Chapter 225: Countdown Begins

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She woke in Reth's arms feeling strong, but strange. The drugs still coursing through her system obviously doing their job, but leaving her feeling slightly separated from reality. And when she realized she was strong enough to get to her feet, to walk around, she stepped outside and it was as if the world… glittered. She closed her eyes and opened them again, but the strange effect was still there—as if everything shone or gleamed. As if light was too bright, but it didn't hurt her eyes and she could see clearly.

Reth stepped up next to her, his face lined with weariness. His skin seemed as if it almost glowed as he looked at her and forced a smile. "I can't believe you're walking around," he murmured. "Are you sure it isn't hurting too much? Sometimes it doesn't hurt when you first begin to move, but you realize soon that there's more pain coming…"

Elia put a hand to his arm, just to feel him. Both of them were reluctant to be out of contact. But waking in someone else's house had put aside any sense of intimacy. "I really am fine," she said. "I feel like… like my muscles are sore after one of your workouts. It hurts when I move, but not in a way that would make me frightened. Just… a healing way."

He nodded. "That's good. I'm so glad." But their eyes caught and Elia knew he had the same thought she did: As soon as she was well—which at this point was likely tomorrow—she would be going back to her world. They didn't have any choice. But for now her injuries, while risky, were a reason to still be together.

Neither of them wanted to part.

She leaned into his chest and he put his arms around her shoulders. Neither of them spoke. They didn't need to.



He twitched all the way through breakfast, yearning to touch Elia, to be closer than just their thighs pressed together under the table. He ached to be alone with her. But the very public meal was necessary—he had to go to the market. Had to be seen. Life had to continue, the people had to see that they weren't overcome. And the fact that Elia was well enough… it was a work of the Creator. Of that he had no doubt. The Anima had heard how bad her injuries were, so her quick healing had them celebrating. But the fact remained, she was really healing. And that meant that they had to plan her escape before the wolves recouped and came for her again. For both of them.

So, as he ground his teeth through the meal, he charged Behryn and Brant with joining them afterwards back at the cave, and asked Elia to have her Cohorts attend too. He hated knowing they would give so much time to other people today, but there was no way around it. The arrangements must be made. And since Elia and whichever Cohorts were chosen to go with her would be completely inexperienced with the Portal, there was a lot that needed to be communicated, and understood before any of them could rest tonight.

So, he twitched. He ached. He yearned. And he smiled. And he spoke to his people. And when he had the chance, he grasped Elia's hand under the table, or rested his on her thigh.

By the time they were done, she looked weary and he was concerned perhaps the healing wasn't quite as advanced as they'd thought.

"Are you okay?" he murmured below the level of the talking around them. "Do you need to go back to Aymora's cave?"

"No, no!" she said. Her smile was sad , but her eyes dropped to his lips in a way that made him want to growl. "It's just a lack of sleep. I actually feel stronger than usual. It's very strange. As if my body is ready to do something. It's making me twitch a little."

Reth was twitching too, but for entirely different reasons.

Thankfully, soon they were able to excuse themselves and walk back to the cave. He regretted the need for the guards, but he was taking no chances now. And Elia didn't even mention them.

As they walked through the forest on the way to the cave, she tucked her hand under his arm, and hugged his forearm. He was struggling to take his eyes off of her, but she looked through the trees, up into the canopy overhead, and at the dirt and roots under their feet. "I don't want to leave," she breathed. "Even with war. Even with… everything. I don't want to go, Reth."

He ached. He opened his mouth to speak, but she rushed on.

"I know I need to. I get it. I saw what you had to do yesterday, what it cost—everything, Reth… I feel so guilty. There are families without sons and mates tonight because of me."

"Don't tell yourself that. We can't know that, Elia. We can't know what would have been."

"But if I'd left when you first told me to—"

"Even then, you can't know. Our conflict with the wolves has had one good outcome—they have lost the opportunity for surprise. Even with Charyn's warning, we underestimated what was there. He hadn't been out there for a while. It had grown significantly. We also know the layout of the camp now, and who the major players are. The scouts got very good details. So, perhaps we had to be there. Perhaps the loss of those lives now will save many, many more lives later? I don't know. I just know that we cannot let ourselves fall into the trap of trying to change what if, because… we can't. It will only burn in you, Elia. Don't let yourself do that."


"Elia," he whispered, pulling her to a stop and turning to face her. She mirrored him, staring up at him in the bright morning sun. "You must keep yourself as positive as possible. You must focus on what you can control, and leave the rest in the hands of the Creator. For your own sake, and for Elreth's. We already send you into danger. Don't make it worse for yourself. Please." It was a plea not an order.

Elia put a hand to his gorgeous face. "I will take that advice," she said plainly. "I'm listening, Reth. I will take that advice. And while I'm gone, I will get stronger. You watch me. When I come back… I won't be the same woman."

"Oh, don't say that," he said, pulling her chin up. "I don't want anyone else."


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