Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 580: Planning The Next Step

Chapter 580: Planning The Next Step

Eldra Kaitis opened her eyes, she felt her cheeks were a little moist, wiped them with one hand, looked at her palm, and found that there was all a colorless and transparent liquid, at this time, it flowed down from the corner of her eyes involuntarily, more tears.

She frowned and thought about what happened before, but her memory was a little fuzzy. It seemed that she was very angry at the death of Jor Drakas, the Jedi Commander who supported Alaris Prime, but after that could not remember.

It seems that her own Force has become disordered... and it seems that she had a dream, but she can't remember the content of this dream.

Looking around, she found that she seemed to be still in the Revelation-class Light Cruiser as the Flagship.

She went to the bathroom of the room, took off her clothes, and let the cold water wash over her silky and delicate skin like blue satin. She looked down at the ferocious spider inlaid on her chest, and the white Kyber Crystal in the middle. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to feel a ray of Golden Light passing through the Kyber Crystal.

Facing the mirror, and seeing the stunning blue woman reflected in it, Eldra Kaitis slowly wiped off the water droplets on her body, her expression becoming extremely indifferent.

Dressing again, she walked out of the room and made her way to the bridge.

However, she found that in the middle of the bridge, Sev'rance Tann was wearing the White General's Uniform, sitting on the Captain's Seat with her hands crossed, looking at the Holographic Projection in front of her.

In the Projection, there was a tall and straight Droid, and on its head was wearing a metal mask shaped like a beast's skull. Under the mask, there was a pair of beast-like pupils emitting a fierce light.

General Grievous! The Supreme Commander of the entire Confederacy of Independent Systems Army of Hundreds of Billions of Droids, and Tens of Thousands of Warships!

"Your battle on the Alaris Prime was wonderful, General Tann." General Grievous said in a hoarse and dull voice, "But now you tell me that you are going to raid the Inner Rim? Does a small victory make you swell so far?!"

"Since I proposed this plan, I am sure of it." Sev'rance Tann said lightly.

"I will not use my precious Confederate Fleet to carry out your crazy plan!" General Grievous growled.

"If this is the case, you will lose an opportunity to directly burn the flames of war to the heart of the Republic." Sev'rance Tann said.

At this time, another Hyperspace Communication was suddenly cut in.

The figure of Count Dooku appeared in another Holographic Projection. He stroked his white and neat beard and said, "If this is the case, then I agree with your plan."

General Grievous looked back at Count Dooku, then turned to look at Sev'rance Tann, and said, "In this case, I will send an Elite Assault Fleet to help you, but only in assisting you to break through the Republic Defense Line. Afterwards, this Fleet will withdraw immediately!"

"Yes." Sev'rance Tann said.

Turning off the Hyperspace Communication, Sev'rance Tann turned her head to look at Eldra Kaitis, and said with a sneer, "If I remember correctly, this is the second time you have suffered in front of those two weak Jedi Knights, right? Is that the only strength you are proud of? If so, maybe I need to ask His Excellency the Governor for instructions, ask him to find another Apprentice and give you to me as a slave, which should be fun."

"It's none of your business!" Eldra Kaitis's face darkened.

"No, this is none of my business, because of your poor performance and weak strength, I have to re-evaluate the comparison of strength and deployment of Troops when fighting against Jedi Knights." Sev'rance Tann crossed her legs and said coldly.

"The next Jedi Knight I meet, even if it's Master Yoda, I'll show you!" Eldra Kaitis suppressed the anger in her heart and growled.

"There will be no next time, and I will not let you destroy my battle plan. Just be a spectator and appreciate the highest masterpiece of my Military Career so far." Eldra Kaitis looked at the Hologram, where a Planet was being marked in a bright red color.

This Planet is located in the Core Worlds of ??the Galaxy, and it is directly adjacent to the largest Industrial Center of the Galactic Republic - Kuat!

Below the Planet is marked a name: Sarapin!


22BBY, June 9th.

Sev'rance Tann's Task Force captured the Alaris Prime, and the news of the Decimator Tank Prototypes and related research data was sent back to Dawn.

Looking at the Holographic Star Map in front of him, Tang Xiao murmured, "Sarapin...the Apex of a Generation of Generals was also the end..."

He thought for a while, and sent a message to Eldra Kaitis, telling her to be wary of the Jedi Knights who might appear in front of them next and to protect Sev'rance Tann, so that she would not be harmed.

Eldra Kaitis did not reply to this message, but Tang Xiao believed that she already knew, and this obedient toy would definitely do what he said.

As for the Decimator... Tang Xiao frowned and took a Shuttle to Kef Bir.

As the Shuttle entered the atmosphere, this beautiful Ocean Planet unfolded in front of him, with a blue sea, dotted islands, and snow-white clouds. This made Tang Xiao, who had been immersed in steel and flames recently, take a deep breath, wanting to let the breath of nature fill his heart and spleen even more.

It can be seen that a large number of artificial islands have been built on the limited islands of the Planet, and many Spaceships are also rising and falling in the Spaceports of these islands.

The Shuttle landed on the largest island, and Tang Xiao walked out.

He only saw that there were many Jackals working on the wide Cargo Loading Platform, among which there were more B-1 Droids doing manual labor, and it was the Salarians who directed their actions.

Since Tang Xiao established the Cultivation Base of the Salarians on Kef Bir, the Salarians began to multiply at an alarming rate. Their extremely fast metabolism speed makes them grow very fast. In the past 10 years, the number of Salarians has exceeded 1 million.

Not only that, the Jackals are also a race with an extremely fast metabolism and a fast reproduction speed. Under the cultivation of the Salarians, the number of Jackals has exceeded 2 million. It can fully meet the needs of a race's reproduction.

Therefore, the Salarians began to carry out refined management of the social division of labor.

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