"It's difficult for a man to forget his first love," Raka said with a bitter smile. Until now, he still couldn't forget Anya and couldn't let her be with another man.

When he understood what Raka meant, Anya froze in her place.


Raka couldn't forget her because she was Raka's first love.

Just like how Aiden couldn't forget Keara because she was the first woman he loved.

"Anya..." Raka called her name in a soft voice. "I didn't expect anything. As long as you are happy, I will be happy too,"

"Raka, I… I'm very tired. Thank you for your help," Anya felt panicked and decided to hang up.

She covered herself with the blanket and closed her eyes, hoping that when she woke up, this was all just a bad dream and her life would return to how it was before.

Around seven in the evening, Maria arrived. She immediately went upstairs and knocked on Anya's door when she found out that Anya had locked herself in her room and did not want to eat. "Anya, are you awake?"

Anya was awake from sleep, but she didn't want to turn on the light and didn't want to go downstairs.

Hearing Maria's voice, she rose to her feet and opened the door. Her voice sounded hoarse because she just woke up and had been crying all day, "Sis..."

"Anya, are you okay?" Seeing Anya's face, Maria could not hold back her tears.

"Sis..." When she saw Maria crying, the tears that had been drained in her eyes returned to flow.

"Don't cry. Tell me everything," Maria took Anya's hand and asked her to come down. "You have to eat first."

"Aiden wants a divorce from me," Anya said in a weak voice. "Aiden still loves Keara..."

Maria was stunned when she heard that. She thought Aiden was buying up to a month to spend time with Anya. However, it turned out that Aiden did the opposite.

He tried to make Anya give up and leave him.

"I can feel you. At the beginning of my marriage with Ardan, he also decided to return to his first love. All the men in the Atmajaya Family have a problem with first love," Maria said with a deep sigh.

"First love..." Anya muttered, trying to digest the meaning of the word.

Maria wiped the tears in the corners of her eyes. "Ardan and Aiden are brothers, but I didn't expect that they are the same. Over the years, Ivan also only cared about one girl whom he described as his first love. These three brothers are the same. I hope you don't experience what I went through."

When hearing Maria's words, Anya was not comforted. The sadness she felt was even stronger.

Three brothers from the Atmajaya Family had problems with their first love. The girl Ivan had always been paying attention to is Anya.

Ardan, the eldest son of the Atmajaya family, brought his illegitimate daughter home so that Maria could raise her.

"Sis, Brother Ardan's first love is..."

"She's dead. End-stage breast cancer. If not, maybe Ardan will also divorce me like Aiden," Maria smiled bitterly as she said that. "I hated her so much, but Nadine's innocent."

Anya couldn't imagine life as Maria. Her heart wasn't as big.

Finally, she understood why Tara didn't want to accept Nico before. Even though they were engaged once, Tara was still trying to see if Nico was serious about her.

Maria took Anya's hand and went downstairs together.

"What should I do? Aiden wants to come back with Keara. How about my baby? I love Aiden and I don't want to hand my baby over to Aiden and Keara," Anya said.

Hana could only be sad when she watched the two from a distance. She was nobody. She couldn't interfere in Aiden and Anya's marriage.

In her heart, she could only hope that all their troubles would be resolved soon.

When she saw Anya deeply pained, Maria also felt depressed.

But she had no other choice but to be cruel. Aiden had already started his plan, leading Anya to believe that he still loved Keara. Maria could only support him.

After all, Anya and Aiden were related by blood. And their love was immoral.

It was better for him to solve this problem as soon as possible.

"I don't know how to persuade you. I can endure the shame and humiliation from Ardan all this time because his first love is dead. But your situation is different. Keara can appear in front of you at any time. If you don't want a divorce, you have to stay in a marriage without love," Maria said, holding Anya's hand.

Hana was seen bringing food for the two of them. When she heard Maria's words, she was surprised too.

Anya's heart sank deeper and deeper. "Do you think I should let Aiden go?"

Maria stared straight at Anya while holding her hand. "I really like you. My biological daughter disappeared and my adopted daughter is also somewhere. I'm not only thinking of you as my sister-in-law, but also as my own daughter. Anya, we can't force someone's feelings. You don't get to be the one to decide the end, but Aiden, whether he still has you in his heart or not, we can only let him do what's best…"

"I don't know whether Aiden still loves me or not. Sis, please help me!" Anya begged her while crying. "I really love Aiden and I don't want to lose him!"

"This weekend, I will be having dinner at the Atmajaya Family house. Father and I will help you. Nico and Tara will also be by your side," Maria said, trying to comfort her.

Anya nodded. "Thank you, sis."

Over the next few days, Maria continued to accompany Anya every day. Even though Aiden wasn't there, Maria's presence made Anya feel less lonely.

She still made a lot of jelly and kept it in the refrigerator. If Aiden didn't come home, she would tell Abdi to send it to the office.

The refrigerator in Aiden's office was filled with jelly made by Anya. He did not have the heart to eat it and was also reluctant to throw it away.

"Bro, you have lots of jelly. Give me two boxes!" Jenny opened the refrigerator and took advantage when Aiden was busy daydreaming to get the two boxes of jelly.

"Who allowed you to touch my stuff?" Aiden shouted.

"Sir, Madame is on the way here. Do you want me to stop her?" Harris opened the door to Aiden's room when he heard Aiden's roar.

"Bro, why are you so stingy? I just want to eat this jelly. If you don't want to, why keep it in the refrigerator all the time?" Jenny frowned with a spoiled face when she said that.

Andre, Jenny's father, and his wife couldn't have children so they adopted Jenny. They both loved Jenny so much that they spoiled her too much. Never once did Jenny have a difficult time in her life. All thanks to her parents.

At Atmajaya Group, Aiden gave her the task of taking calls and pouring tea for him every day. Jenny's mother, Nina, was very upset that her daughter was getting such a lowly job, but she didn't dare say anything.

After all, Jenny was happy to be working closely with Aiden.

"Sir..." Harris said.

Aiden's brain spun rapidly and finally he said, "Just take the jelly and get out."

Jenny immediately smiled broadly while carrying the two jelly boxes happily. "Thank you!"

Anya had just gotten out of the elevator and headed to Aiden's office when she saw a young girl coming out of her husband's office carrying jelly.

It was the jelly Anya made for Aiden…

Aiden gave the jelly she made to someone else.

When she saw Anya coming, Jenny looked at her from toe to head. She put the jelly in her hand and then said coldly, "Anya, Aiden is busy. Go back home!"

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