“Hello Kyle, I’m sorry I’m late. It was hard finding a babysitter at the last minute,” Cassandra apologized, sitting on the opposite side of the table.

“It is fine, I’m just glad you came…” Kyle responded.

He gestured for the waitress to come over, and they did just that. They had already approached Kyle multiple times, but he told them he was waiting for someone.

“For a minute, I thought you were going to stand me up,” Kyle said, looking her right in the eyes but Cassandra didn’t break eye contact.

“I just ran a little late, that is all,” she responded once again, sounding distant. Kyle knew he was in for a long coffee date.

They both ordered their coffee and the conversation that followed felt more like an interview.

Kyle realized that she wasn’t giving him any room to woo her but this only made him want to try harder.

He wanted to see if a woman could truly be faithful to her husband regardless of the circumstance, this was how he expected Aiysha to act with him but then again.

Aiysha was a woman whose occupation strived on social interactions unlike Cassandra, who was a housewife and had no use for such skills.

Kyle wasn’t going to bring this to her notice, he didn’t mind this to be honest because he knew he had a lot to learn from this interaction. discover-stories-on-MVLeMpYr

He didn’t care if Cassandra stayed or went, he just wanted to screw her and the fact that she wasn’t in his harem meant he could treat her however he wished.

They sipped their coffee, their conversation dangling on the surface but Kyle had an idea.

“You know, I envy married people,” Kyle said, this was a good leeway to break the small talk because even if she didn’t want to know, she was inclined to ask why but Kyle could tell she was curious to hear what he had to say.

“You envy married people?” Cassandra asked, slightly surprised by this revelation.

“I do, I do. You’re telling the world you have found your person. Everyone, this is the person I’m spending the rest of my life with,” Kyle said, taking a sip from his coffee.

“Hahaha!” Cassandra laughed for the first time in this conversation but it was more of a giggle.

“You will find your person and trust me, it will be the most beautiful thing in the world,” Cassandra tried to reassure her but the distant tone she had exhibited moments ago was no more.

“That is what everyone says but not everyone finds their soulmate…” Kyle responded, pausing briefly.

“I wonder if mine might already be taken, people don’t think about that enough,” Kyle responded. This was subtle and could be interpreted in so many ways.

“Taken? If they are taken, then they aren’t your soulmate,” Cassandra quickly rubbished this theory but she was warming up to the conversation.

“Is that so? Do you believe everyone marries their soulmate?” Kyle questioned, taking a sip from her cup of coffee.

Kyle noticed she didn’t answer right away, she was giving this some serious thought.

“Hm… We learn to love who we marry, not marry who we love. I believe that once you learn to love someone then your piece will change to match theirs,” Cassandra responded and this was a good response.

One that took Kyle off-guard because it was now him thinking of a response.

“That is a fascinating response, I never thought about it that way but not all pieces fit or different pieces wouldn’t exist,” Kyle responded, countering her logic with his.

“You do have a point, I give you that,” Cassandra confessed.

“Do you think you found the right piece?” Kyle questioned.

“Yes, yes I did,” Cassandra responded but she hesitated for just a second.

“That’s your first lie,” Kyle thought to himself. After this conversation, the others that followed were a lot less stiff and Cassandra was speaking with a lot more freedom.

He realized that she was an older woman and she had outgrown certain topics.

That was why she was so distant, she had a rough idea of what younger guys wanted, all they thought about was sex because she was young once but Kyle had managed to engage her in ways even men her age had failed to.

She had a good time and Kyle displayed his maturity.

The coffee date soon came to an end, Kyle walked out the door, holding the door for her.

Cassandra walked out after him, laughing while they continued to talk.

Kyle waited for her to enter her car, she drove there but she didn’t enter the car without hugging Kyle.

He felt her soft breasts pressed against his chest, they were the softens pair he had felt in his entire life because it sank right in.

Kyle’s hands lingered on her lower back but this was where something interesting happened, they hugged for a minute too long like with Kyle pulling her a little too close.

She could feel his crotch pressed against her thigh but she managed to break away before things could escalate, clearing her throat.

“We should do this again,” Kyle said, smiling right at her.

“I agree, I did have fun,” Cassandra responded, turning around to get into her car.

Kyle’s eyes naturally glanced at her buttocks, nothing beat the body of a well-developed woman.

The fact that she was chubby meant her ass cheeks had some of that weight.

She seemed to struggle with her car keys, struggling to twist them within the keyhole.

But she felt something push up against her from behind, her ass pressed against something not only long but thick.

“I-Is that…!” Cassandra’s thoughts ran wild but the reason for this was because Kyle decided to help her try to open her car, she could have moved away the moment she felt it pressed against her but she stayed still.

“There you go,” Kyle whispered in her ear the moment he helped her unlock her car.

This wasn’t cheating, was it? Cassandra knew at that moment that she could no longer see this man, he was dangerous.

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