Hah!! Maybe it wasn't that they didn't know but more like they were too unbothered to care.

For a moment, a wave of relief and contentment washed over me because of Knight Camille's death.

And if only Captain Clara who was supposedly my sister-in-law followed suit, then my mind would have been at peace until something or someone stirred it all up again.

Don't get me wrong, the fact that she was my sister-in-law didn't change a thing for me and neither did it make me feel any sort of conflicted emotion for her when I never had such emotion in the first place.

I prayed for her death. But thinking about all the problems her carcass would come with, I had no choice but to continue my march forward with vigilance.

Huh!! It's been up to a minute and Mad John still hasn't answered the question.

Taking my fourth step as I walked forward on my ship, I could see the reason why?

I was so caught up in my own mind that I didn't even bother or take heed of my surroundings.

Haaaaa!! I breathed out tirelessly, this might really be a long day.

Narrowing my eyes at the sight of my crewmen walking towards me in groups, it didn't take me a second before I understood what was going on.

Effortlessly. I could read their emotions almost effortlessly. Like a book opened for the whole world to see.

Their expressions, the fruitless way they gritted their teeth, the savage visage that blanketed their faces. The subtle, almost unnoticeable whispers flew like a fly in their midst. I could read and understand them all!!

'Good, another problem for me to solve' I thought sarcastically, knowing that a rebellion on a broken ship, riding on the waves of an open sea, was just a step away from happening.

Even a fool would know that the end result would be unpleasant if it wasn't quelled immediately.

But still, even though I saw that their actions would go nowhere, they didn't.

Clouded by their rage and their reluctance to keep on counting the days of their torments, it was understandable why they had chosen now as the best time to lay open their hearts like an open book.

After being subjected to the former Prince Wyatt's stupidity under the utterly merciless grip of Knight Camille, and having to serve under Captain Clara who undoubtedly unleash whatever hate she had for me on them, I could comprehend their reason for igniting a rebellion.

Even if they were sea slaves, they were still human beings who had a limit to how much they could endure.

"Captain" Mad John called out to me.

"I know" I responded, letting him know that I could more or less guess what was about to happen next.

Stopping in front of me, I could make out about 12 men, each with a deadpan expression on their face, each looking as though they had nothing to lose as they stood a few meters away from me with an imposing atmosphere around them.

I once considered them as mobs who would follow all of my orders as long as I pleased and managed to gain Mad John's trust since he was the one who related to them well and spoke as their voice of reason.

But I was wrong.....


"What is going on?" Mad John said, moving from his position to stand in front of me.

"Get out of our way Mad John! We have had enough!!" A bald man with a shark earring, dressed in a shirt and a long sleeve, black trousers with a pair of black booths said.

Looking at him closely, I remembered that he was the one steering at the ship when Toothless had attacked us.

"What do you mean by that, Seadog? Don't you all know what will happen if you go ahead and do whatever you are planning in that skull of yours?" Mad John replied.

"Look, we all started this journey together, so trust me, I can understand how you guys are currently feeling and I promise you that you won't go through the same thing again now that the Princ…."

"You mean that coward! Are you talking about the Prince that left us in the hands of those two demons or the one that has led us into the belly of danger time and time again?" Seadog said, greeting his teeth in anger.

I sighed internally at his statement.

If I see things from his point of view, he has every right to be angry and frustrated. Every one of them has the right to be so.

"Look, we are all tired of all this rubbish and debacle. So get out of the way Mad John, I…. We have no business with you" Seadog added.

"The contract states that if you attack your employer, your will die" Mad John responded almost immediately.

I couldn't help but raise a brow at Mad John's statement. If they attack me, they would die!!ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Doesn't that mean that the contract is not just an ordinary agreement but a magical one?

Well, considering what I could do currently, it wasn't hard to believe that it was the truth.

Still, that didn't seem to quell the fire in their eyes that raged even more after Mad John's words.

"We know. But that is not going to stop us from doing what we have in mind" Seadog responded.

"And what do you have in mind?" Mad John replied.

Seadog paused momentarily before replying "You better be standing with us, Mad John, not against us. However, please, for now, get out of our way".

All of them concentrated their eyes on Mad John. They were all riled up for violence, their face full of outrage. They looked like they were ready to kill anything in their path irrespective of the consequences.

They were the worst kind of enemies any individual would dread to face….. Men who had nothing to lose except their life.

They say hell hath no fury than a woman's scorn. Hah!! Try going toe to toe with a rage-induced man, handing out his life to you on a silver platter.

I can see it in their eyes, consequences be damned.

"And if you keep on standing in our way, you will regret what is to come".

ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm "How dare y…"

"Mad John!!!" I said, cutting Mad John's words off and drawing their attention towards me again.

"Yes, Captain" He replied, turning his head to take a glance at me.

"I will take with them. Since they all took the time to gather themselves to meet me, wouldn't it be a little disrespectful not to address them?" I said, walking forward to stand in front of the crowd.

Although I looked calm on the surface, there were several gears twisting in my head, looking for a solution or an antidote for my current dilemma.

I could feel the tension in the air forming an enclosure around me. And the fact that we were in an open space that was visible from Captain Crimson eye's ship didn't help either as the idea that he or his aides could be watching, only made the enclosure grow tighter.

He was watching. Somehow, I could feel it in my gut.

"Sigh!! Alright" Mad John shook his head and stepped back.

Staring at the gazes of the would-be revolutionist, I said.

"Go ahead and tell me what you want".


Prince Wyatt's voice echoed in the ears of all the sea slaves present. Their yellow decayed teeth ground against each other as the voice was still the same as when they had first seen him, arrogant and uncaring

At first, they had thought that they could all continue to live their lives after the contract had expired, but after spending some months and several days under the hands of this witless Prince and his ruthless knight, they had all come to realize that reality wouldn't go the way they wanted.

"Hand over the slave contracts" Seadog said.

All of them nodded their heads in approval.

Prince Wyatt frowned. "Why?" He asked.

"Why? Are you really asking us why?" Sea dog screamed hysterically "We have been tortured. Brutally mishandled. Starved and have worked till our bones dragged against the floorboard. We have been thrown into the sea all because we said the wrong words and disgraced all because we have no power to fight back".

"Listen, Prince Wyatt, if you don't give us our slave contracts, we are ready to walk out of this ship and bury ourselves under this sea".

Prince Wyatt raised a brow at Seadog's statement. His frown got deeper as he still couldn't think of a way to handle the crisis at hand.

"Is that really all you want?" Prince Wyatt replied.

His nonchalant tone made all the sea slaves in front of him vibrate in irritation.

Prince Wyatt saw this, and couldn't help but sigh again.

It wasn't that their emotions and actions held no weight or depth, it was just that he hasn't been in such a situation before, and thus had no idea how to handle it.

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