47 iii. His Proposal [Bonus chapter]

“Get in,” his voice was deeper even more so now.

She shook her head as she tried to wake up from her sudden stupor. She felt ashamed since the subject of her thoughts never even recognized her.

She went inside the car and let him drive. She was just staring into the back of her hand the entire time. As if they have grown really interesting during the last minutes of being in his presence.

It was a spacious range rover and yet his height and build made her feel like she was trapped in a can of sardines with him.

Or maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her. When the subject of her every dream is now in front of her.

His face was unreadable as he looked at her again. Taking secret glances whenever he gets a chance, checking her in the rearview mirror.

She never changed. He smiled softly when his eyes focused on her face, her lips, her eyes... he was mortified to find she was staring right back at him.

She finally took the courage to look at him and find herself filled with embarrassment when their eyes finally met.

“What’s your name,” he pretended not to know. Recognizing her will just feel awkward for the both of them. Plus, he had a feeling she will try to run away.


He can’t risk that. He can’t risk her running away and hiding from him again. He will lure her into his world until she can’t get away, so he needs to be patient seeing the price is very much worth it.

“Mary”, she said, unable to stop herself from hoping to get a reaction from him.

“That’s a good name. Innocent and virginal. It suits you,” he focused his eyes on the road forcing himself not to stare into the beautiful blue eyes he missed so much.

“It- it’s. It’s a rather common name and I’m the most common person anyone can find,” she felt her cheeks turn hot from his comment, virginal.

The word made her recall scenes from their past, back when he would tease her and make her feel on edge. Back when she would lose control of her own body and blank out from pleasure.

What on earth was she thinking? She has become a pervert, sexualizing every word of Dom’s. That’s just so humiliating!

She focused on her hands again, not wanting to look at his eyes and have all these lascivious thoughts eat at her again.

“That’s not true at all. There is nothing common about someone with the name Mary,” he felt his fingers grip the driving wheel tightly.

“What do you mean?” she asked, her curiosity getting the best of her as she looked back in the rearview mirror.

He smiled softly, “That’s the name of royalty,” he whispered. The distance is enough for her to hear, and the way he said it made her heart race.

She wondered why the fleeting image of a knight kissing the hand of a queen crossed her mind.

“What kind of royalty?” she asked, the voice coming out of her mouth before she can control herself.

“A radiant and beautiful queen. Only the name Mary fits that kind of nobility,” he smiled as their eyes meet again. This time he didn’t look away.

Her heart beats faster as he stared at her face. He stopped the car and leaned toward her, making her close her eyes automatically.

He looked at her face again, and for a while was lost in her beauty. He wanted to do so much more than stare, especially when her lips parted open from surprise.

“We have arrived,” he whispered, leaning towards her, their distance becoming less sparse.

“What- what are you going to do?” she felt her cheeks burn as he loomed closer above her. Her body turned feverish just from the lack of distance between them.

“This,” he smiled mischievously as he unbuckled her seatbelt.

Mary hurriedly climbed out of the car and walked as fast as she can, not looking back at her tormentor.

Dom’s eyes didn’t leave her running form as he took a minute to enjoy staring at her while taking in her intoxicating scent before shutting down the engine.


“How are we supposed to eat all of these, sir?” her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when platters of food come out one after the other, occupying every available space on the table.

Dominus frowned seeing her reaction. “Do you find it displeasing that I ordered much?”

“No sir, I’m just surprised that’s all,” she shook her head as she remembered her place.

He handed her a platter of steak and urged her to take some. When she spooned in some and transferred it to her plate, he scowled and added more.

Is this normal behavior? For the CEO to feed a hungry employee he managed to cross paths with during her break time?

She wanted to inquire but bit down her lower lip instead. That is just something an employee is not supposed to ask.

“Go eat, try the other dishes too. I had to text the manager of the restaurant to open at this hour,” he explained and watched her eat.

“Thank you, I- I am grateful,” she looked down on her plate, unable to look at him directly.

