Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2913 - Fatal Pearl Necklace

Chapter 2913: Fatal Pearl Necklace

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The eldest son looked at his father’s gloomy face and then at the elite warriors who had been following him in the darkness of the pathway for decades. He understood everything.

He nodded. Gripping the boltgun on his waist, he left quickly.

Song Bugui lowered his eyes. He didn’t say anything, nor did he try to push open the door of the meeting room to dampen the mood. Instead, he tried to persuade the generals, ministers, and committee leaders to be prudent.

Besides, it was too late for him to waste his breath even if he wanted to. Under the direct command of Song Lixing, the flagship below their feet suddenly accelerated, too, and joined the vanguard, rushing toward Lei Chenghu’s remaining troops at full speed.

For a moment, the fleet of the Heaven’s Origin Sector was divided into five sharp blades. The branches of the fleet all accelerated to their maximum speed, leaving no room for maneuver.

“Two million kilometers, 1.5 million kilometers, one million kilometers. Estimated to be engaged in five minutes!”

All the starships were trying their best to run the power units and squeeze every drop of energy from every crystal. The spiritual shield that covered the shell of the starships and the magical equipment cores inside the turrets were all burnt orange. At first glance, they were glittering like billions of

meteorites that had broken through the atmosphere, or like a burning tide that was about to sweep and crush the fragile towns on the seashore.

Inside the assault cabins of the large warships, the Exos who were ready for the assault were all shouting in excitement. The eyeballs of every noble were almost transparent, as if ‘God of War’ Lei Chenghu’s head was already in their hands!

It was true that, compared to their rapid advancement, Lei Chenghu was in a sorry state.

The broken starship, which had been riddled with holes and running out of ammunition and food, had to brake and turn 180 degrees during the high-speed escape in order to form a solid battle formation. It was more than difficult to reverse the mindset of all the soldiers from ‘fleeing’ to ‘fighting with

their backs against the wall’!

‘The fuel of a lot of starships had been supplied to the power units. For a moment, they could not be transferred to the defense layer. The spiritual shield that they managed to raise was extremely lackluster. It seemed that a salvo would be enough to shatter all of them.

Moreover, at the end of the battle formation, several starships were still fleeing toward the back of the No. 4 planet despite Lei Chenghu’s comman4, trying to enter the space jump state by force!

It meant that Lei Chenghu’s control over the fleet had hit rock bottom. One charge might be enough to break up his fleet and stop it from assembling again.

It was an out-and-out massacre!

“Five hundred thousand kilometers, four hundred thousand kilometers, three hundred thousand kilometers, two hundred thousand kilometers, and finally one hundred thousand kilometers!”

The fleet was moving faster and faster. Murderous roars were echoing in the cockpit of every starship.

When the battle formation of the two parties was only fifty thousand kilometers away from each other, the fleet of the Heaven’s Origin Sector was the first to roar. Billions of light beams that were hundreds of times thicker and brighter than before dyed the entire sea of stars white. All kinds of bullets that

carried intense electromagnetic waves were rushing forward like a meteor shower from the deepest level of hell. A lot of crystal suits and space shuttles followed them and marched forward bravely like wild bees!

Lei Chenghu’s barely-built remnants were not enough to resist such ‘imposing’ attacks at all. The Divine Shield Warship, the electromagnetic interference warship, and the last batch of comprehensive supply warships at the front exploded. The super-large crystal reactor that was hit was like a destructive

bomb. In only several seconds, the entire process of combustion, expansion, explosion, dispersion, and obliteration was completed, and it turned into debris that was revolving at a high speed.

Under the cover of the debris, Lei Chenghu’s remaining troops managed to launch tens of thousands of feeble beams of light to counterattack.

However, such scattered and feeble firepower was simply not enough to break through the defense layer of the Heaven’s Return Fleet. Not only was it unable to block the enemy, the entire Heaven’s Return Fleet was also filled with a hundred times more confidence and courage—in other words, the kind of

courage that those who did not dare to fight against lions and tigers could not help but pour into their bodies when they were faced with drowning dogs.

“Let’s go and show the goddamn traitors what we are made of!”

“Lei Chenghu’s head is mine. Nobody is going to steal it from me!”

“Lam the new God of War. Let me make the final decision and destroy Lei Chenhu’s flagship!”

The two fleets maintained the maximum sprinting speed that a starship could bear. It was only a moment from a hundred thousand kilometers to passing by. But in that moment, about 10% of the starships under Lei Chenghu’s command had been blown up. More than 20% of the starships had lost their

spiritual shields and impetus and could only turn around in circles, becoming live targets. The remaining 70% of the starships had been damaged to varying degrees, too. They had completely lost the concept of a battle formation. Instead of fleeing in a hurry, they were wriggling in desperation in the

black desert-like space.

