First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 402 Dragons Like Money

Chapter 402 Dragons Like Money

Abaddon had to let the vampire stand up so that he could dart into a bathroom and change his clothes.

When he stepped back out into his office, he found that the room was significantly more crowded than before, with several more inhuman women appearing out of the blue.

Some looked like demons but... that shouldn't be possible since demons are not allowed to appear on earth within their physical form.

But for some reason... that unshakeable law did not appear to apply to these ten.

'They are all... so beautif-'

No sooner had the vampire allowed to cross his mind did he lose half of it.

The top half of his skull slid to the ground and his knees buckled a moment later, causing his brain to come out of his head and splattering to the ground.

Even the wall behind him had been cut cleanly, and it didnt appear to stop going for several more rooms.

Everyone inside of the office turned their heads towards the irate Abaddon.

His teeth were all pointed, his eyes glowing brighter than most lighthouses.

The only reason his aura hadn't blown this whole building apart was because his wives were making a conscious effort to siphon it.

"Hey, I thought we were taking a vote before we did anything rash, dear." Bekka joked.

"My love... I am in no mood for jests! The filth that I heard running through his mind is inexcusable..!"

"I'm having a hard time disagreeing." Seras added with a frown.

At that moment, the body of the vampire started to heal from it's grievous injuries and he sat up from the ground in an unreal daze.

"What... happened..?"

Everyone inside ignored him and turned their attention back towards Abaddon.

"I know it's upsetting, but these people from earth do not have the same respect for us as those at home. And until we can instill that fear and respect in them, we have to mind our tempers just a bit.. At least until the end war begins." Lailah comforted.


"How many times do you need to kill him to feel better?"


"Alright then." Lailah gave her husband a small kiss on the cheek and she finally got up from his lap.

With steps that cracked the ground underneath his feet, Abaddon approached the trembling vampire with claws that were already growing longer.

"..p-please... mercy..!"

"Tell me properly now so that I can hear you… What is mercy?"

- 6 Hours Later.

Abaddon waved his hand over himself and splashes of blood came floating off of his face and into a large ball that he immediately dropped onto the floor.

Letting out a sigh, he looked down scornfully at the crumpled mound of misshapen flesh that was formerly a vampire.

As he waited for the man to heal, he suddenly noticed the sounds of chewing in the room, along with a very fragrant smell.

Turning around, he found all nine of his wives sitting around and eating pizza from a very famous chain restaurant.

Bekka had even gotten wings, but judging by the look on her face she didn't appear to be very impressed with the quality of the meat.

"All done?" Audrina asked.

"...Yes.. How long have I been-"

"Six hours." they responded at once.

Abaddon immediately felt bad, and offered his wives a sincere apology.

He couldn't help it!

He was not only angry with this vampire for having lecherous thoughts about his wives, but also for his body's abhorrent condition.

He couldn't even torture this man properly because he was so damned weak that everything he did just ended up killing him outright!

And then Abaddon ended up having to revive him and wait for his body to heal which made him even angrier because his regeneration was abysmally slow!

What a bitch!

Mentally frustrated and exhausted, Abaddon changed into a small, black eastern style dragon with only one head and rested his body across the laps of his wives.

"Want some?"


Lillian grabbed a slice from the box and fed Abaddon since she was the closest to his mouth, and the dragon felt his mood improving already.

It took a solid minute before their vampire banker finally healed, and when he did he immediately cowered back in fear.

"If you raise your head to look at any of my wives again, I will snuff your soul out of existence before the neurons in your little brain can even begin to form another lecherous thought." Abaddon warned.

"I-I understand..!" As instructed, the vampire prostrated with his forehead on the ground and did not dare to lift it for any reason.

"What is your name?"


"Alright then, Charles. Like my wife and I told you earlier, we are here to make a deposit. You are going to make the necessary arrangements for us."


The vampire's body blurred out of sight and he reappeared at his desk to fire up his computer.

To an outside spectator what he had just done would have been scarily impressive but neither Abaddon or his wives were the least bit moved.

Even Gabbrielle ran faster than that, and she was the only member of the family who didn't like to exert herself.

'Weakling...' they all thought at once.

While waiting for his device to start up, Charles snuck a glance at Abaddon out of the corner of his eye.

Though he already knew him to be a dragon, it was still something that hadn't really clicked before now.

Charles had so many questions that he wanted to ask, since much of the lore about dragons has been reduced to 'breathe fire, make rain fall.'

