God of Blackfield

Chapter 282: Lets Wait and See (2)

Chapter 282: Let's Wait and See (2)

The morning of Kang Chan’s high school graduation day, Yoo Hye-Sook gave him a hug before going to work, tears welling up in her eyes.

He would be officially recognized as a high school graduate today, so seeing him in comfortable workout clothes made Yoo Hye-Sook feel sorry for her son.

Kang Dae-Kyung knew about everything that happened in Afghanistan and Africa, and Yoo Hye-Sook couldn’t forget about the gunfight that had occurred in the basement parking lot.

Even though she couldn’t understand why her son had to go through such a traumatic experience, she did her best to accept it. However, her reddening eyes still carried hope that he would never have to go through similar situations again.

Seeing her like that was heartbreaking, but Kang Chan couldn’t attend his graduation ceremony due to the Islamic organizations’ holy war against South Korea.

Much like yesterday, Kang Chan had a lot of time to spare. He considered surfing the internet for a moment but sat on the living room sofa and watched TV instead.

As soon as the TV turned on, it showed the news channel that Kang Dae-Kyung always watched.

‘What’s going on?’

It hadn’t even been a minute when the news began to take an absurd turn.

[The Federation of Korean Industries and the opposition party are demanding the government to disclose whether the proposals from Saudi Arabia and the United States are true or not. If the proposals are true, they asserted that the Blue House and the ruling party shouldn’t use the proposals for political gain and that they have to reveal everything to the public for the development of South Korea.]

The news then played interviews with citizens, most of whom said, “It doesn’t make sense for the government and the ruling party to keep their mouths sealed about something this significant.”

[The Federation of Korean Industries is hoping that large and mid-sized businesses will be able to buy shares of the next-generation energy source.]

The news also briefly showed an interview with the chairman of the Federation of Korean Industries.

Kang Chan turned off the TV.

He couldn’t blame people for being tempted, they shouldn’t get so ahead of themselves over this.

If this keeps up, all of the profits from the electrical energy business and the Eurasian Rail might end up in the pockets of sons of bitches like Yang Jin-Woo.

Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—.

Only Seok Kang-Ho would call him this early in the morning.

Kang Chan walked to his room and answered the phone.

“What’s up?”

- Let’s go to the office.

Well, I’ve got nothing to do at home anyway.

Moreover, if he went to the office, the agents would be able to stay indoors. He would be able to enjoy coffee and cigarettes without worries as well.

- I’m already outside.

“I’ll be right over.”

After hanging up, he put on a shirt and a suit and then took his radio and pistol from his desk drawer.

As soon as he got to the entrance of his apartment building, Choi Jong-Il approached him.

“I was told that you’re going to the office,” he said.

“Have you had breakfast?”

“Yes, but I haven’t had any coffee yet.”

When Kang Chan smirked, Choi Jong-Il smiled back.

Because the wounds on Choi Jong-Il’s face hadn't completely healed yet, everyone who saw him likely thought of him as a bad person—a murderer, even.

Kang Chan walked toward Seok Kang-Ho’s car, which was parked near the entrance of the building. At the same time, three agents quickly exited the apartment.

They were likely the ones assigned to guard the staircases above and below Kang Chan’s floor.

Ordered by South Korea to protect Kang Chan, these people patrolled the staircases around the clock in the middle of this cold winter. If they ever found themselves in a gunfight, they would block the bullets with their cars and throw themselves at Kang Chan to keep him safe.

They weren’t doing all that simply because Kang Chan was extraordinary. Rather, it was because their nation had ordered them to.

Kang Chan’s reasons were a bit different from theirs. Although he started all of this because he couldn’t refuse Kim Tae-Jin and Kim Hyung-Jung’s passion, he genuinely cared about the soldiers in Jeungpyeong now. Unable to ignore what he had witnessed, he just kept pushing forward until he eventually found himself in this situation.

“Choi Jong-Il. Once we arrive, tell all of the agents to come up to the office,” Kang Chan said.

“We would need to shut down the elevators for that.”

“I don’t mind.”

Kang Chan got into the passenger seat of Seok Kang-Ho’s car.