On the other hand, although the branches of the major families were all minding their own business and making their own decisions, the basic battle formation could still be maintained. The ammunition and fuel were abundant, too. The morale of the fleet had soared, too. The situation was hundreds of

times better than that of Lei Chenhu’s remaining troops.

More importantly, through the white-bladed charge, not only had they shattered Lei Chenghu’s remaining troops, they had also cut off Lei Chenghu’s escape route between the remaining troops and the space jump point of the fourth planet.

That was the most important thing.

“Lei Chenghu’s remaining soldiers are indeed vulnerable. The Eagle of Victory is already hovering above our heads!”

On the flagship of the fleet, the military geniuses of the four major families and the candidates for the next God of War all thought so.

Many of them were even looking at Song Bugui, who was craning his neck and craning his neck, with contempt in their eyes. “Do you see? The enemy is so weak. Just now, he really wanted to run away. If, according to what Marshal Song said, he had to tread carefully and cautiously, then he would have

missed the opportunity and let the tiger return to the mountain!”

Song Bugui didn’t say anything, Even the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes remained unchanged.

He just sighed softly, very softly, and withdrew his head.

The fleet continued moving forward.

Having just completed a high-speed sprint amid billions of rounds of cannon fire, the cluster of starships was still maintaining a relatively strong momentum. It would take them at least a million kilometers before they could turn around and launch the second—and perhaps the last—charge.

At this moment, they were still moving forward in the synchronous orbit because of their inertia and the gravity of the fourth planet.

With the enormous mass of the No. 4 planet, the synchronous orbit would be regarded as a giant ‘gravity slingshot’ that would throw them away in order to reduce the consumption of fuel and increase the speed of the fleet to a whole new level. It was a standard procedure in a space battle.

In the meantime, a lot of agile crystal suits and space shuttles had pinned down the remnants of Lei Chenghu’s army, buying more time for the army to gather and sprint.

It seemed that they had reached the limits of the ‘gravity slingshot’ and were about to be thrown out to vent their fury and killing intent a hundred times more.

At this moment, 99% of the people of the fleet no longer doubted the inevitable victory. It was only a matter of time, an hour, or a minute.

Without them knowing, their entire fleet had arrived at the back of the No. 4 planet.

Then, they saw the saber.

The saber that was as thin as a cicada’s wing, curved like a crescent, and glittering as if it could cut a comet’s tail and a planet in half was standing in their way.


The nobles looked at each other in bewilderment. It was not until a long time later that some of them realized that it was not a real crescent saber but a small fleet made of thousands of assault warships and destroyers. The distance between them had been reduced to the point that they were almost

colliding. Thousands of exhaust flames had congregated. At first glance, they looked like the aura of a saber that was slashing the waves.

In such a way, the silent assault fleet shrank their reflection waves to the minimum. Then, with the shadow of the planet, the broken debris and the twisted space ripples miraculously escaped the scanning of the fleet!

Right now, the assault fleet, which had been compressed to the minimum, was expanding and spreading its brightness at a high speed, like a saber that was turning from a dangerous whiteness into an even more dangerous color!

‘The most dangerous saber in the entire universe had been unsheathed.

“This is... Bai Xinghe’s fleet!”

Finally, a few knowledgeable nobles noticed the anomaly from the surging data and screamed like pigs being butchered.

Bai Xinghe’s fleet was not the only thing that shocked them.

However sharp Bai Xinghe’s saber was, it was only the size of several thousand destroyers. It was not enough to reverse the situation of the battle.

However, behind Bai Xinghe’s fleet, in the shadow of the No. 4 planet, in the mysterious mist of war, something that looked like a pearl necklace was glittering and forming an almost perfect circle.

There should have been countless stars around the ‘pearl necklace’, but right now, they were the deepest black, as if a part of the space had been dug out, or rather, hundreds of doors leading to the edge of the sea of stars.

“It’s—it’s a stargate. It’s a super-large space jump beacon. Something is jumping over. Countless super-massive objects are jumping over!”

On every starship of the fleet, the cheers that were incoherently excited were replaced by desperate screams.

The alarm system that was used to monitor the super-massive objects and the space ripples was shrieking so miserably that it was almost piercing through the ears of all the nobles.

In fact, without the reminder of the alarm system, the nobles could have stuck their noses to the window and seen with their naked eyes how magnificent the super-large stargate behind the No.. 4 planet was and how magnificent the space jump it was guiding was!

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