Inside the stone cave, they encountered a massive door. Despite the passage of countless years, there were no significant signs of rust.

"There's a strong magical formation fluctuation here!" exclaimed the Grand Archmage Bai Jie. "This magitek citadel is still operational!"

Zhang Nu warned them, "The Undying Phoenix Hubert has been here before but couldn't even get through the main gate. This suggests not only is it challenging to enter but also that there are likely numerous traps. Be cautious."

Although he had initially thought this would be an easy venture, discovering it was a Level 6 overlord area made him realize he had underestimated the Citadel of Eternity. If he had known it was of such a high level, he might have asked the Elven King to come along as his subordinate.

However, they were already here, and he did not want to waste time going back to prepare. With the Holy Knight and the Grand Archmage by his side, both formidable individuals, Zhang Nu felt confident. The size of this ruin was not too large, and its overall difficulty seemed lower than the Ancient Daemonic Lair. As for the Level 6 overlord units within, they were no match for Zhang Nu's power, which exceeded even that of the Thirteen Malevolent King. It should be impossible for the citadel to pose a challenge to Zhang Nu.

Because of this, Zhang Nu did not hesitate to take on the challenge. This was a type of location he had never encountered before, so he was eager to see what rewards conquering a magitek ruin like this might bring.

The three of them arrived at the citadel's main gate, which was quite unique in its appearance. It seemed like an intricately designed wall rather than a typical door. Its surface was covered in runes and seals, making it impossible to bypass even with spatial abilities.

As they approached, the fortress seemed to activate, and countless symbols appeared on the door's surface. Bai Jin furrowed his brow and asked, "What is this?"

Zhang Nu replied, "This is essentially a password lock for the fortress. Only by inputting the correct runic formation will the door open correctly. If you enter it incorrectly, it can trigger deadly traps."

"Such ancient runes. These are rarely used nowadays. It won't be easy to decipher them."

Bai Jin asked, "Your Majesty, can you decipher it?"

Zhang Nu answered, "I can decipher password runes, but I'm not proficient in runic formations, especially not for such an ancient one."

"Your Majesty! Allow me to handle this!" Immediately, Bai Jie said, "I have some knowledge in dealing with ancient runic formations."

Zhang Nu had initially considered a more brute-force approach, but he was surprised to learn that Bai Jie also had expertise in deciphering such ancient formations. Was this the extent of a Grand Archmage's knowledge? This was indeed fortunate!

The Citadel of Eternity, much like the Sealing Grounds in the Giantree Forest, had a similar design concept. Most of the fortress was constructed within a subspace or sub-dimension, making it challenging to forcibly enter using brute force.

Zhang Nu activated his special ability to retrieve the password information. Bai Jie was responsible for constructing the runic formation into a magical array. They worked together, and as the magic rune formation was completed, the metallic surface transformed instantly, taking on a semi-transparent, water-like texture. Without encountering any resistance, the three of them passed through it like a thin bubble.

Bai Jie remarked, "The technology of the ancient magitek empire is truly impressive. This door incorporates top-notch material science, as well as several magic conversions, including runic formations, alchemy, and spatial magic. It's worth studying for a long time."

Being a scholar, she had a deep interest in ancient technology.

At that moment, a psychic presence scanned over them, and a slightly sharp, emotionless female voice resounded in their minds.

"Visitor identity verification in progress!"

"Visitor lacks access permissions!"

"Illegal intrusion warning!"

"Intruders, please leave immediately!"

Bai Jin immediately drew his knight sword and positioned himself in front of the Demon King. "Who's there? Come out and speak if you have the guts! What kind of coward are you to hide in the shadows!"

The voice replied, "Everything here is under my control. I am here, I am there, I am everywhere."

"Final warning!"

"Leave immediately!"

"Otherwise, I will initiate the assault program!"

Can they communicate? Could there be an actual person here? Has the citadel been maintained all this time? That seemed highly unlikely. The citadel had been abandoned for tens of thousands of years. Even with the longevity of dragons, living for tens of thousands of years was the absolute limit.

"Warning assessment ineffective!"

"Assault program initiating!"

"Transferring citadel guardians!"

In front of the trio, a sudden burst of light appeared, and dozens of figures materialized. These beings were black metallic creatures reminiscent of xenomorphs.

[Citadel of Eternity's Magitek Guardian] Level 5 elite unit.


