First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 477 A Resurrection Of Morale

*Announcer* : I do not believe what I am seeing, folks! Empress Eris placed the order and General Asmodeus brought it all the way to the house, just like f*cking carry out!!"

- In the Tathamet family suite.

Straga had just finished Monica's last bribery cookie when he heard a familiar word come out of the announcer's mouth.

And subsequently, he remembered exactly why he had to be bribed in the first place.

"Oh yea! What does 'fuck' mean?? Why do mommies want to do it with daddy? Why does the speaker man want to do it with a pizza???"

lightsΝοvel Monica looked like she was on the verge of pulling her 'hair' out.

Seriously, was she going to have to be the one to tell the youngest about sex?!

She refused!

It was far too much for him, and for her!

It made her feel like a predator!

She looked around the suite for help, but realized she'd be hard pressed to find any.

The eight of Abaddon's wives who weren't playing were practically glued to the window, and they never stopped staring at their husband on the sidelines.

The children on the other hand were either watching, eating, or canoodling with their partners.

Save for Belloc and Yemaja, who were giggling and pointing fingers at Monica on the couch.

Honestly, what was she supposed to do here?!

"Ah… do you want any more sweets?"

"No, Straga is okay!"

"Ah…" At the last moment, Monica looked back at Belloc like she was pleading for help.

Because he pitied her, he decided to throw her a bone.

He made a small gesture with his hand and mouth and Monica felt a small blush form on her cheeks.

'Ah… he's a baby, I forgot.'

The fire spirit suddenly lifted up Straga and placed him on her lap.

"Straga, do you know that you are just the cutest little baby I have ever seen?"


"Yes! You are absolutely adorable."

Monica planted a small kiss on the crown of Straga's head and his eyes nearly left their small sockets.

He rubbed the top of his head in awe like he couldn't believe what had just happened, and a small, but familiar dopey grin formed on his face.


Monica let out a sigh of relief and leaned back into her seat on the couch.

'It was easy this time… I wonder how much longer that will work for..?'

*The record should show that similar methods work on Abaddon even at his big age, so Monica should likely not worry about that method expiring any time soon. *


Back on the field, Jasmine had a slight smile on her face as she watched Asmodeus' celebration from the sidelines.

Only those who knew her best would be able to discern that her demeanor was far from sportsmanship-like and friendly, and more closely resembled a serpent eyeing its prey before it struck.

Oddly enough, her mother-in-law was standing right beside her, wearing a similar face.

At the same time, the both of them glanced at the opposing sideline, and they found Abaddon grinning from ear to ear at them before he shrugged his shoulders helplessly.


"Yes, mother-in-law?"

"In my marriage, I take pride in the fact that my husband can beat me in sex, and as his only teacher I take pride that he can beat me in a fight too."

Suddenly, a light shone in her bloody red eyes and a dense red aura surrounded her chiseled body.

"But that's where the list ends! If he thinks I'm just going to let him beat me and take it then he's got another thing coming! We need to crush his smug, gorgeous face and… t-toned body and… t-thick-"


"T-Tail! I was going to say tail!"


"A-Anyway! We need to break this bastard underneath us!! By whatever means necessary!"

Jasmine nodded thoughtfully as she began to formulate a new strategy in her mind.

"Alright then, it's time for a little change! Let's not be the only ones without some points on the board!"


After Eris' and Asmodeus' combined efforts let to an instant touchdown, they kicked a field goal for an extra point before returning the ball back to Jasmine's team.

When lining up, Abaddon raised his brow at a noticeable change on the field.

*The Announcer* : What is this?! Number 2 on the red team, Empress Seras has seemingly ditched her position as running back, to take the position of right guard formerly held by the Orisha Ogun! Are we about to see what I think we are?!"

Abaddon met his wife's burning gaze and his smile just got wider and wider.

'I will crush you..!' She mouthed.lightsnovel

His wife was the cutest when she was being a bad sport like this…

Lining up once again, the two teams could practically feel the tension in the air with their bare hands.

The though their bodies were locked down into position and there was a man between them, Abaddon and Seras' eyes never left each other.

When the ball was snapped, a clash of the titans unfolded.

