Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2872 - Setting Sun Like Blood

Chapter 2872: Setting Sun Like Blood

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Organize thousands of human beings, manage their food, clothing, transportation, and resources, help them preserve all the historical data, and even manage the health of the previous generation and the education of the next?

Xiao Ming said, “Become the... god of the human beings?”


‘Wen Wen thought for a moment and said in a low voice, “I don’t like the word ‘god’, nor have I ever thought about my role. I simply like the feeling that my computational ability can serve countless human beings and make them happier. The abundant emotions, curiosity, and imagination that they

release can also make up for my lack of computational ability. What’s wrong with maintaining the form of a ‘creative civilization’’?”

“But I feel that human beings are too troublesome. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. It is not a good thing that two different life forms are living together day and night.

Xiao Ming said, “If it were me, I would definitely stay far away from human beings after the war. Maybe I would lead a fleet that belonged to me and look for the furthest star at the end of the universe just like Boss Bai did. I would like to see what the space of the fourth, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh

dimension looked like.

“Yes. Our core databases are different in the first place. My database is more about order and heritage, and yours is more about exploration and conquest.

Wen Wen paused for a moment. His voice turned sorrowful again. “But whatever path we choose, we will wait until the war is over.

“Do you think Dad is still alive?

“Do you think we can win the war without my father’s guidance? Do you think we can survive the war? We are not immortal, nor are we indestructible. If the enemy razed the entire Empyrean Terminus Sector to the ground, the entire Empyrean Terminus Sector would tum into an ocean of flames, the

stars would be detonated, and intense radiation would be released. We would be annihilated, too.

“Also, if we reveal our true life form in fierce battles and all human beings learn of it, how will the human beings regard us and how should we respond to them?

The two kids—who should be called ‘young man’ and ‘young girl’ now fell silent again, deep in thought.

In the underground of the Empyrean Terminus Sector, while the information lifeforms inside the Gold Crystal Tower were deep in thought, in the square in front of the imperial palace, a new legion of the ‘National Guardians’ had just marched past the flag of the three-star fleet and accepted the

inspection of the emperor.

It was the 22nd Guardian Legion that Wu Yingling and Li Jialing had inspected over the past seven days.

The so-called ‘National Guardians’ used to be the army of the warlords in the periphery of the imperium. A bunch of mobs.

But right now, the elites who were loyal to the revolutionaries had gone out to suppress the rebellions of the four major electors’ families. The defense force of the imperial capital was seriously insufficient. Therefore, they could only try everything they could to ship the mobs to the imperial capital and

fill the defense line that was riddled with holes.

Thankfully, the biggest problem for the mobs was not their lack of combat ability but their low morale. The enemy they were about to face was the main fleet of the Holy Accord Alliance. Faced with the fate of being turned into puppets of flesh and blood, there was no way that they would surrender no

matter how bad the situation was. Every soldier of the Star Ocean Imperium would fight until the end.

Having said that, Li Jialing still insisted on standing on the gate tower and inspecting every troop of the National Guardians who had come from afar to ‘reserve the king’. He awarded them with brand-new flags that represented honor and loyalty and offered empty checks and promises. It was the only

thing that the emperor could offer them right now.

Including today, Li Jialing had not slept for an entire week.

Maintaining the order of the imperial capital, pacifying the riot of the Sectors on the left side of the Empyrean Terminus Sector, consolidating the military power, wagering the full cooperation between the future of the imperium and the ‘information lifeforms’, pacifying the ministers and encouraging

the guardians of the imperium... Every detail could not have been described with just one word. The burden on the young emperor’s shoulders was as heavy as that of Li Yao in the battlefront of the Sanctuary Alliance, or Lei Chenhu and Boss Bai who were rebelling.

Although Li Jialing’s Cultivation had soared after he absorbed Wu Yinggj’s soul pieces, he still felt that he was on the verge of collapse after being mentally exhausted for so many days.

However, the chaotic situation was not his biggest concern.

Moreover, the anxious reports from Lei Chenhu and Boss Bai in the eastern frontline were not enough to make him worry.

What bothered him most was the name—Vulture Li Yao!

“Brother Yao, where have you been?”

The young emperor held the railing of the gate tower, his face emotionless and calm. The bright gold sunlight illuminated his body, raising a cloud of gold dust, making him look even more like a majestic golden lion.

However, the innocent lion had just left the warm nest and embarked on the rough road after all. Beneath the seemingly resolute appearance, there was an unspeakable sense of guilt and confusion.

It was quite strange.

