Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2267 - 2267 Dictator Pregnant Poison

2267 Dictator Pregnant Poison
Lin Yuan thought, I expected that the Banquet of Everything would not go smoothly, but I didn’t expect the storm to be stirred up by someone other than me.

Dictator Everything had to be hiding a special secret as well.

“I know. Alert me immediately if any Dictators appear before the Banquet of Everything begins.”

East Glow hurriedly nodded.

Frankly, it was rather nervous and anxious about the arrival of so many Dictators at Marsh East Palace.

Luckily, it had already become Lin Yuan’s follower. Thus, no matter what happened, it could fall back on Lin Yuan’s support and would not have to worry about handling everything on its own.

As the head Apostle of Marsh East Palace, it would have to receive all of these Dictators.

At that time, East Glow would definitely be able to obtain fresh information.

In a marsh that seemed to stretch on endlessly, a figure was floating amongst the black fluids.

This figure was holding an Apostle who had lost all aura of life.

The crimson light flashing amongst the black fluid turned into dark red worms that tunneled into the body of the dead Apostles, scooping the corpse out clean while extracting its memory.

A mocking peal of laughter echoed from the figure ensconced in a black fluid.

“The Marsh East Circle is becoming increasingly backward. I can’t believe the Apostles dared to call themselves kings of Marsh East Palace! It’s ludicrous! Hmm, it might not be a bad decision for me to stay in the Marsh East Circle. All those Apostles will have no choice but to listen to me or become my fertilizer!”

Suddenly, the figure enveloped in black fluid frowned. It was as though there was something of interest in this dead Apostle’s memories.

“Ten Thousand Source isn’t one of the seven from Marsh Abyss. Besides the fact that the word ‘source’ is included, it’s even the last word! This is clearly a provocation toward those seven figures!”

The figure was suspended in midair as though it was hesitating.

Since the figure had stopped abruptly, half of its body emerged from the black fluid.

The female body was dressed in a dark red lace dress which exuded seductive charm.

The black fluid hung off her long red hair. The mix of red and black made her hair appear even more beautiful.

The girl looked gentle and attractive, but the glint of light in her eyes and the angle of her upturned lips made it clear that she was a ruthless being who had no regard for life.

Using the word ‘source’ in a name was already very unusual. Any Apostle who had interacted with a Dictator before knew of this.

However, in order to show respect to the seven figures and separate themselves from them, the Dictators who included the word ‘source’ in their names all put the word ‘source’ at the front of their names. Examples included ‘Source Sea’ and ‘Source Bite’.

Thousands of years ago, even the Dictators who dared to add the word ‘source’ to their names would never be so audacious as to put the word at the back.

Just where did Dictator Ten Thousand Source come from? Was he tired of living?

Dictator Pregnant Poison had only caught one Apostle on her journey.

The Apostle had come from the direction of the Marsh East Circle. For news to have reached this Apostle, it meant that news of Dictator Ten Thousand Source arriving at the Banquet of Everything had already spread throughout the Marsh East Circle.

This matter would eventually reach the seven figures in Marsh Abyss.

Dictator Pregnant Poison could not be certain about anyone else, but Dictator Evil Source, to whom she was loyal, would definitely pursue this brazen fellow.

She was secretly heading to the Banquet of Everything because of Dictator Everything, who had just entered the Turning Wheel Realm.

She would immediately be dragged into the mess if she appeared at the Banquet of Everything. This would not be beneficial to her in the least.

Dictator Return to Ruins and Dictator Ten Thousand Source were so ostentatious.

With Dictator Everything added to the mix, one could only guess how many Dictators were going to be attracted to attend the Banquet of Everything.

With this thought, Dictator Pregnant Poison clenched her jaw.

“My sister, now that you’ve entered the Turning Wheel Realm, why don’t you be a good girl and let me harvest you? Why did you have to go and attract so many mad characters?

Although Pregnant Poison was hesitant, her body was honest.

This was because wealth could only be achieved through risk.

Furthermore, after extracting this Apostle’s memory, Pregnant Poison learned that Dictator Ten Thousand Source possessed a fruit called the small source fruit.

There could only be two possibilities for there being pure source-type power in the small source fruits.

The first possibility was that Dictator Ten Thousand Source’s true body was a carnivorous plant and produced the small source fruits himself.

But if that was the case, Dictator Ten Thousand Source would not have given the small source fruits to Apostles as rewards.

Dictator Pregnant Poison knew many Dictators who had transformed from carnivorous plants. All of them treasured their fruits greatly. This was the case even if their fruits did not come with any sought-after effects and only tasted pleasant.


The other and most likely possibility was that Dictator Ten Thousand Source possessed a special carnivorous plant that could produce the small source fruits. It even produced the fruits in a sufficient quantity that allowed Dictator Ten Thousand Source to give them away casually.
No Dictator would appear out of nowhere. This was because, during their growth, they would certainly catch the attention of many as well as gain many followers.

When it came to a Dictator like Dictator Ten Thousand Source, who had appeared out of nowhere, it was likely that he had seized an opportunity and had been holed up somewhere, increasing his power.

The small source fruits contained pure source-type power. After thousands of years, they were sure to cultivate a powerful Dictator.

With this thought, Dictator Pregnant Poison became even more filled with enthusiasm.

At that moment, her ideal prey was no longer Dictator Everything but the carnivorous plant that could produce the small source fruits!

Dictator Pregnant Poison was slightly hesitant about whether she should report to Dictator Evil Source about Dictator Ten Thousand Source.

If she did report the matter to Dictator Evil Source, she would be handsomely rewarded.

Dictator Evil Source was never stingy with subordinates who could bring profits.

Dictator Evil Source had entered the Samsara Realm. If he attended the Banquet of Everything, Pregnant Poison would have no hope of harvesting Dictator Ten Thousand Source.

She was a Dictator. Due to the special nature and uniqueness of Dictators, there was no way that Dictator Evil Source would ever truly trust her and see her as a close confidant.

Given the circumstances, it would be better to take the gamble of harvesting Dictator Ten Thousand Source rather than obtaining a reward from Dictator Evil Source.


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