On the defensive line, Zheng tried to execute a perfect 'swim move' to get past Seras' body.

With a single hand, she shoved him fifty yards backwards and sent him wizzing past Abaddon like a cannonball.

The dragon merely sidestepped the head of his espionage unit a single time before running at Seras full force.

The two of them struck against each other in a monstrous clash that seemed to be less about fulfilling specific roles and more about testing who was the stronger of the two.

And while Abaddon was more powerful than his wife, her sheer determination and body condition made her an excellent impediment for him.

The sonic boom created when the two of them clashed was so loud and strong that it would have blown away everyone in their vicinity if they weren't prepared for it.

And as the two of them locked fingers and horns, they pushed against each other for more than a second.

Just the amount of time that Jasmine needed.

When Abaddon looked past his wife, his daughter-in-law no longer had the ball.

He heard exhilarated cheers from the crowd and glanced at a scene out of the corner of his eye.

Jasmine had used a trick play to pass the ball off to Atë while pretending like she still had it and was making a run for it.

Abaddon tried to separate from Seras to go and tackle her, but Seras took advantage of his lack of focus and tackled him to the ground; preventing him from running even a step further.

"You're disappointing me, love? Did you think that I would ever let you run after another woman in front of me? Naughty, naughty~"

Abaddon was completely unable to get up now, as Seras was the only thing preventing his entire world from seeing his little dragon that was fully enraged.

Seras felt the heat spreading underneath her butt and crotch and her smile became wider, more unstable, and pointier.

"I know we're supposed to be adversaries right now, but I really do love being married to you!"

"Seras, I swear to god if you say one more thing that arouses me, I am absolutely going to paint my boxers."


The goddess of mischief ended up being brought down by Ryujin in the backfield. (Not that Abaddon gave a shit anymore.)

But not before she gained an entire ten yards towards the end zone. (Again, not that Abaddon gave a shit anymore.)

The crowd went absolutely bonkers.

Of course, the only force capable of holding back the dragon god had to be one of his own wives!

And with Jasmine's team finally showing some fire, perhaps this team would put up a decent fight and show this crowd a greater game than imagined!

Even now, the dragons who believed it would suffice to watch the game at home were learning firsthand that such a thing was morbidly insufficient.

Since every seat was currently filled, the dragons were hovering above the stadium and staring down at the game with visible excitement.

With every play, Jasmine's team gained just a bit more yardage and they became more and more confident with their ability as a unit.

With Abaddon so tied up, the rest of his defense was given a chance to step up.

And even though they shined in some areas, they did lack Abaddon's unshakable dominance.

Finally, it came down to the last play of the possession.

Jasmine's team had made it all the way to the thirty yard line and were hoping to make one last push into the end zone.

Abaddon had one singular thought in his mind at that moment.

'I can't waste any time with Seras.'

That singular thought seemed to fuel his steps as the ball was finally hiked and Abaddon took off like a bullet.

Once again, Seras shoved Zheng aside like he was a dirty magazine at thanksgiving.

She turned her focus back to her husband, and lunged at him like a highly curvaceous predator.

However, at the moment that she came close, Abaddon literally leapt over her with the grace and power of an expert gymnast.

He practically soared over her head and slipped out of her grasp like a greasy eel to break straight into the backfield.

It seemed like he was going to tackle Jasmine, who had yet to get rid of the ball and cut her dreams of scoring short once again.

However, Jasmine was Erica's daughter.

Which meant that she was nothing if not crafty.

Turning herself into living flame, Abaddon passed right through her like she wasn't even there in the first place, and he fell down face first into the turf.

Now that there was a massive gap in the line of scrimmage, Jasmine had no problem running through it uninhibited towards the end zone that had previously seemed unreachable.

Earning her first touchdown for her team.

While the entire stadium was stunned into silence, Jasmine turned back to look at her father-in-law and flashed him a winning smile and twin finger guns.

"Like I told you, old man. You're getting slow on me."

Abaddon smiled like a proud father at the same time that the announcer finally recovered his bearings.

*The Announcer* : "T-Touchdown for the Red Wyverns! My god, what a show of utter resilience from the team who no one thought would make it!!!"

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