Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3097 - The Supernatural Era

Chapter 3097 The Supernatural Era

The picture of a meteoroid hitting the earth billions of years ago appeared in Li Yao’s brain.

At that time, after thirty years of thermonuclear war and the scourge of biochemical weapons, Earth had become a rusted wasteland.

As far as one’s eyes could see, the earth was covered in a layer of dust that looked like grey snow. The broken walls of the skyscrapers were like decayed corpses, and the deformed people living in twisted rebar and concrete were more like maggots on a rotten corpse than intelligent creatures.

Against such a background, when the splendid, glittering meteoroid tore through the atmosphere and crashed into the ground, it was more like ‘purification’ and ‘rebirth’ than ‘destruction’.


Under the super high-speed friction of the atmosphere, the meteoroid suddenly split apart, revealing its translucent core, which was then broken into thousands of pieces like a storm of crystals that splashed on the land that had been exposed to radiation. Countless craters dozens of kilometers in diameter were created in the extremely twisted towns and empty military bases, and the dust waves that it raised could spread hundreds of kilometers away.

“The broken pieces of the meteoroids are three to five meters in diameter. The explosion of each piece is like the explosion of a small-yield nuclear weapon, which has dealt a great deal of damage to our planet. Thankfully, in order to avoid the radiation and the contamination of the virus, most of the survivors have fled to the underground shelters. The only survivors who are still living on the ground are the deformed, mutated ‘radiators’ and the ‘modified humans’. In other words, Earth has already been wrecked by us. What’s the big deal about a few more meteoroids?”

The voice said, “At first, the news of the meteorite did not attract the attention of the authorities, because the control over the major countries on Earth had been greatly undermined. They could only control a few large underground shelters and military bases effectively and had only a few elite troops. They were also wary of each other’s assaults. It was difficult to investigate the causes and consequences of the meteorite.

“However, the falling meteoroids soon presented bizarre, unbelievable miracles, indicating that they might be the only hope to save the civilization of mankind.

The picture in Li Yao’s brain jumped to one year after the meteorite crash.

At this moment, the dust that was filled with the debris of the meteoroids had filled the hundreds of square kilometers around the point of impact. In the area, all kinds of crops and creatures that had been savaged or even gone extinct were revived. From grass to trees, from bushes to vines, from mice and rabbits to animals such as wolves, tigers, and leopards, they all reappeared and were even more agile and stronger than before.

The wasteland, which had been barren a year ago, had turned into a thriving forest.



Deep inside the forest, a ‘radiator’ whose skin was full of pustules, whose lips were split into four halves, and whose teeth were sharp, was marching forward quickly with a saber in his hand and a camouflage suit.

He seemed to regard the front as his only hope. No matter how terrifying the screams of the animals around him were, he did not stop and simply stumbled into the giant crater and crawled to the front of the meteoroid.

What a magnificent meteorite it was!

It was like an enormous, glittering diamond. Bright red brilliance was beaming out of its body. Even though the scorching sun above his head was covered by the trees, the only thing that could be seen was the vague sunlight. After being refracted by it, everything within hundreds of square meters was drowned in an invisible ocean of flames.

When human beings focused their attention on the depths of the crystal suit, they seemed to be able to see countless mysterious patterns and stripes, which were natural models of spiritual energy constraints and magnetic fields. They were the complicated rules of energy utilization!


Li Yao’s soul suddenly constricted. He recognized at a glance that the meteoroids that had fallen to the ancient Earth were the necessary crystals for the world of Cultivators!

Judging from the brilliance of the crystal shard, it contained a lot of impurities that were not very pure and needed further purification in order to trigger the most powerful energy.

But it was enough to bring new changes and hope to a world that had never experienced spiritual energy before.

The man with cracked lips was kneeling on the ground, staring at the crimson crystal shard in front of him.

His expression was somewhat absent-minded and fearful, but it was also filled with reckless courage and hope.

Trembling, he extended his hand toward the crystal shard.

It was not until this moment that Li Yao discovered that his right hand was covered in burning wounds. One of the pustules was folded into a pustule, from which yellow, yellow, and green pus was flowing out. It looked both disgusting and pitiful.

“Radiation disease!”

Li Yao knew that the poor ‘Radiator’ had been contaminated by excessive radiation. The gene strands inside his body had been broken, and part of his limbs had lost their metabolism.

Normal people would have to replace all the cells inside their body every seven days through metabolism. In other words, most of the cells inside the body only had seven days of


As for the people who had been contaminated by radiation, whose gene strands had been broken, or who had undergone high-level mutations, their old cells died, but they were unable to produce new cells. They could only watch their bodies decay bit by bit, turning them into miserable-looking ‘living dead’.

