Song Qingyang clenched his fists tightly and listened to Li Kuantou's description of everything just now. He thought that Gu Dajiao was infatuated with his cousin, so he let him in to have a look, thinking that it would be good to match him up.

Unexpectedly, Gu Dazuo was so mad that he stabbed in with a knife, which was more vicious than bandits like them.

"What about people? Are you really going to die?"

Song Qingyang asked Li Shortlegs that he must be arrested and given an explanation to his cousin Wu Qi! Murderer, no mercy!

"I don't know, Wang Ermazi took his brothers to chase after him."

The incident happened so suddenly, if Dr. Li hadn't told him that the man was still alive, and Li Short Legs was worried that he was chasing him, so he threw Wu Qi into the snow, Wu Qi would probably have passed away by the time he came back.

Their brothers have all seen Gu Dajiao, who has a soft and weak personality, speaks politely, and without thinking, let him be so vicious that he can kill with a raised hand!

Even they can't do such a thing!

They are bandits, that's right, but they don't kill. When they meet a particularly tough bodyguard team, they fight, but they can't beat them, and they come back with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Don't blame anyone, it's their own incompetence.

"Boss, Dazuo sent a lot of things up the mountain to please us, obviously because he never forgets Wu Shusheng, who would have thought..."

Li Kuang patted his thigh and wanted to scold someone, but he thought about it, Wu Qi is the boss's cousin, so the boss should feel more uncomfortable.

Since the matter is a foregone conclusion, regret and annoyance are useless, it is better to cooperate with Dr. Li to treat Wu Qi.

"Li short legs, the temperature in the house is too low, and the brightness is not enough."

Li Haitang checked, Wu Qi's temporary residence was very clean, on the table, there were calligraphy and paintings that hadn't been finished in time, she took a closer look, no matter how familiar the person in the painting was, isn't this her own blessing!

Song Qingyang also saw it, and touched his cheek with his hand. His cousin likes talented women. When did he change his taste?

It's no wonder that Gu Dazuo is even more despised, and he refuses outright, because he is afraid that the Wufu girl will misunderstand, right?

"Okay, Miracle Doctor Li, I'm going to prepare now."

Li short legs lifted the cotton curtain and went out, only Song Qingyang and Li Haitang were left in the room except Wu Qi who was lying down.

At this moment, Song Qingyang became more and more uncomfortable, and retreated a little bit. When Li Haitang turned his head, he was already standing at the door and stepped out with one foot.

"Come and help, you pry his mouth open."

After the surgery, I needed some anesthetics. Li Haitang didn't have any, so I had to find some substitutes temporarily, but the effect would not be very good.

In the process of taking out the remaining dagger, Wu Qi would probably wake up and struggle hard, so she needed a few men to help hold him down.


Song Qingyang murmured, this is not a safe distance, he really felt a little scared, just now, it would be better to let him run errands, and Li Kuangleg stayed behind.

"Okay, I'll do it myself."

Li Haitang could only resort to violence, and Song Qingyang's eyes twitched. He had a hunch that his cousin must be in pain.

Scholars are different from their rough men, they have thin skin and tender flesh, and a pinch on the face will leave a red mark.

However, his cousin is just like the girl's family, a little too tender.

"Miraculous doctor Li, actually Song..."

Song Qingyang was about to talk about his situation, when the person on the bed groaned, Wu Qi opened his eyes, saw Li Haitang, and recalled in his mind that he was stabbed in the chest by Gu Dajiao.

But why didn't he die? Could it be that Dr. Li was also killed?

No, there is his cousin in the distance. Could it be that that person hid too deeply before and sent innocent people away with him?

"you are still alive."

Li Haitang patted Wu Qi's arm. Other people drowsy after taking drugs, but Wu Scholar is energetic.

Fortunately, after he said a few words, he tilted his head and passed out again.

"Miraculous doctor Li, my cousin is dying!"

Song Qingyang hugged his head with a pained expression on his face. He was able to speak in such a spirit just now, and it was either returning to the light or deceiving the corpse.

"Not dead, passed out."

Li Haitang washed his hands with hot water first, and then sterilized the surgical instruments. After everything was ready, he started directly.

Song Qingyang dawdled at the door for a while, then endured goosebumps, and probed Wu Qi's breath with his hand.

Doctor Li didn't lie to him, his cousin was still alive.

"Your phobia seems to be very serious, am I that scary?"

Li Haitang weighed Wu Qi's chest, then cut through his clothes with a dagger, and drew a line with a charcoal pencil to find the location for the operation.

Song Qingyang paused for a moment. He took Miracle Doctor Li up the mountain this time with some hope in mind. He is old enough to want to get married and marry a wife to live a good life. However, when he sees a woman, he wants to avoid it. If he gets close, he will easily pass out.


It's hard to say, all of this is related to an incident that happened when he was a few years old.

"Appreciate further details."

Due to psychological factors, the best solution is hypnotherapy. This kind of therapy can only be used for people with weak willpower, and Li Haitang is still a half-hearted person, which is a bit embarrassing.

"When I was a child, I lived in the village, and my neighbors never had children."

Song Qingyang squatted on the ground and began to recall painful memories. This process made him extremely tormented.

Taking advantage of Li Kuantong's absence, he sped up his speech, "Uncle Chen and Aunt Osmanthus love me very much."

Song Qingyang has two younger sisters, and he is the only male in his family.

"Uncle Chen works as a bookkeeper in a big restaurant in the town, and he is a relatively well-informed person in the village."

The couple are not members of the Song family, and no one knows where they moved here. The two have been neighbors for several years and have always gotten along harmoniously.

In the restaurant, rich people go to eat, some roast chicken, sauce duck, just move a chopstick or two, and the other party will not want it.

Li Haitang understood that it was indeed a lucrative job to work in an ancient restaurant, especially a big restaurant, where people did not have the habit of packing.

If you can be in a restaurant, even if you are an errand guy, you can't do without big fish and meat, and even the food for the whole family can be a higher grade.

"Uncle Chen always brings roast chicken, meatballs, cakes, and sometimes tea foam from them at home..."

Song Qingyang got candy and all kinds of food, and his two sisters could also share part of it.

Xu is full of oil and water, and there is no shortage of meat to eat. He is tall and strong, stronger than the boys in the village.

The two families live in harmony, and occasionally have dinner together. Aunt Osmanthus likes him very much, so she said that it would be great if the couple could have a son.

It's a pity that Uncle Chen hurt his roots and was doomed to have no children.

"My parents also said to give my sister to Uncle Chen."

A joke made after drinking, but the other party believed it, but they didn't like the girl, so they decided on Song Qingyang's idea.

"I remember, it's almost Chinese New Year, and Aunt Osmanthus said to take me to a restaurant to find Uncle Chen..." The relationship between the two families is as close as a family, and he always goes to the restaurant to find someone on weekdays, without thinking about it at all.

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