Chapter 2989 Remnant Nebula

Li Linghai’s impassioned voice was deafening.

Even though the experts of the three major forces had long passed the age where they were impatient and their blood was boiling, and even though they knew that Li Linghai’s instigation had concealed his purpose, their hearts were still surging with emotions and their blood was fluctuating.

That’s right. Expanding the territory, breaking the mountains and destroying the temples, using the swords in their hands to fight for a wider living space for their clansmen-for cultivators and Immortal Cultivators as well as any intelligent life, this was the most sacred mission and the most glorious glory.

Besides, Li Linghai was very straightforward. There was no room for rebuttals at all. Right now, the imperium, the federation, and the Sanctuary Alliance were all in the special phase of exhaustion and recovery because of a series of coincidences. That was why they could maintain the fragile peace.

But even Li Yao could not guarantee that the peace would last a thousand years.

The hostility between Cultivators and Immortal Cultivators, the wariness of carbon-based intelligent creatures against information-based creatures… There were too many contradictions. They were like crackling sparks that could ignite an uncontrollable fire at any moment.

In order to resolve the contradiction and resolve the problem of ‘limited resources’, the only way to unite the civilization of mankind was to march into outer space, crack the mysteries of the black wall, and reinforce their friendship with blood and courage during the protracted expedition.

It was destined to be a perilous road with little


But it was much better than waiting to be killed when all the resources were dwindling.

“How about it?”

Lightning seemed to be dancing in the depths of Li Linghai’s eyes. He glanced over Li Yao, Ding Lingdang, and the rest of them and declared resolutely, “Every injustice has its perpetrator, and every debt has its debtor. There is no reason for us to forget the serious damage that the fleet of the Fuxis caused to the capital city. Although the Fuxis have been shattered, Lu Qingchen has absorbed most of their data pieces. He is its heir. The imperium will certainly capture the culprit and make him pay a high price!

“In addition, we will certainly unravel the secret of the Emperor’s Tomb—the Divine Mausoleum—the black curtain. We believe that this is the only way to ensure eternal peace within the civilization of mankind. Let us exert all our anger, callousness, and cruelty on the alien species in the multiverse beyond the black wall and fight for the glory that we share, the glory of the Pangu Universe!

“The Tomb of the Supreme Emperor contains a lot of mysteries and dangers. The Star Ocean Imperium alone might not be able to explore all of them. That’s why I invited the federation, the Holy Alliance, and all the magnates in the sea of stars to join the operation with 120% sincerity.

“But even if you decide that it is too risky and refuse to take risks with the Immortal Cultivators, it will not affect our determination. The Immortal Cultivators will start hunting and exploring on their own. Whatever the consequences are, we can only march forward unstoppably!

Li Linghai handed the choice over to the federation and the Sanctuary Alliance.

But in fact, nobody, including Li Linghai, had a choice.

If they were left alone, the people of the Star Ocean Imperium would have to go to the Tomb of the Supreme Emperor alone to hunt and explore. The outcome would be the same as letting Lu Qingchen fool around.

If the operation went well, the imperium would capture Lu Qingchen and figure out the secret of the black wall. In the worst-case scenario, an intact super fleet would be excavated from the relics, and the little bit of strategic advantage that the Star Glory Federation and the Sanctuary Alliance had secured would be gone. They would be at the mercy of the imperium again.

If the operation went wrong and the imperium woke up the infuriated Pangu Clan and the mysterious Flood Tide Legion, the consequences would be even more dire.

Therefore, the federal soldiers and the members of the Sanctuary Alliance had only one choice, which was to participate in the unprecedented capture and exploration together with the imperium.

“Lu Qingchen is a citizen of the federation. Before he left the federation, he had seriously violated the law and owed a debt of blood. The federation has never stopped hunting him.

Ding Lingdang said solemnly, “The Star Glory Federation will not allow such a dangerous wanted criminal to fall into other people’s hands. The federation will gather the best teams to participate in the exploration. “Lu Qingchen stole a lot of secrets of the Sanctuary, including the five supreme fortresses, and fled to the depths of the sea of stars. Xiao Ming and Wen Wen also said at the same time, “Of course, we are going to participate in the hunting and exploration and take back what belongs to the Sanctuary!”

“Very good.”

The responses of the two forces were within Li Linghai’s expectation. She did not waste a single second and immediately entered the negotiation phase.

Firstly, the coordinates of the entrance of the ‘Emperor Tomb-Divine Tomb-Black Tomb’.

The so-called ‘Emperor Tomb’ was also known as the ‘Gold Throne, Heaven’s Beyond’. Theoretically speaking, it was a very special world fragment or ‘Small World’.

