God of Blackfield

Chapter 242.2: It Takes More Than Just a Glance (1)

Chapter 242.2: It Takes More Than Just a Glance (1)

The sun was now right on top of the barracks. The clouds of dust, intense sunlight, mad banshee wind, and the bone-chilling temperature felt as if they were starting to loom over Kang Chan’s head.

“There’s going to be an ambush from the enemies at night,” Kang Chul-Gyu said quietly, his gravelly voice coming through with only the two of them left in the barracks. “I heard you’re also expecting an attack.”

Kang Chan glanced at Kang Chul-Gyu and saw he was glaring sharply at the enemies with a firm expression.

“I want nothing more than to find my son’s remains and have him rest beside my wife,” Kang Chul-Gyu continued.

“What is it you’re trying to say?” Kang Chan asked in annoyance.

Kang Chul-Gyu turned around to face Kang Chan.

“I know you don’t like me, so let me ask you this with peace of mind. I don’t know if it’s because of the plane ride or because of the cold weather, but my health has suddenly taken a turn for the worse. I’ve been told that if I get a nosebleed, I should consider it an emergency since I have a shrapnel in the back of my head,” Kang Chul-Gyu said.

Even as Kang Chan conversed and looked at Kang Chul-Gyu, he didn’t forget to monitor their enemies.

“I’ll go out during the night,” Kang Chul-Gyu said.

Kang Chan’s gaze sharpened, but Kang Chul-Gyu didn’t break eye contact. Without missing a beat, he continued, “I’ll deal with whoever comes. If I can stop the raid tonight from happening, will you find my son’s remains or at least belongings and give them to Kim Tae-Jin?”

“Are you offering to take down the incoming enemy forces by yourself?” Kang Chan asked in disbelief.

“Yes.” Kang Chul-Gyu replied. Seeing Kang Chan’s wry smile, he self-depreciatingly added, “Even if I fail, you’re just down one old man who’s about to die anyway. It’s not that big of a loss, is it?”

“Does Director Kim know about this?”

“He’ll do anything to stop me if he learns about this plan, so let’s keep this between us, Captain,” Kang Chul-Gyu responded as blood began to leak from his nose again. He wiped it with his left hand, then looked at the stain it left on his hand with a grin.

“As you can see, I don’t have much time left. Please give this to me. It’s my last chance to atone,” he pleaded. His eyes glinted as fiercely as Kang Chan’s.

“I just need you to help me find my son’s remains. In the name of the DMZ King, I promise I’ll deal with whoever tries to attack us at night. Even if I can’t stop them all, I’ll at least make sure to demoralize them,” he continued.

“Go back down,” Kang Chan ordered.

Kang Chul-Gyu gave Kang Chan a questioning look.

“Rest until the evening. Then you can go out or do whatever.”

“Will you do me the favor?” Kang Chul-Gyu asked in surprise.

“Do you think I like you enough to tell you to get some rest otherwise?” Kang Chan shot back.

“Thank you.”

Kang Chul-Gyu locked gazes with Kang Chan before climbing down the stairs.

Swiiish! Swiiiish!

The wind whipped up dirt and dust with ease, scattering it all over the place.

Kang Chan looked ahead of him as he rested his index finger on the trigger of his rifle.

Was that old man ever happy? I heard he ended up like this because he took care of his men as if they were his life. Was he happy back then?

Kang Chan couldn’t stop thinking about Kang Chul-Gyu’s wrinkled face and the blood dripping from his nose.

He wants me to send him alone tonight? Damn it! How low does he think of me?

Kang Chan suddenly terribly missed Seok Kang-Ho.

That motherfucker!

Seok Kang-Ho was always so helpful to him in situations like this.

Kang Chan leisurely scanned his surroundings. As he did, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Kim Tae-Jin soon came into view head first.

“Why are you running all over the base so busily, sir?” Kang Chan asked.

“I just came here because I was worried about you being alone,” Kim Tae-Jin responded.

“There’s no need to worry about me,” Kang Chan said. “Just take care of the old man instead. He’s the only person we can trust to stand guard this evening. He should have lunch and get some rest until nightfall.”

Kim Tae-Jin gave Kang Chan a look of suspicion. “You said there’s going to be an ambush during the night, didn’t you?”

“We will be splitting up the team. Our defensive forces will take care of the enemies while the other half goes out to greet whoever else comes our way. We’ll be using the satellite video receiver to determine where they’re coming from.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to call for help?”

“We’ve caught the end of the Eurasian Rail here. If we start to accept help now, they will have a hold on us forever. We should at least take care of the mafia on our own.”

Kim Tae-Jin nodded. He then headed down the barracks.


- They’re completely isolated out there. Even the soldiers from the Mongolian border patrol have deserted them.

Lanok pressed the receiver to his ear as his gaze alternated between the satellite imagery and their maps. The TV on the wall in front of him displayed footage of the Mongolian base.

“What about Monsieur Kang?” he asked.