“Slept soundly?” Seok Kang-Ho asked.

Kang Chan looked at him in surprise as he closed the car door. “The fuck? What’s with you today?”

Seok Kang-Ho wasn’t just wearing a suit. He also had a tie on, which wasn’t like him.

“Did something happen?”

As they hit the road, an NIS-issued car merged into the lane and led their convoy.

“I always look good in a suit, don’t I?”

“Not really, no.”

Seok Kang-Ho laughed. “Phuhuhu.”

Why is he changing the subject?

Kang Chan glanced at him once more, but Seok Kang-Ho just focused on the road, pretending not to notice.

It only took them fifteen minutes to reach their office building’s basement parking lot. As soon as they arrived, they rushed to the elevator.

“You three, guard the entrance. Once the coast is clear, get in the elevator and join us in the office.”

“Yes, sir,” the three agents quickly responded.

No one else could use this elevator anyway, so Kang Chan wondered if they needed to do all of this. However, it wasn’t right to question the field manager’s commands.

They reached the office not long after, the open view of which made him feel a little relieved. It had been quite some time since he last visited this place.

Would you like to have instant coffee or an americano?” Choi Jong-Il asked.

It’s been a while since I’ve had an americano—

“What are you saying? Drinking instant coffee first thing in the morning is a must!” Seok Kang-Ho exclaimed with a grin. “Don’t forget to use two packets per cup!”

For some reason, Kang Chan felt convinced.

The smell of coffee filled the large office, likely because they made a lot of it. After some time, the three agents guarding the elevator entered the office.

Huh? Where’s Um Ji-Hwan?” Seok Kang-Ho asked, looking around with a cup in hand.

As Kang Chan was handed a cup of coffee, Seok Kang-Ho continued, “I’m talking about the beast yesterday! The one who made us coffee for us in Gapyeong!”

Ah!” Kang Chan exclaimed, finally remembering the man.

Seok Kang-Ho turned to Choi Jong-Il. “Where is he?”

Why is Choi Jong-Il hesitating to answer?

The uplifting atmosphere instantly grew colder. The agents appeared to be in a predicament.

“He left for Libya yesterday evening,” Choi Jong-Il answered grimly.

Seok Kang-Ho quietly swore across from Kang Chan. “Fuck.”

“He joined that mission even though he’s got an elderly woman to take care of...” Seok Kang-Ho trailed off.

“An elderly woman?” Kang Chan asked.

“He lives with his mother.”

“How do you know that?”

Without looking away from his cup, Seok Kang-Ho answered, “Two days ago, after you left, Ji-Hwan decided to go home as well, so we had dinner together.”

Kang Chan turned toward him.

“He applied to go to Libya a few days ago. He knew two of the thirteen agents who were killed there,” Choi Jong-Il explained.

“How old is he?” Kang Chan asked.

“He’s twenty-nine.”

Kang Chan finally understood why Ji-Hwan wanted to go to where two of his comrades were killed. He was at the age where his blood just kept boiling, especially since he had the skills to back him up.

The atmosphere became even heavier.

Seok Kang-Ho frowned. Kang Chan had another sip of his coffee.

Seok Kang-Ho is already this attached to Um Ji-Hwan? All they’ve done is play three rounds of jokgu.

Kang Chan clicked his tongue as he looked outside the window.

In his previous life, he supposed he did genuinely care about some new recruit just because he handed him a bottle of water after his jogging session. Was that how Seok Kang-Ho felt when he ate with Um Ji-Hwan and heard about his personal life?

Honestly, the bottle of water and the meal weren’t that important.

No matter what their people did, Kang Chan and Seok Kang-Ho couldn’t help but want to protect them and wish that they would do well enough to become captains and veterans themselves in the future.

They seemed drawn to individuals who looked lonely.

Seok Kang-Ho pursed his lips as he looked at Choi Jong-Il. “Bring over the things that we prepared.”

What’s going on? What’s wrong with the atmosphere today?

Watching Woo Hee-Seung approach the table, Kang Chan couldn’t help but smirk.

He was holding a bouquet, an album, and a blue folder that contained his diploma.