How big could he get?

Where had he been hiding all of this time?

Why was he so powerful?

How was he able to control his body at the cellular level to make him do whatever he wanted?

These were all things he so desperately wanted to know, but after earlier he did not dare to ask him anything.

He was absolutely sure he would be in for another round of never ending torture if he angered this great being, so he spared himself his curiosity for now and focused only on doing what had been asked.

"D-Do you... have an account with us already or..?"

Out of nowhere, a debit card suddenly appeared on Charles' desk with a small clattering sound.

"A-Ah, wonderful then... Were you... hoping to deposit a check, or If you like I could-"

"Valerie, my love."

Polishing off her root beer (that she ordered thinking it was like normal beer only made from roots), Valerie snapped her fingers and a diamond the size of a baby's head suddenly fell onto the floor.

At a glance, Charles immediately knew that it was the real thing, although he had never seen a diamond of this size or quality before.

"Well... this is-"

"Not done."

Thunk, thunk, thunk!

One by one, more and more fist-sized diamonds started to fall on the floor and filled up just about every corner of the room.

Charles didn't believe himself to be someone unaccustomed to wealth or the ways of the world, but this admittedly dropped his jaw just a bit.


"I'm still not done." Valerie interrupted.

On the wall on the other side of the room, Valerie started to stack up twenty pound bars of pure gold like they were ordinary legos.

She made ten stacks all high enough to touch the ceiling, and only when she was out of possible space to put anything else did she finally give it a rest.

But this... was already more than sufficient.

Everyone was already knee deep in diamonds, and she honesty could have stopped just a little earlier if someone had bothered to say something to her.

"That's about it for now." Abaddon said.

Mesmerized, Charles could not even bring himself to say anything as he slipped Carter's card into the reader and started to punch in some numbers on his keyboard.

He pulled out a small printing device and created a new black card for Carter on the spot.

"T-There is no set amount on the card so you can spend as much as you like without worry… I-I've even taken the liberty of disabling any sort of government surveillance on it in the event that you prefer your privacy.."

"You can do that?"


Abaddon felt like he was now learning information that he never would have been privy to when he was poor before.

He had Charles print of nine more copies of his debit card before the group started to pack up and leave.

The vampire was confused yet relieved to see them going so soon without making any more fuss.

Did they really just come here to make a deposit?!

They had no interest in his identity or social standing at all?!!

His ego was more than a little hurt, and he was left to stew over how insignificant he truly was as the dragon and his wives left his office without so much as saying goodbye.

'The council needs to know about this… Everyone needs to know about this!'


In the presidential suite of a hotel room, Carter was lying on his back in his human form in only a pair of boxers.

He was staring at his new phone in one hand, looking at the marvel that was his bank account.

The number 99,999,999.99 was written in big bold letters across the top, and even if he swiped it somewhere it would just go back to normal with an hour or so.

lightsnοvεl.cοm Looking off to the sides of him, Carter smiled at the sight of his wives sleeping cutely around him.

The bed they were in was large, but it wasn't as big as the one they had at home so a few of them were sleeping on top of each other.

Though he thought they might have liked this better and wondered if they may even switch to a smaller bed once they finally got home.

Even he was enjoying the weight of Lisa and Eris being pressed against him so closely, almost as if they were trying to fill up his very pores.

But as nice as this was, Carter knew that he had something on his mind that wouldn't allow him to stay in bed at this moment.

Ever so craftily and with the stealth of a ninja, Abaddon shifted the weight of the girls so that they were not disturbed in their rest.

And he almost succeeded, until he felt a very familiar and playful hand grab him by the waistband of his boxers.

'Where are you going, honey..?' Lisa asked sleepily.

Marveled, Carter stared at her like she was some kind of modern miracle.

He had used the full might of his divinity earlier to exhaust the girls and put them to sleep so that he could sneak out of here easily.

Even Valerie was overpowered by him and wouldn't wake up for sixteen hours at the very least.

The fact that his darling Lisa was still conscious was equal parts magical and impossible.

'I'm just stepping out for a moment… I'll be back shortly.'

"…" Lisa sleepily crawled from her position in bed and used her nude body to crawl on top of Carter's back.

'…You want to come with me then?'


Sighing, Carter smiled as he kissed her lightly on the cheek and hooked his arms underneath her pillowy thighs.

'Seriously… you are all so spoiled.'


'I know, I know.'


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