No wonder the Radiator had rushed into the forest full of ferocious beasts and mutated plants without bothering about anything else. He was looking for his last chance of survival.

The Radiator hesitated for a long time in front of the crystal shards, before he finally made up his mind.

He suddenly raised the machete in his left hand and slashed at his right hand.

It was not hard to tell that the Radiator had practiced a saber art that was as fast as lightning in the harsh wasteland. The slash almost cut off all the rotten meat on his right hand, revealing the white bones, but not a single nerve was damaged.

He screamed in pain, but he held back the excruciating pain and moved his bleeding right hand to the crystal shard. He even covered his wounds with the soil that was emitting redness near the crystal shard.

An unbelievable scene took place!


When the redness flowed among the wounds, new meat sprouts grew out of the seemingly hopeless wounds and tangled together at a visible speed, forming a ‘new type of muscle’ that was much tougher and stronger than the normal muscle fibers.

There was no telling how long the entire process took. The blast of spiritual energy and the recovery of his wounds finally exhausted the Radiator, who collapsed to the ground in a coma.

When he was woken up by the heavy rain, his arm was as good as new. Red stripes had grown on his wrist from the previous wounds, making it look like a delicate tattoo of a raging fire.

The Radiator was dizzy. Before he realized what was going on, he had already sensed the danger.

Huala! Huala!

The bushes nearby were shaking violently. A crocodile almost five meters long suddenly dashed out and lunged at the Radiator.


Right now, the stomach of the Radiator was empty, and his limbs were too weak to dodge or run away. He could only close his eyes and wait to be killed.

Before his death, he waved his hand out of instinct. The crimson stripes on his wrist suddenly burst out dazzling brilliance and formed a sharp blade of light on the edge of his palm, which cut the crocodile’s neck precisely without any hinderance!

The giant head was rolling on the ground. The body that had lost its head was struggling hard, but the wounds were as smooth as a mirror, and the high temperature had sealed its veins. No matter how hard it struggled, no blood spurted out, making the scene look like an absurd dream.

Half a minute later, the crocodile stopped twitching

Breathing heavily, the Radiator stared at the dead body of the crocodile and his burning right hand.

The confusion in his eyes gradually turned into brutality, and the astonishment on his face turned into hideousness. He suddenly grabbed the tough body of the crocodile and started tearing and swallowing it. “Is this... the picture where the Primeval Clan in the primeval era-earthlings—first come into contact with spiritual energy?”.

Li Yao found it hard to believe. “He grasped the utilization of spiritual energy and learned ‘training’ so easily?”

On second thought, it was not absurd.

Firstly, it was just a brief introduction to explain the origin of the Primeval Civilization. In the real history, the ancient human beings had grasped the secret arts of spiritual energy and Cultivation. Of course, it was not that easy.

Secondly, the ancient human beings at that time had just experienced a protracted thermonuclear war and the subsequent biochemical, virus, and genetic wars. Most of the survivors’ bodies were highly mutated, and their gene strands were extremely unstable. They were more likely to be affected by the radiation and the abnormal magnetic field than the healthy human beings in the future.

As he expected, the voice continued. “The thermonuclear war is a catastrophe for our civilization. Meteorite attacks are a catastrophe for our civilization, too. If either of the two catastrophes were to arrive alone, it is very likely that our civilization would be wiped out. However, when the two catastrophes arrived one after another and overlapped, they brought new hope to our civilization and even opened the road to the sea of stars. The evolution of life and civilization is indeed marvelous. Maybe ‘luck’ or ‘fortune’ is the most important thing.

“The thermonuclear war and the biochemical weapons changed our genes forever and shook the indestructible gene strands that had been frozen for billions of years. All the survivors were ‘unlocked’ to varying degrees. “The scourge of the meteoroids, which contained crystals, brought the first spiritual energy and the first spiritual energy to the ‘spiritless world’ and ushered our civilization into a new era known as the ‘Supernatural Era’.

“In the early years of the Supernova Era, the Radiators and the modified people living on the ground came into contact with the meteorite fragments everywhere. 99% of them could not withstand the spiritual energy or accelerated their genetic mutations, turning them into monsters that would never appear in their nightmares.

“But 1% of the lucky winners corrected the errors of the gene strands through the infiltration of spiritual energy. Not only did they become healthier, stronger, and faster, they even evolved into all kinds of incredible abilities.

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