Woo Hee-Seung handed the items to Seok Kang-Ho, who in turn stood up and offered them to Kang Chan.

It wouldn’t be proper for me to accept those sitting down, would it?

Kang Chan awkwardly stood up and held out his hands. At the same time, everyone in the office clapped for him.

This is crazy!

Kang Chan wondered if they were planning to kill him with awkwardness.

“Congratulations on your graduation,” Seok Kang-Ho told Kang Chan.

So this is why he put on a suit.

“Your diploma and two certificates are in the folder. I bought the bouquet, and the men prepared this,” Seok Kang-Ho added.

Seok Kang-Ho took out a small box from the inner chest pocket of his suit. When Kang Chan opened it, he found an expensive-looking, luxurious fountain pen inside.

As if he had just won a competition, he looked at everyone present while holding the bouquet in one hand and the fountain pen in the other.“Thank you.”

They gave him another round of applause, slightly improving the atmosphere.

Using his phone, Kang Chan took a photo with Seok Kang-Ho using his phone, Choi Jong-Il, then Woo Hee-Seung. Afterward, they took a group photo.

This isn’t so bad.

Kang Chan didn’t get to attend his graduation in his previous life as well, but it was nothing like his life now. After all, no one felt disappointed that he didn’t get to attend his graduation back then.

“Dinner’s on me,” Kang Chan offered.

“Let’s just eat here. We’ll be giving the agents a hard time if we go outside now,” Seok Kang-Ho suggested.

“Sounds good.”

Since there was still some time left before lunch, they sat down at the table again. Some of the agents made themselves comfortable on the sofa.

Seok Kang-Ho turned his chair toward the window, then held up his cup. From the side, Kang Chan looked at him from the side. His eyes had crinkled up, but he still had his angular jaw and thick neck.

“Damn it!” Seok Kang-Ho exclaimed. After pursing his lips, he took out a cigarette and offered it to Kang Chan.

Chk chk.

“The first time I woke up in this body, what flustered me the most was the fact that I was a teacher,” Seok Kang-Ho grumbled, smoke escaping his mouth.

“I had a hard time getting used to seeing the kids’ sparkling eyes.” Seok Kang-Ho grinned at Kang Chan. “Still, when I saw the bullies, I found myself unable to hold in my anger. That’s why I prepared the mask.”

“What mask?”

“The one I put on before fighting Park Ki-Bum.”

Ah! The monkey mask!”

This crazy motherfucker! He should’ve at least worn a fierce-looking gorilla mask instead of a monkey mask with a cute smile!

“Um, Ji-Hwan told me while we were eating that he liked being an agent because he thinks of me as his hyung-nim. He grew up without any siblings, so when he was younger, he kept hoping that he would have a hyung-nim like me,” Seok Kang-Ho turned to the side and extinguished his cigarette on the ashtray. “That son of a bitch should’ve told me he’s being sent to Libya!”

After voicing out his thoughts, he downed the rest of his coffee.

Seok Kang-Ho has every right to be upset—wait, isn’t that...?

Argh, that’s hot! Holy fuck!” Seok Kang-Ho shrieked, shaking off the coffee that spilled on his pants.

Kang Chan held up his cup and took a sip of his coffee.

“I now slightly understand how you felt back then,” Seok Kang-Ho commented. He was staring out the window, making it seem as if he was talking to himself.

The two took sips of their coffee in turns while enjoying the view. Afterward, they put their cups down on the table.

The Eurasian Rail and the construction of the power plant—what would those mean to Choi Jong-Il, the agents in this office, and the fallen and the dying agents?

Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—.

As soon as his phone rang, Kang Chan took it out and answered the call.

“Mr. Ambassador.”

- Mr. Kang Chan, congratulations on your graduation.

Smiling, Kang Chan replied, “Thank you.”

- Do you have time to meet tomorrow?

“Of course, sir. When and where should we meet?”

Perhaps it was because they were used to it now, but much like Seok Kang-Ho, the agents weren’t surprised to hear Kang Chan speaking French anymore.

- How about lunch at the embassy? I hope you will be able to spare me a bit of your time after lunch as well. I’d like to have a meeting with you regarding the construction of the power plant. It’s important.

