102 iv. Family

She woke to his kisses on her cheeks, a pleasant smile on his face. She glanced and realized they were in front of a house now.

“You can put me down,” she whispered which earned a mild chuckle from him as he lets her.

She fixed her dress and looked cautiously at her murdering mad captor, she find the title she gave him fitting after he mercilessly killed his bodyguard.

“Where are we?” she inquired, it was a rather large estate, and the garden was obviously cared for by professionals. The white snow covered the tiled floor they walk in.

“A guest house,” he answered curtly, smiling sweetly at her.

She blushed thinking about what have caused his rather good mood. She pouted as she recalled fainting from being taken over and over while they were on their way here. He really is too much.

She can’t see the rest of the bodyguards and the driver anywhere near, she wondered if he had them killed like it was nothing. It should scare her, the way he is, but she felt no such thing.

Somehow in the back of her mind, she knew he can never really do something that will irreversibly harm her. In these moments she does thank the heavens that he has distanced her from her family.

“Is it occupied?” she asked him again, suddenly feeling a terrible clenching of her heart as she said the words. Why does she feel suddenly anxious, she wondered.


Instead of answering her, he pressed the doorbell. When the door opened, she nearly fainted. It was her mom.

She was pulled in a hug and was pulled in to enter. She was speechless but more so when her nephew and nieces and his dad came into her view.

Before she knew it she was being scolded for running away with her fiance instead of telling her family and introducing him to them.

“How did you find where we were?” she felt her anxiety rise, they can’t be here in the same house as him. Not when she just witnessed the things he is capable of.

“Of course, Dominus called us. You should feel shame that he had the idea and guilt, but you my child would rather have us believe you died in the fire as well,” her mother explained, tears swelling down her eyes.

Her family ranted about how she was such an ingrate and how perfect and kind Dominus is. She felt her knees tremble when she realized what this means.

Now that he found her family, there is more reason she can never leave him. Dominus carried her to the sofa when her knees turned to jelly.

Thereby they were pleasantly entertained by her family, especially her nephews and nieces.

“Hey sis, where did you find such a perfect man?” Cinderella asked her, pinching her arm as Dominus and her father bond over business talks.

“We met in the park while I was jogging, he frequents a park I go to,” she tried to answer her sister back though she was so distracted by her own thoughts.

“A man like him going to a common park,” Cindy giggles, stealing glances at Dominus who was busy discussing things with her parents.

“Mhmm...” she started to feel bad, seeing that her sister has the same name as the one in her dream. She fidgets with her dress as she recalls the dream she has had of late.

“He really is handsome, and those musclesss.... gods, is he big?” her sister nudged her as she stayed silent.

She wondered what has happened to her sister, she was not usually like this. She lost her husband just a year ago, and now making comments like this about her fiance.

She tried to dismiss her thoughts. Gods, what was she thinking just because of an unpleasant dream?

“He must be really big,” her sister kept on saying. “Was the sex that good you can’t talk about it?”

“Excuse me,” she stood up and left her sister. She felt like she couldn’t breathe.

She went to the kitchen and breathed in and out. It feels like she is going to get suffocated by everything that is happening around her.

What was Dominus thinking, bringing her family here? Her fists clenched as she leaned on the counter and closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes when she felt hot lips pressed against it. Of course, it was Dominus.

She pushed him away, her cheeks red as a tomato and her whole skin flushed. Damn it, why did he have to follow her!

“Why?” her eyes widened at him, undisclosed anger making her eyes grow wide.

“What? Kiss you?” she couldn’t say if he was playing innocent or if he really was that clueless.

“Why did you bring my family here?!” she nearly wept as she struggled to control her emotions.

“Wasn’t that what you wanted, baby? To be reunited with your family?” he said casually, smiling at her with his innocent eyes glinting with mischief.

She would have believed his facade if she didn’t know any better. She knew him. From the small amount of time she has known Dominus... she felt like she knew him.

“What is your motivation for doing this? Do you plan to keep them hostage so I can’t leave? Do you plan to threaten me with them?” her voice shook from her anger. It is one thing to play with her and another thing entirely for him to threaten her family.

“Is that how heartless you think I am, baby? I honestly never thought of that before now. However, I find that idea quite appealing. I think I should therefore give it a try,” he snickered.

“I will kill you when that happens. Touch a strand of their hair and I’ll fucking kill you,” she bites down the words, her voice shaking from the violence she felt within her.

