Kyle met with Cleopatra but she didn’t recognize him and ignored his existence.

She focused solely on Jane and Ella, speaking to them as they walked around the house.

Kyle felt like a fourth wheel but didn’t mind this because his eyes were scouting the building carefully, retaining every single detail within.

Ella and Jane were tense. They were scared of Cleopatra, but how could someone so small command such intimidation?

“Cleo, where are Mom and Dad?” Ella asked the all-important question, but Cleopatra stopped in her tracks.

“They are dead, you might have forgotten seeing as you missed their funeral,” Cleopatra mocked her.

Kyle noticed that Ella didn’t speak out of line and despite Cleopatra being a bitch, Ella was docile around her older sister.

“Of course you would. The daughter who couldn’t bear the shame, so she ran away like a coward,” Cleopatra said, and Kyle noticed that neither Ella nor Jane was saying anything to her.

He expected the woman to be a lot more level-headed but she was a rude lady. Kyle didn’t care much about Ella being insulted because this was her family.

If she chose to be verbally abused, it was on her because she was a grown woman who was accountable for her actions.

Kyle knew trauma had a role to play but for how long could one blame trauma for their unwillingness to overcome it?

That was her responsibility, this was her journey and Kyle wasn’t going to intervene.

The only reason he would was if this woman dared to insult Jane.

He would have no choice but to step in and put an immediate stop to it.

“Jane, why do you follow her around?” Cleopatra asked and Kyle’s eyes glared at her.

“You must be just as use-!” Cleopatra was interrupted.

“That is enough,” Kyle said, this shocked the women because they had told Kyle to not react to her.

“What did you just say?” Cleopatra asked but Kyle made sure to alter his voice slightly so he wouldn’t sound the same.

If it did, there was a chance that she would recognize who he was and that was something that Kyle couldn’t risk.

In truth, there was always that 1% that Cleopatra wasn’t who he thought she was even though that was unlikely but not impossible.

Kyle kept that possibility at the back of his mind and knew he had to show this woman, whoever she was, that she had to watch her mouth.

“For someone that speaks so much, I would think your ears would work just as well as your mouth,” Kyle said, stepping in front of both Ella and Jane.

“I don’t know you but I will not allow you to disrespect these two any further. If that is what you wish to do, we will leave,” Kyle said.

He knew that this woman had no reason to allow them inside the mansion.

If it was within her power, she would have turned down Ella so there had to be a deeper reason why they were here.

If this was the case then there was no way that Cleopatra would throw them out of the house simply because Kyle spoke back.

This was what Kyle banked on because he was aware that it was up to him to make a strong first impression.

Jane subtly smiled alongside Ella, this was the protection they had craved for so long.

“You insolent…!” Cleopatra was furious that he dared to speak against her.

Kyle was surprised she didn’t recognize him in all honesty, this must be a Superman/Kent Clark moment.

It was her perception because he had identical features but maybe it was because the mask had hidden the green tinges mixed into his hair that made it difficult.

Kyle didn’t care about this but he wasn’t backing down either, he was going to stand his ground.

“Well? Are you going to be more respectful?” Kyle asked to which she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“You have some guts I give you that. It looks like my sister is now dating someone who has a spine for a change,” Cleopatra said but everyone was confused.

However, they knew that this would work in their favour if her older sister thought they were dating as there was a tone of respect.

Jane looked at Kyle and gave him a subtle nod, he had her permission because she understood the situation they were in.

The fact that Ella didn’t shoot down this notion right away was something to note as well.

Kyle knew he had to put on the performance of his life without crossing any boundaries at the same time which would be difficult to do if he wanted to make this convincing.

He could see the slight down in Cleopatra’s eyes and this made him put his hand around Ella’s waist.

“Do you want us to leave? I expect the next word out of your mouth to be an apology,” Kyle said sternly, looking her right in the eyes.

He could tell that Cleopatra was suspicious of him but he didn’t know if this was because she found him familiar or due to his relationship with her sister.

Cleopatra kissed her teeth and turned around, Kyle already knew that was the best he was going to get but Ella looked up at him with a slight smile.

This took her back to the restaurant where he protected her as well when she felt awkward.

“To think you would go as far as hiring an actor to play boyfriend is quite sad…” Cleopatra scoffed at the ridiculousness.

“… And the only reason I haven’t kicked you out is because there is something that Mom and dad wanted me to give you,” Cleopatra added.

Jane and Ella were aware that she would look down on Ella even more if she found out that Kyle wasn’t her boyfriend but the good news was that they could all hear the uncertainty in her voice.

This meant that she wasn’t certain herself if this was true or false but what had Ella’s attention was the fact that her parents had left something for her.

“What?” Ella blurted out involuntarily because Cleopatra had told her something different when they met at the hospital.

She was certain her parents wouldn’t want her to be at their funeral but this would explain why Cleopatra let her in.

It wasn’t because she suddenly had a heart but rather, due to this which made a lot more sense.

“That is right, follow me,” Cleopatra said and Ella was reluctant because she didn’t know what her sister was up to.

“Only you, if I may add,” Cleopatra reinforced, looking at Kyle with disgust.

Kyle sighed as he removed his hand from her waist to allow her to go with her sister.

Cleopatra had her eyes on him before looking at Jane and right then, a grin creased her face as if she had discovered something. However, this was an act that escaped Kyle’s gaze because his attention shifted from Ella to Jane for a split second.

Calista was with a strange woman in her house claiming to be Kyle’s sister.

She was quite the beauty with a prominent scar just below her cheek but it looked like one gotten over the years because it was barely visible. Continue reading stories on My Virtual Library Empire

Calista hosted and realized how she would have been in trouble if this was anyone else.

The fact that she was followed already made this a dangerous situation because she now knew where she lived.

“I’m sorry for my manner of approach earlier. It is just that I knew if I met you there, I had no other means to reach you,” The lady said but Calista didn’t think much of this because it was an opportunity to get to know Kyle through her.

“I understand, you must have been worried about Kyle if you were willing to go to such lengths but how do I know what you’re saying is true?” Calista questioned with a raised brow.

The lady reached for her purse and rummaged through it but Calista was on guard because she had no idea what it was she was looking for.

She had stalked her already, broken into her home so there was no telling what she was capable of. Calista was endangering herself but it was a risk she hoped was worth it.

“Here,” The lady said, handing her a photograph.

Calista kept an eye on her as she carefully looked at the picture but her jaws dropped the moment she saw who was in it.

It was Kyle, there was no doubt that this was him but there was something off-putting about the look in his eyes. Calista looked in them but saw no one, they were empty, very similar to the man she met that day.

“Do you need any more evidence?” The lady asked but Calista was hesitant, returning the picture.

“What is your name?” Calista asked hesitantly only for the lady to smile as she said.


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