The reason it was special was that it was not closely connected to the three-dimensional universe. It appeared and disappeared like a ghost island in a raging ocean. One could only find it by precise calculation or by luck.

Li Linghai had once mentioned an even more powerful example. It was like kneading a piece of white paper into a ball, drawing a circle on the ball, and opening the ball. The circle had long been shattered into irregular black spots and ink spots—these black spots and ink spots were the trajectories of the ‘Gold Holy See, Heaven’s Beyond Sector’. How could one capture the pattern of its appearance?

Therefore, even Li Linghai himself had not been able to find the entrance to the ‘Gold Holy See, the Firmament Sector’ since he left it more than ten years ago. It was not until Li Linghai became the leader of the revolutionaries and took over the imperial capital where he calculated with the super crystal processors that the most mysterious relic in the legends showed up again.

However, this time, it was not in a good location.

It was between two nebulae.

The so-called nebulas were one of the most common celestial bodies in the universe other than the stars and planets.

Ordinary nebulas were made of hydrogen, dust, and radiation. Their densities were extremely low. They were often dozens of lightyears in diameter, but their total mass was not even close to that of ten stars. Many places inside the nebulas were almost ‘vacuum’.

Such a nebula was not dangerous at all. Even if a starship accidentally entered the nebula, at most, it would cause some interference to the exploration range and communication between the starship and the starship. It was necessary to pay attention to the loss of spiritual shield and power unit.

However, the form and causes of the nebulas were ever-changing. Some of them were extremely dangerous. The ‘Ruins Nebula’ was one of them.

Such a nebula was formed by the violent spurting of materials and radiation during a supernova outbreak. Supernova explosions were almost the most magnificent and the most intense astronomical phenomenon in the universe. Even if the explosion only lasted for a moment, the consequences would still show up billions of years later, which were the ‘Ruins Nebula’.

Such a nebula was like a rampant flood, a rapid swirl, and filled with the high-energy particles, super radiation, and even stone belts that were spurted out when a supernova exploded. What was worse was that, if the supernova of the explosion was large enough, a neutron star would be left in the center of the nebula.

The neutron stars with high gravity and density were one of the most terrifying traps in the universe other than the black holes. It would be quite troublesome if they accidentally jumped into the gravitational ring of the neutron stars.

However, the abundant energy and materials contained in the nebula also became the source of nourishment for all living creatures. Many galaxies near the nebula received selfless gifts and became breeding grounds for intelligent creatures. After the intelligent creatures grasped the ability to travel in the sea of stars, they liked to look for the nebula to establish new bases, factories, and laboratories.

The first bucket of gold on the road to the rise of the Star Glory Federation, the ‘Kunlun Mystic Realm’, was built in a nebula of relics in the shape of a crab and provided endless energy with a pulsating neutron star.

The ‘War Heroes Sector’, the origin of the Imperium of True Human Beings, and several other Sectors such as the ‘Sand Barbarian Sector’ were all near the dazzling Scorpion Nebula. The radiation and materials surging out of the Scorpion Nebula not only nourished the creatures of several Sectors but also became an important opportunity for Li Yao to break into the Nascent Soul Stage and enter the Divinity Transformation Stage.

Then, it was not unusual for a nebula of relics to exist in the trajectory of the ‘Gold Holy See, the Firmament Sector’.

What was most amazing was that it was not just one nebula but two!

The two super-massive stars that were so close to each other passed their prime years at the same time and entered their twilight years helplessly. After their bodies gradually decayed and the most violent reactions came to an end, their size continued expanding, and their brightness grew brighter and brighter. In the end, in the most brilliant explosion, a lot of light, heat, and matter were spurted out, leaving a brilliant stroke-no, two strokes-in the dark, boundless universe, turning into two colorful, raging clouds and two neutron stars.

It was a rarely-seen astronomical phenomenon and a cosmic marvel.

However, due to the vastness of the sea of stars, the number of stars was an astronomical figure in the truest sense. Even if the odds were one billionth, they would certainly happen in the endless time and space.

The distance between the two stars was around 7.5 lightyears. They belonged to two galaxies that did not interfere with each other.

However, when they turned into two nebula remnants after the supernova explosion, and the diameter of the nebula suddenly expanded to dozens of lightyears, they inevitably crashed, tangled, clashed, flowed, swallowed, perished, and exploded again.

It would be like throwing two crystal bombs that had been embedded with lethal shrapnel into the same room. When the two bombs exploded at the same time, the resulting damage would be unimaginable.

What was worse was that, when the astronomers of the Star Ocean Imperium observed the ‘Twin Nebula’, they discovered that the chaotic turbulence between the two nebula remnants was showing signs of merging, as if a new star was about to be born in the collision of the two nebula remnants!

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