Herald of Steel

Chapter 729 Lady Felicia (Part-3)

Chapter 729 Lady Felicia (Part-3)

Chapter 729

Facing his wife's scathing reminder, Lapitus hung his head low,

He had always regretted his actions of that day.

Worse still, he could not even remember what exactly had happened that day, every time drawing a complete blank when attempting to recall the events.

As for getting revenge for his wife,

'Hehe, how can that be so easy?' he would helplessly chuckle to himself every time his wife mentioned it.

Lapitus knew exactly how hard he and his family had to work to get where they were.

And if he tried to go against a noble, even one who was not much favored by his father, Lapitus risked losing it all.

After all, the laws of the land worked only against nobles when they were wielded by another noble.

And though Lord Ponticus might be utterly disappointed in his eldest son, but the proud man would still have done everything in his power to save the family's face.

And what would that mean for Lapitus?

What would that mean for Lapitus's family?

As the oldest son, Lapitus had a few younger brothers to look after. a sick mother who needed medicine, several sisters who were yet to be married, several nieces and nephews, and many peripheral members.

Most of whose jobs were directly or indirectly related to the army, and most of them managed to get it only through Lapitus's connections.

For instance, one of his brothers was a small time grain supplier for the military, another worked as a steward for a high ranking officer, and so on.

So even if Lapitus managed to successfully win his case against PP and got him declared guilty, he would at best get some paltry sum of money and see PP get a slap in the wrist sort of warning.

It would be really nothing compared to the crime he committed.

While Lapitus for all his trouble would soon see him facing the absolutely brutal retaliation from Lord Ponticus for embarrassing him and his family.

And this attack would be catastrophic for Lapitus.

Perhaps Lapitus would be able to keep some sort of employment as firing him outright would be too petty, but he would certainly lose his post.

As for the fate of the rest of his clan, theirs would be certainly much more tragic.

Undoubtedly they would be thrown out into the streets, penniless, within the day and perhaps even the local gangs would start harassing them under orders from the above.

It was even possible they would be convicted on trumped up charges and be sold into slavery.

That was a favorite tactic of Lord Ponticus.

It was because of all this that Lapitus could not go against PP.

If it was only him, Lapitus would not have batted an eye to even all those things.

And would have charged fearlessly at PP with his sword drawn.

And Lapitus did think about doing it many, many times, as he had laid awake man a night, his heart burning for revenge while sleep eluded him.

But ultimately he could not take the final step.

He could not bring all his clansmen down with him.

So what choice did he have other than to swallow the bitter incident down and pretend to forget all about it?

Of course people undoubtedly called him names behind his back for this, mocking him as being too cowardly to defend his wife's honor.

But none of them really understood from his view.

Cause if they had, no one would dare to do so.

If they were in his shoes, these same people would certainly have chosen the same way.

Sometimes it took far greater strength for a man to accept his circumstances and move on instead of lashing out and going off in a blaze of glory.

So after looking at his family, and his daughter, Lapitus chose the ultimate humiliation and played dumb.

And moreover, for all these years he never explained this to his wife, thinking all these excuses did not really matter.

Instead, he let her vent as much as she wanted regarding this event, feeling she had every right to do so.

That was how much Lapitus loved his woman.

But unfortunately, the man fell in love with the wrong woman, a woman who was blind to all of this pain and sacrifice and one who appreciated none of her husband's own difficulties.

She never tried to understand her partner nor did she look at it from her husband's side.

Instead, she would use that incident every time to sting Lapitus, like now, where having shut her husband up, she still continued on her tirade,

"You think just because that Pasha was not ogling at every girl he passed, he won't have any designs on me?"

"You think every man who wants to take advantage of me is like PP? Tongue waggling up to his feet? Even if they were PP, you could not spot them!"

"Never mind he is even willing to marry someone as young as Fabiyana! God Lapitus, how can you say he is upright? Have some common sense!"

Lady Felicia finished by massaging her forehead, by which point Lapitus's face was so shrunken that it looked as if all the water there had been sucked out of it.

And it took a long while for the man to squeeze out the following words in a weak voice, "Then… then what do you want me to do? Wasn't it your idea to seek shelter there? And try to get Fabiyana married to him? Why are you complaining now?"

Lapitus was very bitter, feeling like he was being chewed out doing what he was told to do.

"Of course, I'm not blaming you for that. You did a good job!"

And as if she could read the man like a book, Lady Felicia instantly noticed the man's emotions becoming frayed as she quickly and very smoothly cooed next to his ears, closing the distance between them and even softly caressing her husband's hands as she did so.

Either she was a very caring wife or an expert manipulator.

And the following words she would say would go no leave none in the dark about which one she was.

Bringing her lips right next to Lapitus's ears, Lady Felicia whispered, "What I'm saying is that seeing me all alone, the Lord of Zanzan might make moves on me."

"In fact, I even suspect the reason why he made that stipend offer was to lure you into sending me there,"

As she said this, a cunning light flashed through Lady Felicia's eyes, while in Lapitus, a look of surprise dawned.

'What! How can that be? Could it be true?' For the first few seconds, he could not believe it.

Alexander did not seem that type of man to him.

But then he remembered who said it.

His wife.

So after a while, his eyes changed to one that of realization,

'Yes! Now that I think about it, it must be true. Why else would he be so generous? Just look at how beautiful my Felicia is! Of course, he will be tempted.'

Lapitus somehow had managed to come to this outrageous conclusion.

Following which he abruptly turned to his wife, "Tha.. let me send some …. some men with you … then …"

Lapitus's voice suddenly sounded very agitated and he seemed to be even having difficulty forming proper sentences, as his whole body could be seen slightly twitching.

To say the man was shaken would be an understatement, for he was determined to never let that incident ever repeat itself.

"*Shoosh*, *shoosh*, calm down, calm down," And it was only Lady Felicia's warm whispers that managed to tame the raging waves in the man's heart.

And then she gently pointed out,

"How many men can you send with me? Because that person has an army! So giving a few guards would be pointless. Those men will be much more useful here… with you."

The lovely woman gently squeezed her man's hands as she said so, wanting to comfort her man.

But Lapitus was still restless given the root of the problem remained unsolved,

"Then … what? Should I go again and ask the pasha to swear nothing will happen?"

"Or maybe you stay?"

Lapitus looked at his wife with particularly puppy dog eyes when he said the last part.

To be frank, he would much prefer if his wife stayed with him.

He did not want to lose her, not once again.

And he was only sending them to Alexander because Lady Felicia asked him to.

While Hearing Lapitus's request, the lady of the house gently shook her head, "You know very well we will be safer there. Here if we are caught …."

She very lightly smiled as she said this, the way her lips moved seeming to convey comfort and peace.

But the image her words produced in Lapitus was anything but those.

The horrors that might befall them if captured were indeed nightmarish.

Lapitus found himself shaken by the mere thought of it.

It would indeed be better for them to be away from there.

And it was here that Lady Felicia sensing Lapitus was confused used the opportunity to let out the real reason why she brought up this topic, a manipulative glint shining in her eyes.

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