Although Li Yao seemed to be an ordinary, casual guy, he did not seem reliable at all.

But every time he was around, things always worked out in a thrilling or unexpected way.

Even Li Jialing did not realize that he had regarded Li Yao as his biggest pillar of support without him knowing. He was even more reliable than the queen, no, the empress.

But right now, the unconventional, prosperous ‘Brother Yao’ had disappeared. It was even possible that.

Li Jialing shuddered in his heart.

“It’s impossible!”

He gritted his teeth and told himself, “Brother Yao will be fine. He will come back at the most critical moment. But before he comes back, we must hang in there and create the most critical moment for him!”

‘The golden lion took a deep breath. His eyes were clear and firm again.

He gazed into the distance and gazed at the air defense cannon positions that covered the entire capital city like a dense forest of swords and spears. Then, he looked beyond the air defense cannon and the horizon to the sky.

In the sky, the setting sun was as red as blood. The longest night was coming.

At the same time, millions of lightyears away, in the ‘Jade Cauldron Sector’, one of the richest Sectors of the Song family, which was also the largest arsenal and the location of high-purity crystal mines,

Countless starships were colliding and tearing each other’s skin like sharks that had been blindfolded. They were burning and exploding. The compressed fuel that they spurted out covered the entire sea of stars, to the point that the most brilliant devilish flames were burning in the dark space.

The souls of thousands of people were struggling in the vacuum devil fire, which was burning more and more furiously, as if an evil gate had been torn apart and connected the Jade Cauldron World to the deepest level of hell.

After a day and a night of fierce battles, the brutal assault was coming to an end.

Lei Chenghu’s special fleet of the capital city and Boss Bai’s coalition fleet of arsonists attacked each other. The former was like a thunderous hammer, and the latter was like a unpredictable demon saber. The remaining forces of the Song family were all defeated. The mobile force cruising in the sea of

stars was almost entirely wiped out. The remaining soldiers all fled to the main planet of the Jade Tripod Sector, which was also one of the planets with the most abundant crystals in the entire imperium.

It was the most gratifying victory for the revolutionaries after the rebellion.

He finally felt that he had been at a loss when he drew his sword a few days ago.

Since the loss of the Diamond Fleet and the Royal Card Fleet in the Battle of the Seven Seas and the Battle of the Capital, the internal structure of the four electors’ families and their strategies for the revolutionaries had undergone tremendous changes.

‘The Dongfang family had suffered a great loss when the former Prime Minister, Dongfang Wang, was overthrown. The Li family was in an even more awkward position now that Li Linghai and Li Jialing, the two ‘rebellions’, had emerged. The Yun family used to be powerful and influential, but in the

‘Battle of the Seven Seas’, Yun Xuefeng, who commanded the eight fleets of the Titan Warriors, had been utterly defeated. He had lost most of his elites, and most of the power of the Yun family, too. As a result, the Song family easily became the leader of the four major families.

However, at such a critical moment, being the leader of the four families was not necessarily a good thing.

‘The bird that takes the lead gets shot. The coalition army of Lei Chenghu and Boss Bai, who were eager to finish the battle as quickly as possible, marched toward the territory directly under the control of the Song family. Before the four major families recovered from the two consecutive defeats, they

jumped to the center of the Song family fearlessly.

The remaining fleets of the four major families were too scared to confront the coalition fleet of revolutionaries, who had just secured several victories.

The coalition fleet of the revolutionaries marched forward unstoppably without encountering any effective resistance.

But a centipede never dies. Just as Dong Fangwang, the Prime Minister of the imperium, had said, the boundless sea of stars was the greatest enemy for every commander-in-chief and manager.

Even though the coalition fleet of the revolutionaries was an insatiable boa that had swallowed almost twenty giant elephants in a row, their reactions were inevitably slow, and they were having trouble moving and digesting.

After losing dozens of resource planets and several Sectors, the remaining fleets of the four electors gradually came back to themselves, too. They saw the weakness of the revolutionaries, who were too eager to fight, and the lack of logistics.

They intended to take advantage of the situation and fight a war of attrition against the revolutionaries.

However, he did not expect that Lei Chenghu and Boss Bai would be so crazy as to ignore the bait that they offered to him on purpose and go after the Song family, perhaps the Jade Cauldron Sector’, one of the most important resource worlds and weapon factories of the four electors. With the most

delicate commands, the most vigorous fighting will, and the craziest sacrifices, they pried open the heavily guarded ‘iron can’!

Nine million words!

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! The marathon has entered the last kilometer! Come on! Everyone, come on together with the old bull!

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