Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 41 41: Time To Take Back What's Mine Part 2 [2/2]

Broken antiques, clay sculptures, old coins, and rusty keys?

Renji looked at the random items in the guy's bag and was confused. He couldn't figure out what it all meant.

On the other side, the shady gangster seemed to get his groove back. He sized up Renji's unfamiliar face, also frowning, and then began to question:

"Hold on! Who are you? I've never seen you before!"

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "Oh, we're new recruits under Sir. Simon,"

 Renji casually replied. Simon was the name of the warehouse supervisor.

Hearing that Renji was just a low-ranking, new member, the man's face darkened. He quickly took back the bag he had shown to Renji, and his attitude completely changed.

"What the hell! You scared the crap out of me! Didn't Simon teach you any manners?"

"What are you planning to do with all this stuff?" Renji ignored the man's curses and asked directly.

"Ah, my luck sucks today! Running into you two rookies! Fine, whatever, I have extra 'goods' today. You guys can help me carry some!"

'Goods? '

'This is considered 'goods'?'This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content

"What are you waiting for, take it!"

The grumbling man divided the trinkets between Renji and Eileen, then commanded: "Listen up, newbies. You're lucky. There's a chance to make some quick cash. Do as I say, and we'll all be rich. First thing, go back to your warehouse, grab any test subject, and make sure you're not seen. Got it?"

After hearing the man, Renji hesitated for a moment, then signaled to Eileen. The girl nodded, turned around, and left, while Renji stayed to make sure the gangster didn't escape.

"You're smart, I like that, my name is Artur, do you want to team up with me?"

"Sure," Renji quickly agreed.

Artur: "Uh..."

In less than a minute, Eileen returned, carrying a body bag on her shoulder. Artur looked at Eileen's brisk pace and swallowed hard.

The girl stared blankly at the "clay sculpture" item she'd been handed. It felt like a cruel joke, a haunting reminder of the past.

Six years ago, her father had been equally excited about obtaining what he thought was a "valuable" item tainted with Miasma from the black market. That fateful decision had turned him into an Eclipse, triggering a series of tragedies that followed.

Eileen never thought she would find herself in a similar situation.

"So, Artur, have you ever thought about the disasters that could happen when these Miasma-tainted items make their way into public places?" Renji asked, taking a deep breath.

"Haha! Are you serious? What's it to me what happens to the people who buy this stuff? If something bad happens, they had it coming; they asked for it!"

"Have you considered that by not doing this, you could prevent a lot of tragedies?"

"Look, you're funny, you know that? You think I'm the only one doing this? Get real! There are plenty of people in Callewa doing the exact same thing to make some quick cash!"

Artur looked somewhat annoyed. He had kindly offered them a chance to make money, and now they were questioning his morals? Could morals pay his bills?

"Listen, if you're such a saint, why don't you shut down this factory? Then none of us could do this even if we wanted to. Do you have the guts for that? Do you even know what's kept in this factory? If you can't do it, then stop giving me a fucking hard time!"

"What is kept in this factory?" Renji asked.

Seeing Renji stand his ground, Artur let out a mocking laugh.

Then, with a tone full of pride and arrogance, he mockingly said to Renji, "Listen up, newbie. What's stored here is the ace up our sleeve, the reason why we, Callewa, are so powerful and the rulers of Blackhole Plains!"

"It's an artifact from the legendary 'Great Emperor' that we dug up from the Relic Cave!"

Artur's face lit up. Just talking about the 'Great Emperor' got him all excited. Even getting a tiny bit of power from this item had changed his life. It was something a lot of people in Callewa were bending the rules to get a piece of.

Just by getting a small "taste" of the artifact, he had already gained so much. It's a taste that many in Callewa were risking breaking the rules to get a sip of.

Just imagine the wealth if one could actually possess the 'Great Emperor's artifact' itself! Unfortunately, that remained a fantasy. Even they, in Callewa, had not yet figured out how to use the artifact they'd dug up. Otherwise, they wouldn't need to build this massive factory and collect "test subjects" in an attempt to awaken it.

However, Artur believed that one day, they would succeed in activating the artifact and unleashing its true power. And when that day comes, they won't just be rulers of Blackhole Plains; they'll be the top gang in the entire Holy Kingdom.

Just as Artur was lost in thoughts of a promising future, the young man beside him, who had been silent for a while, spoke up again.

"So that's why," Renji said, his voice full of mixed feelings.

"What do you mean, 'that's the reason'? Hey, hold on! Where are you going?"

Watching Renji get up to leave, Artur became anxious. Drinking the 'soup' from the artifact was an unspoken rule within Callewa. Getting caught could lead to severe punishment.

However, in response to his anxious pleas, the young man turned around, as if giving it some serious thought, and finally said,

"I guess it's time to take back what's mine."

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