- From the looks of it, he seems to be planning to handle it all by himself. He hasn’t asked even South Korea for help yet.

Lanok glanced at the footage.

- The positions of China and Russia will heavily change depending on which of those two countries the railroad from South Korea will go through. Right now, both nations are desperately waiting for Monsieur Kang’s request for backup, but the situation is taking quite a strange and unexpected turn.

“Vasili must be frustrated to death right now,” Lanok mused. “He likely planned to extend an offer to help after turning down Kang Chan’s request, but the Mongolian border patrol has gone and stolen the Mobile Base Station.”

- We failed to take that possibility into consideration as well. However, there is still a chance that Vasili would use a satellite phone to contact him.

Lanok grinned. He picked up the teacup from his desk. “If does that, then he will essentially be admitting that he was the mastermind behind this entire situation.”

His lips curved to an odd smile before taking a sip of his tea. He then continued, “What is South Korea’s response to all of this?”

- They are preoccupied with the deployment of their special forces.

Lanok nodded, finding their priorities completely understandable.

- On another note, the team in Mongolia is accompanied by a man named Kang Chul-Gyu, whom the United States has labeled a target for elimination. We found an interesting bit in his record when we looked into him.

This report was news even to him.

- The name of Kang Chul-Gyu’s son is Kang Chan. He was a soldier of our Foreign Legion’s 13th Regiment Special Unit when he died.

Lanok stiffened but recovered just as quickly. “Who else is aware of this?”

- All information regarding Deputy Director-General Kang has to go through me first.

“Then destroy those records.”

- Understood, sir. We’ve also received intel that Russia and China have special forces teams waiting on standby.

“I see. Be ready to contact me as soon as you receive any updates. Stay on your toes. The pace has picked up too much. If both Vasili and I are caught off guard, then any number of unexpected variables could occur,” Lanok ordered.

He put down the receiver and glanced at the TV in front of him. A moment later, he pressed the intercom button on his desk.

“Raphael, I’m going to Russia. Arrange a flight for me.”

- Understood, Mr. Ambassador.

After hearing Raphael’s confirmation, Lanok leaned against the backrest of his chair and turned his attention back to the TV.


Two hours had passed. During that time, the agents got to rest in 30-minute intervals. Kang Chan and the others ate rice balls instead of having lunch.

“Are you not going to rest?” Kim Tae-Jin asked.

“I’m fine. I’m young,” Kang Chan nonchalantly replied as he took a sip of his hot coffee, which he got from the kitchen. It was probably scalding hot when it was made, but by the time it reached him at the top of the barracks, it was already only lukewarm.

“Come on. Why don’t you switch places with Sunbae-nim for a while so you can get some rest?” Kim Tae-Jin suggested.

“The moment I leave this role to an old man with a nosebleed, someone who falls to his knees like he did earlier, will be the moment we meet our end.”

“What about the other agents?”

“None of our agents can shoot that far. They’ll be shot in the head by the enemy sniper before they know it.”

Kim Tae-Jin groaned softly. He then took the cup that Kang Chan was holding out for him.

“Is the old man doing any better?” Kang Chan asked.

“He’s gone off to sleep saying he has to if he wants to be able to move later tonight. He asked me to wake him up when it’s time for his rotation,” Kim Tae-Jin answered. Glancing over at Kang Chan, he added, “Can I ask you a favor?”

Are these men taking turns to ask me for favors?

Instead of giving a verbal answer, Kang Chan just silently looked back at Kim Tae-Jin.

“You have no idea how many people he saved. Even right before his career ended, he ran out of the base knowing he was charging right into death’s embrace,” Kim Tae-Jin began. He had a smile on his lips, but sadness was written all over his face. His heart went out to Kang Chul-Gyu.

“He’s probably planning on spending his last days here, especially with what he asked me to do during the day. Given his personality, I’m sure he’ll leave the base alone tonight to launch a preemptive attack. Can I ask you to put us on the strike team tonight?”

Kim Tae-Jin stared right into Kang Chan’s eyes.

“He saved my life so many times but I’ve only remembered all about it now. That man ran out to save his men despite knowing he wouldn’t come back alive. I can’t let him charge into battle alone again knowing it’ll be his last, can I?”

Kim Tae-Jin’s eyes were glinting.

“When the DMZ King disappeared, Section Chief Jeon and I took after his lead. Maybe it’s because the times are different, but I knew I couldn’t have done what he did back when the Spetsnaz and the White Wolves were still training at the DMZ.”

“You could die. What about the family and employees you’ll leave behind?” Kang Chan asked.

“He ran out to save five soldiers in the same situation. We’ll handle the night raid. I just want you to find his son’s belongings and bury them beside his wife. If you do that for me, will follow him into battle with a grateful heart,” Kim Tae-Jin finished solemnly.

Swiiiish! Swiiiiiish!

The wind swept past Kim Tae-Jin and Kang Chan, rushing toward the enemy.

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