“So serious, aren’t you my queen?” he smiled at her.

“This is not a playful matter. This is my family we are talking about,” she corrected him.

“I am your family,” his grip tightened on her, his arms snaking around her waist.

“Since you seem to have forgotten that, I think I should do my best to remind you,” he lifted her on the counter and hurriedly unbuckled his belt.

“What are you doing? Someone can just walk in here and see us doing this,” her voice shaking as he slammed his thick cock inside of her.

“Let them watch and see. I wonder how your parents would react if they were to see you now. Their precious daughter reduced to being my cum slut,” he grunted as he thrust fast and deep inside her.

She covered her lips with her mouth as he rocked her body back and forth. Her curtailed moans excited him further as he gyrated his hips continuously against hers.

“What baby? You don’t want that, right? Or what of your nephews and nieces finding you out like this? Their well-respected aunt being railed in the kitchen like some common whore,” she couldn’t help but feel her juices flowing down her thighs. His words excited her almost as much as his body stimulated her.

As he thrust faster and deeper into her, she had to abandon her hopes of keeping it quiet. She clung to his shoulders for support as their bodies slapped against each other.

Her toes curled and her eyes rolled over her head as she reached her climax. Clinging to him as he spilled his seeds inside.

“See what you do to me, baby? You shouldn’t excite me that much if you don’t want your family to find us out,” he kissed her lips and sucked on her tongue, making her moan even more.

He wiped her tears away, tears she didn’t even know she shed from the intensity of their lovemaking. She winced at the word she thought.

Who was she kidding, it is impossible an act that raw and depraved can amount to love. Plus, wasn’t she very sure he was just playing with her in his very sick and demented way? He was toying with her for enjoyment.

One day when he gets tired, he will surely let her go. So she has no right to think about that word at all. A man like him doesn’t love. A man who has it all will never fall for the likes of her.

“At least behave yourself while we are here, don’t keep teasing me with your sharp wits and bratty attitude,” he warned her.

“Unless of course, you wanted the real you to be exposed. The slutty beautiful whore whose mind completely blanks out when she reaches her peak. Do you want them to know that side, darling?” he slammed his whole fist inside of her, making her hold into her stomach as he pumped it even harder.

“No, please enough... it hurts so much,” she begged him as she tried to pry his hand away, pulling at his arm as he continued to fist her.

“Beg me properly, or I’ll make your mind blank out from having been fisted by me as well,” he looked at her, his eyes filled with lust as he looked at her starting to close her eyes as her pain starts to turn to pure pleasure.

“I can’t take it anymore, please daddy,” she begged him once again, her knees trembling from the combination of the pain and pleasure that filled her.

“Please, no more,” she cried, making him smile.

He tenderly wiped her tears away as he abruptly pulled his hand away from her core, making her gasp.

“That’s my good little girl,” he continued, this time rubbing his thumb on her clit as she moaned his name softly.

“Dominusss... This feels so good you must stop, I have had enough,” she begged him, her soft whimpers making him feel even hotter.

“Promise me more tonight,” he said in a demanding tone, his thumb relentless as she tried to keep in her moans.

“More... more tonight, I promise,” she obeyed and pushed his hand away.

He kissed her and slid his tongue inside her before biting her lower lip tenderly, “Promise me like a good little girl.”

“I promise we can do more tonight, daddy,” she pressed a tender kiss on her cheek to seal the deal.

He smiled triumphantly at her, finally putting an end to his actions. He zipped in his still hard cock back into his pants, making her wince as the bulge is still very much apparent.

She took some tissues and started to wipe his cum dripping down her legs, but he took them from her and frowned, “I’m the only one allowed to touch,” he sat her on the counter and patiently wiped away his semen from her thighs and legs.

She blushed as he did so. She can never understand how he is so cruel and rough one minute, and all tender and sweet the next.

When he finished cleaning her up, he kissed her forehead and whispered, “I love you so, baby girl. You don’t know how much.”

Her lips trembled before she bit her tongue, she almost said I love you back. Which she knew will be even weirder, no one can fall in love in this situation.

He is a madman, a murderer... her cruel tormentor. So why does she feel the overwhelming feeling in her chest to say the words?

He smiled at her and caressed her cheek, “Don’t worry, I have become a very patient man. I’ll wait until you catch up with your own feelings, my queen. We have a lifetime together for you to figure that out.”

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