90 iv. Request

“Grandmother, you called for me?” Mary took a step inside, the old lady’s back was on her as she looked out the glass window.

“Yes, I suppose you can say that. It is true, I did call for you,” the old lady agreed, her calm voice reminded her of the peace before a storm.

“Come in and close the door,” the woman added as she faced her finally.

She did as she was told and locked the door behind her, her feet glued to the floor as their eyes met.

“Sit down, child,” the lady motioned for her to sit as she took the space on the sofa parallel her.

“You know, I have always considered you as my grandchild. The first time I saw you, my heart leaped with joy. It is because I only have one grandchild at that time who happened to be a brat,” the old lady continued, stirring a cup of coffee with a spoon and handing it to her.

She took it from her and stared at the cup she placed on her lap. It was as if somehow the cup has become more important than anything else in the world.

“Have you considered us your family even once? That is something I would like to know the answer to,” the old lady stopped, as if waiting for her to answer.

“Yes grandma, you know I do. You were all so nice to me. You have given me food, clothing, and education, and you cared for me when my own family abandoned me to die. I have always considered you as my real family,” she said, her voice shaking.


“Is that really the case? Did you really care for us even a little bit?!” the old lady’s voice rose, making her knees shake.

The old lady’s temper scared her even as a child. She has always been so unreachable. Always someone that doesn’t ever seem to warm up to her no matter her efforts.

But she did everything to win her affections. She is the family’s grand matriarch and it was her word that allowed her to stay beside a loving family who treated her like their own.

“Yes grandma, please believe me. In my heart you really are my family. I have never thought of you as anything less,” the tremor in her voice sounded pathetic even in her ears but she couldn’t stop it.

“Then what of Dominus?! My only grandson whom you seduced! You- an elder lady by five years and who was supposed to act as an elder sister have made him do these things,” the old lady’s voice made her feel like icicles were making the room temperature even colder.

She did not know what to say, she felt like regardless of her explanations, the old lady will not believe her. It was right, that is how it would appear to the whole world. That she has taken advantage of him and seduced him.

Never mind that it was farther from the truth. She has reminded him over and over that they were supposed to treat each other as siblings. She pushed him away numerous times only succumbing to her own feelings when he didn’t back out despite it all.

He was the one who chased after her. The one who pursued her even when she ran. It was him who tirelessly pulled her close to him, caging her in his embrace so she couldn’t get away.

“I am sorry, grandma. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I tried to,” she was unable to finish her sentence before her fingers started to shake, spilling the hot liquid on her lap.

The old lady looked at her disapprovingly like she had always done all her life. To her, this silly pathetic girl will never do anything right.

“Can you not for a second, stop behaving like an imbecile?” her sharp words wound the deepest parts of her soul

“I- I am sorry,” she bit her lip to stop her from saying anything more that will anger the grand matriarch.

“Do you know what you have done? The council of elders will never accept a union between the two of you. You are a lowly human and we, we are the descendants of the black rose,” the old lady pointed out, looking down at her again, making her feel like the most useless thing in the world.

The black rose is the most powerful pack that ever existed in the history of werewolves, they were powerful beyond anything that can be imagined. Their reign made the wolves untouchable even for the vampires.

Simply put, the black wolves had the world at their beck and call. The universe bowing to their every will. It was a peaceful reign that would continue for centuries. Until a few decades ago when almost all of their purebloods were killed, their lineage nearly annihilated.

Because of the abuses that they have committed even against their brethren, the other packs rebelled and struck them down. The only ones who have survived are the council of elders, presently being headed by the lady before her, Dominus’s grandmother.

“He doesn’t have to marry me, I will willingly stay by his side even without marriage,” she said, she placed the cup on top of the table and looked at the sophisticated old lady who burst out of laughter.

“Do you really think Dominus will agree to that? He would rather face another rebellion and have himself killed than to not be able to make you his mate. He craves you like an addict will his drugs,” the old lady smiled bitterly, making her feel even more guilty.

“I do not wish for anything else other than to stay by his side, grandma,” she insisted, her voice raising as well as the thought of him facing all these threats dawned at her.

“Do you think I care over what your wishes are? Numerous packs have already had their attention on us for the special treatment you have been receiving from the most powerful alpha in the present times,” the old lady tapped her cane on the ground, making her feel even more scared. She suddenly has the feeling that the old lady is close to hitting her with the said instrument.

“Please, grandma. Please tell me what to do. I will do anything to keep him safe,” she felt desperate as she kneeled down in front of the elderly.

“Are you sure you can do it? Whatever I ask of you, do you promise to not back down from your words?” her voice was cold as she stared at the woman kneeling before her.

In truth she hated seeing her like this. She has learned to care for the girl who even as a child has chased after her approval. How can she not care for this child when she is like that?

But this is not just about choosing between her blood relative and her. This is about making sure the pack survives and the black rose’s descendant lives on.

The only one left with pure blood from the legendary wolves is Dominus. He is the only one standing before the pack and the certainty of extinction from the vampires.

The newly crown prince of the vampires vowed to destroy every wolf pack that has managed to survive until now. The vampires have become even more powerful because of the new leader that emerged amidst them.

It is said he vowed to sire a child of destruction, impossible yes, but his coven seemed to believe it is all possible. The wolves have started to worry as several packs have been wiped out in a matter of years.

The packs have come to an agreement to appoint Dominus as the alpha to govern them all. This proposal has been on the table. But this is all before they have heard of the human girl that the alpha seemed to care for even more than his own kind.

The old lady combed her hair with her sharp fingers, feeling pity for the girl but still proceeding with her plans. She has no choice.

“Come, child. Look at me, and tell me honestly. Will you do everything for this family? Will you really be willing to save Dominus?” her scratchy voice became even more high-pitched, hurting her eardrums.

She looked at the old lady and nodded, “Yes, I promise grandma. I will do everything, anything you ask of me. Anything that is necessary to save him.”

The old lady smiled painfully after hearing her words, her guilt racked through her as she looked down on the woman before her. She has expected her to fight this all at least.

But this woman suddenly agreeing to cooperate with her is something she did not expect. She felt herself close to tears before shutting her eyes.

“I want you to listen very carefully to what I am about to say, there is only one way to save him and this whole family,” the old lady leaned and whispered the rest of her request.

Mary’s emotions overtake her, making her whole body shake with tremors. She broke down in sobs as pain she never knew possible assaulted her, battered her heart until she couldnt even cry anymore.

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