Skills: Magitek Beam Cannon (A rank), Magitek Reconnaissance Optics (B rank), Magitek Lightsaber (B rank), Self-Repair (B rank).


Description: These are the magitek guardians of the Citadel of Eternity, possessing formidable attack capabilities. Currently, they are under the control of "Immortal Subject No. 1."

It had to be mentioned that, up until this point, these were the most science-fiction-like creatures they had encountered. Although they had a strong sci-fi vibe, their essence was still magitek-driven. They were essentially no different from magical puppets created by mages.

What truly astonished Zhang Nu was that all these magical guardians possessed intelligence. However, they were not individual entities but rather part of a collective. Each magitek guardian was controlled by the same entity or will, known as "Immortal Subject No. 1." Could it be that the Immortality Project of the Citadel of Eternity had not completely failed? Had they, in fact, succeeded in creating an entity capable of achieving eternal life?

Without waiting for further contemplation, dozens of magitek guardians charged toward them. Their left hands transformed into magitek cannons, and with the activation of the magic formations on their arms, they condensed magical beams.

"Your Majesty, be careful!" Bai Jin unleashed a burst of divine light Qi, forming a holy light barrier to fend off the ferocious attacks. Some of the magitek guardians approached, brandishing their right hands as they unleashed their lightsabers for a rush attack.

"Frozen Expanse!" Bai Jie raised her staff, and a ferocious frigid wave swept through the entire corridor, freezing the magical guardians into stiffness.

"Die!" Bai Jie activated Descent of the Divine, gaining instant immunity to magic. With his two-handed sword, he wielded it skillfully, slaying the magitek guardians one by one.

[You've slain a Magitek Guardian! Gold +15,000!]

[You've slain a Magitek Guardian! Gold +15,000!]

[You've slain a Magitek Guardian! Gold +15,000!]


Zhang Nu nodded. Indeed, the Holy Knight demonstrated remarkable courage and skill. He excelled in attack, defense, and commanding skills, showcasing his top-tier abilities. These citadel guardians were no match for his onslaught.

The voice of Immortal Subject No. 1 emerged through the body of another magitek guardian: "Your actions are a grave violation of the empire's laws, and this will lead to severe consequences!"

"Silence!" The Holy Knight, Bai Jin, cleaved the guardian's body in half with a single strike. "Your era ended eons ago, your empire had turned to dust in the river of time, and you, with these antique relics, dare to obstruct His Majesty? Know your place!"

In a matter of moments, dozens of magitek guardians were annihilated. The three of them proceeded through the corridor, reaching an expansive hall ahead. Once again, the consciousness of Immortal Subject No. 1 appeared, stating, "Intruders are approaching level 2 security zone."

"To protect the secrets of the empire's top-secret laboratory, the self-destruct program will activate in 180 minutes. All citadel combat personnel, proceed to immediately expel the intruders!"

Self-destruct program? Zhang Nu's expression shifted slightly. He began to piece things together. Immortal Subject No. 1 seemed devoid of emotions. Despite its intelligence, it resembled artificial intelligence more than sentient beings. Its thought processes were fundamentally different from intelligent life forms. The Citadel of Eternity had long been abandoned. The researchers and combat personnel had evacuated ages ago. There was no way Immortal Subject No. 1 was not aware of this. Yet, it showed no emotion, merely issuing programmed commands.

"All exits have been sealed!"

"Intruders have been reassessed to threat level 2!"

"Self-destruct program countdown: 179 minutes and 50 seconds!"

"Activating Immortal Subject No. 10. Activation of Immortal Subject No. 10 successful. Transferring Immortal Subject No. 10!"

As the three of them entered the citadel hall, apart from the magitek guardians, ten terrifying creatures were teleported in. These beings stood at three meters tall, with contorted facial features, white hair, and crimson eyes. They exhibited no trace of rationality. Their bodies were drenched and bound with iron chains, resembling beings just awakened from a seal. They emitted an aura of malevolence and death.

Zhang Nu examined them closely.

[Immortal Subject No. 10: Corrupted Living Dead] Level 5 lord unit.

After scanning through the description, Zhang Nu had a general understanding of how these creatures had been created.

Bai Jin frowned and commented, "Such a strong aura of death."

Bai Jie said, "Undead? It seems a bit different!"