“Alright. I’ll be there by eleven-thirty.”

- It’s perfect.

After hanging up, Kang Chan told everyone about his phone call with Lanok only to cock his head in the middle of his explanation. This was the first time Lanok had ever emphasized the importance of a meeting.

“Let’s have lunch,” Seok Kang-Ho suggested.

Kang Chan held up his phone and checked the time. There was still an hour left before noon.

He wondered if it was too early for them to have lunch. However, considering the time needed for the trip to and from the restaurant, he concluded otherwise.

Seok Kang-Ho stood up and told the agents to order thrice as many galbi and sirloin as the number of people. He also told them to order enough rice for everyone.

That amount of food would require three people to carry.

Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—. Buzz— Buzz— Buzz—.

Soon after, Kang Chan’s phone rang again.

Michelle was calling him.


- Channy! Where are you right now?

‘Did she install a CCTV in my office without me knowing?’ Kang Chan wondered, looking around the room.

- I had tea with your mother this morning. She told me that you’re back in South Korea! Where are you right now?

Well, that doesn’t seem too much of a coincidence, considering all of us are in the same building.

Smirking, Kang Chan looked around him.

“Where are you?”

- I’m at our office taking care of two big projects. Are you available?

“I’ll drop by after lunch.”

- You’re not going to stand me up, are you? Does two work for you?


Kang Chan didn’t have anything scheduled today anyway.

“My parents don’t know that I’m in the building.”

- I know that! If they come into our office, I’ll be sure to call you immediately.

Kang Chan hung up not long after.

“Was that Michelle?” Seok Kang-Ho asked.

“Yeah. I’m thinking of having a cup of tea with her after lunch.”

“Go for it.”

Three of the agents had already left the office to buy their lunch.

“They should’ve just ordered on the phone,” Kang Chan said.

“That would risk having our food poisoned,” Choi Jong-Il responded.

Damn. Even food isn’t safe now?

Kang Chan glanced at Seok Kang-Ho. This was his first time seeing him with such a grim expression after ordering meat.


“Run! Run!” the agent in charge of their rear yelled.

Um Ji-Hwan, wearing a shirt and a suit, had already been running for fifteen minutes in alleyways with gray walls, which were common in Islam.

Haah! Haah! Haah! Haah!”

Du du du! Thud!

Hearing the agent behind them fall to the ground, he gritted his teeth. He could feel his blood boiling. He wanted to vent out his anger, but he couldn’t do anything about it right now.

Their local informant had lied to them and lured them into a trap.

After landing at the airport in Tripoli[1], they immediately headed to Al-Aziziyah[2]. However, they were ambushed as soon as they arrived. Eight of their men had already been killed.

Haah! Haha! Haah! Haah!”

Going down the alley, Um Ji-Hwan took a sharp turn.

Bang! Bang! Du du du! Du du du!

Gunshots rang out. He heard another agent collapse.

“Run!” the agent at the back yelled, reminding them not to deviate from the plan.

Before coming here, they were given plans for certain situations. If they were ambushed, they were told to head to the next secret meeting place. They were also ordered to decide in advance who should serve as the vanguard and who should bring up the rear in such an event.

They had the permission to shoot and return fire, but their current situation prevented them from fighting back.

They were in a narrow alley. If they stood their ground here, a barrage of bullets from a machine gun in one of the buildings’ second floors would be enough to decimate them. Hence, all they could do right now was run and use whatever means necessary to get out of this place. Only then could they retaliate.

Bang! Bang! Du du du du! Du du du!

Two more agents dropped to the ground.

Using their rifles, they provided cover fire to buy the other agents some time. But it wasn’t enough to stop the AK-47s’ firepower.

“Fuck!” Um Ji-Hwan swore as the alley forced him to take another sharp turn.

Haah! Haah! Haah! Haah! Ma!” he yelled in between his ragged breaths, suddenly seeing his mother’s face. He felt as if he had just brushed past her.

Not long after, he saw Seok Kang-Ho smiling at him. It was the last image he saw before everything turned black.

1. the capital city of Libya ?

2. a town in Iraq ?

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