tossing 061’s file near the shelf it was on, and disappears in a flash.

Almost as soon as he disappeared, the walls opened at first with the pupils of a pair of purple eyes!

The one eye looked coldly around the messy archive.

The floor was full of mess, but the mess-maker was nowhere to be seen.


For Chi Xiaochi, Ji Zuoshan was silently disconnected.

He had been listening to himself, so Chi Xiaochi wasn’t too surprised when he found no further response.

It’s all about next-door long-distance calls, and it’s normal to get a bad signal.

Shortly after he hung up, 061’s voice rang out in his head again, “It’s been a long time.”

Chi Xiaochi turns his head to see a plate full of freshly cut oranges already on the bedside table.

061 The extra orange peel was also used to carve two small frogs, which are lying on the edge of the plate in an innocent manner.

The flesh is bright and the skin is delicate, and the fruit looks great when arranged together.

Chi Xiaochi did not mention to 061 the conversation he had just had with Ji Zuoshan.

He knew that the Lord GOD was very powerful and that he had deliberately threatened it in this space last time to test it, to suggest that it had something on its hands and could report it to the watchdogs of their Lord GOD system at any time.

And Lord GOD has backhandedly set himself up in a post-apocalyptic world, so to speak, very courteously.

This also gives Chi Xiaochi an unusual signal that Lord GOD is not very afraid of the watchdog.

He thought that there must be a very PY deal behind this.

However, he would not be able to tell such a story in the open again and raise the scorn of Lord GOD.

Chi Xiaochi, who always knows how to change the subject, and is especially good at BB and blind BB, said sulkily, “Eunuch Six, you keep me waiting.”

061 : “……” Did you get yourself a eunuch script today.

With a sigh, he cooperated, “Yes, Your Majesty, I was wrong.”

Chi Xiaochi was a very dim-witted ruler and said, “How dare you, how dare you do that in front of me, someone, drag them out and castrate them again.”

061 : “……”

He had the urge to lead a rebellion against the other eunuchs and then tie up the young and dim-witted emperor and bully him until he cried every day.

When Chi Xiaochi had had enough, she hugged her plate, took a small fork with her left hand and ate the pulp.

The way he ate was quite elegant, chewing with his mouth closed and his cheeks puffing out, and 061 he didn’t say anything, just watched him quietly, his heart full.

Chi Xiaochi ate two pieces, then put down his stick and casually asked, “By the way, how many more missions do you have left after doing my order?”

061 would like to tell Chi Xiaochi all about his dealings, but this is a question that goes to the heart of the confidentiality regulations and he could not answer truthfully even if he wanted to.

He could only laugh, “You forgot?”

Chi Xiaochi said, “I haven’t forgotten, ask.”

061 : “You are my 11th host, and after completing your mission, I have 90 more missions. …… Have some more, oranges don’t taste good when they oxidise.”

Chi Xiaochi didn’t ask any more questions, ate a few pieces, felt a little sleepy again and went back under the covers.

061 As he was about to help him pull the covers back up, Chi Xiaochi took it upon himself to reach out and tuck the covers in carefully.

061 A slight change of countenance.

The ring on the ring finger of …… Chi Xiaochi’s right hand was actually turned on his pinky finger.

He ducked his head, held back the emotions that were swirling inside him, pulled the light off, said “good night” in a warm voice and said nothing more.

Chi Xiaochi also knows that 061 saw it.

…… but what can be done about it.

He could not give 061 a response, although there were times when he would expect a miracle, such as the one Mr. Six was waiting for …… himself.

But his luck in relationships ended at the age of 14.

He shouldn’t have asked for a miracle.

As for the ring, it’s better to keep it on and maybe one day Xiao Ji will be able to contact himself if he makes another discovery.

At this moment, the data screen in “In between” is showing information about Chi Xiaochi.

Host code: No. 1198

Name of host: Chi Xiaochi

World Difficulty Rating: S

World completion: 100

Host status assessment: all functions are good and stable, ready for transmission.

Total entropy value obtained: 1599 (mean entropy value 5230)

Originally Lord GOD was pleased with this far superior value to previous periods, however, his heart went cold when he noticed the average.

Still, he quickly perked up and opened his mouth to ask his exclusive AI, “Has the vulnerability been patched yet.”

The AI replied, “Yes, it’s been patched.”

”What’s the situation?”

”All that is known is that it was a forced invasion and the purpose is unknown.”

” The movement of 061?”

”It shouldn’t be him. He was peeling oranges for host 1198 in the exchange space when it happened.”

Lord GOD : “……” didn’t want to hear so much detail, thanks.

Last time, Lord GOD didn’t follow the progress of Chi Xiaochi’s mission because he was working, but in his opinion, his tactics were working.

Once the 061 was restricted, Chi Xiaochi had less help, and it seems that he will pay a heavy price for his dependence on the system.

In the next world, it is simply a case of doing as you are told.

With this in mind, Lord GOD sneered for a moment and then asked the AI: “The watchdog will be coming down to inspect soon, how are you getting ready?”

The AI said, “It’s ready.”

”This time or R99 to?”

”There should be no mistake. It was always she who was in charge of your system.”

Lord GOD gave a laugh, “Well, that’s good.”

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