Zhang Nu explained, "Ancient researchers attempted to create a perfect immortal by combining the living and the dead. They wanted to retain all senses while having nearly infinite lifespans, but these are clearly failed experiments."

The two of them exchanged looks. These experiments seemed utterly insane. The primary research direction of the Citadel of Eternity was "Perfect Immortality." But what constituted perfect eternal life? Were the undead perfect eternal beings? Absolutely not! They were neither perfect nor eternal.

Firstly, undead beings lacked sensory functions and could not enjoy the material world, making their extended existence a torment rather than perfection. Secondly, undead were not truly eternal. While their bodies were immortal, their souls decayed. Any intelligent undead, if it lived long enough, would undergo a drastic change in temperament. Their intellect would gradually blur, eventually becoming creatures driven solely by instinct.

In this world, unless one became a god, attaining an immortal and indestructible divinity, it was impossible to achieve true eternal life. The Citadel of Eternity had attempted to create something that could maintain a vibrant soul while obtaining an immortal body, a true eternal existence. But how could that be easily accomplished? In the end, they had failed.

In response to the invaders, Immortal Subject No. 1 activated Immortal Subject No. 10. Since there was a No. 1 and a No. 10, it indicated that there were likely many experimental subjects here, and their strengths were probably ranked according to their numbers.


The Holy Knight unleashed a blast of holy light, dealing fatal damage due to the attribute advantage. The Grand Archmage simultaneously summoned a fierce firestorm, attacking nearby magitek guardians and reducing them to pieces.

[You've slain Immortal Subject No. 10. Gold +240,000!]

[You've slain a Magitek Guardian. Gold +15,000!]

[You've slain a Magitek Guardian. Gold +15,000!]

[You've slain a Magitek Guardian. Gold +15,000!]


Of course, Zhang Nu was not idle. Level 5 lord enemies meant money. He summoned numerous lightning strikes and dragon flames, disposing of the undead with ease.

[You've slain an Immortal Subject No. 10. Gold +240,000!]

[You've slain an Immortal Subject No. 10. Gold +240,000!]

[You've slain an Immortal Subject No. 10. Gold +240,000!]


After dealing with ten of them, that was 2.4 million gold coins! If you added the magitek guardians, this trip was quite profitable in terms of gold!

Just then, the consciousness of Immortal Subject No. 1 transmitted another message.

"Immortal Subject No. 10 has been slain!"

"Activating Immortal Subject No. 9!"

"Threat level upgraded to level 3!"

"The self-destruct program will activate within 120 minutes!"

A flash of light, and eight monsters appeared. These were artificial giants, quadrupeds walking on limbs, with massive arms and a height of eight meters, resembling giant apes.

[Immortal Subject No. 9: Sealed Giant] Level 6 lord unit.

Bai Jin widened his eyes and exclaimed, "What is it this time?"

Before Zhang Nu could explain, Bai Jie's gaze became somewhat excited and fanatical. "These should be the result of ancient researchers attempting to combine a human soul with an artificial alchemical body through soul sealing and alchemical methods, creating an immortal and powerful Immortal Subject."

It had to be said; the Grand Archmage had a keen eye. What she said was already very close to the truth. The Sealed Giants were indeed created in this manner. Their bodies were crafted through alchemical and magical techniques, with human souls inside. If the soul could be in harmony with the body, theoretically, it could result in an Immortal Subject with limitless lifespan. Besides, the bodies could be mass-produced. If one aged or got damaged, they could simply be replaced. However, it was yet another failed creation. The Sealed Giants were no different from wild beasts.

Zhang Nu furrowed his brow slightly. "Continuing this way won't work. This magitek citadel has initiated a self-destruct sequence. The more Immortal subjects and guardians we kill, the faster the self-destruct activates."

This dungeon presented a considerable challenge because the more individuals entered or the more minor foes and mini-bosses were dispatched, the higher the citadel's alert level would escalate. A heightened alert level would accelerate the self-destruct sequence.

After some contemplation, Zhang Nu concluded that they could not continue dealing with minor enemies in this manner. This dungeon was not designed to be tackled that way. They needed to bypass the other Immortal Subjects and head straight for No. 1, as it was evident that No. 1 was controlling the citadel.

With resolve, Zhang Nu instructed his two subordinates, "You two will remain here to divert a portion of the enemy's firepower. I'll penetrate the citadel's core and dismantle its central control."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"We've got this! We should be able to hold them off for a while!"

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