“Then show your gratitude and don’t leave a grain of rice,” her crazy boss commanded her making her eyes go wide from panic.

“It is impossible sir, it will take the whole night to finish the amount of food you ordered,” she tried to gauge if Dominus had really gone insane or if he was simply joking.

“I have all night, and believe me you will be paid overtime,” he said seriously.

“What? Sir, you will give me my overtime pay for doing nothing but eat?” she tried to clarify as nothing makes any sense somehow.

“From what department are you, again?” he dismissed her question and starts eating, his eyes still fixed on her as she blushed.

He missed this, seeing her cheeks turn red from embarrassment and confusion. He likes that he can still make her feel that way at least.

Of course, he did not forget where she is currently assigned in, it’s just a way to open up a topic of his interest.

He needed to bait her in before she can realize anything was amiss. For now, he will play the part of an employer who is not that interested in an employee.

“From the marketing department sir,” she gulped and answered.

He was silent for a minute and then he smiled as he began to unwrap the idea that stuck with him days ago, “Do you like working for me?”

His smile made Mary’s heart flutter as she looked transfixed at him. “I do like it very much. Working for your company is something I am deeply thankful for.”

“I am currently looking for an assistant. My secretary has been very recently promoted. I need someone to fill up her position, albeit temporarily. It’s almost impossible to run the company without someone to fix my schedule,” he cleared his throat as he tried to think of how to perfectly frame his words.

“Would you like to work directly under me?” his bright eyes looked into hers as his soothing baritone voice seemed to have hypnotized her once again.

“But why me, sir?! I’m sure there are more qualified employees who can take your secretary’s place,” she tried to reason out, because this sudden proposition is illogical.

“Because it is you I want. You see, I seldom like a person. And what I have learned from my secretary’s resignation is I should at least have a good working relationship with the one I will be spending most of my day with. Plus, I don’t trust the people surrounding me at this time. Some of the applicants might even be spies sent by those who want to oust me. You, on the other hand, have no motives to bring me down. Our meeting is based solely on chance, so there is no way this has been planned,” Dominus smiled, oh yes not like he planned everything from the start.

There is no evidence she can find at this point, but he made sure their first meeting was exactly as he have imagined.

Every single detail of tonight’s event has been placed into action by himself. There was no room for any mistake from the start.

She just stared at him, is this really happening? What was she supposed to say? Can she just refuse Dominus and for what reason exactly? Won’t it be too suspicious to reject her boss?

“I’ll raise your salary. I’ll pay you thrice more than whatever you are currently receiving from your department. You seem to need a raise anyway, judging from your determination to work overtime,” Dominus let out an innocent smile.

He knows how much she needed the money. Her mother is in a hospital, suffering from terminal cancer. She won’t be going out of that hospital soon. Plus, her house was mortgaged and she could hardly pay for the monthly amortization.

She needed this job. And he, on the other hand, he needed her. Only her will suffice to make him feel alive again. After all these years, she finally found a way back to him. There is no way he is letting that opportunity go.

“Will I be paid for- for overtime as well?” her voice stammered. The terms for the employment are something she knew she couldn’t pass upon. Call it being greedy, but she needed the money.

“Of course, and when we need to work out of town, I will pay you twice what I have promised. There will be a travel allowance as well, a clothing allowance, and food allowance. This all comes in one package, Miss Mary,” his eyes turned murky gold, he can almost taste her yes.

“The only thing left, of course, is for you to agree. Do you think you can stand working directly under me, Mary?” if those terms are not good enough he will add more.

He will give her everything she asks for, that is one of the things that never really changed. His need for her. The indescribable compulsion to do anything just so he could have her beside him.

Mary on the other hand, against all good reasons, found herself nodding.

Whatever brought his amnesia, she prays it stays like that for a little while longer.

If she can for a minute be honest with herself, more than the substantial raise she was promised, she just wanted to have this chance to stay beside him again. Even if it’s just as his lowly employee.

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