Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 294: Assassination Attempt on Napoleon

Chapter 294: Assassination Attempt on Napoleon

On August 10, 1858, Napoleon III and his wife were attacked on their way to the Paris Opera House, causing a sensation throughout Europe.

Everyone still remembered the unfortunate Bismarck, who had been assassinated a few months earlier. The Russian government blamed the Polish independence movement for this, implying internal political struggles. However, the Prussian government did not dig deeper, and so the matter passed.

Unlike Bismarck, Napoleon III was not a minor figure. The assassination of a monarch was a serious matter, and this incident signaled troubles.


Upon receiving this news, Franzs first reaction was holy crap. Under his butterfly effect, Napoleon III ascended the throne ahead of schedule, yet he still managed to encounter this assassination attempt.

Franz asked, Were Napoleon III and his wife shot?

Not because he was heartless, but historically the Orsini Assassination Attempt was full of doubts. After an assassination attempt by an Italian from Sardinia, Napoleon III then allied with the Kingdom of Sardinia to attack Austria together, which was quite abnormal.

The most normal course of action would have been to use this as a pretext to hold Sardinia directly accountable, forcing it to cede territory or pay reparations, or even to invade and occupy Sardinia directly.

However, Napoleon III not only sacrificed his own monarchical authority by pardoning the assassins but also went to help the Kingdom of Sardinia fight against Austria, thus contributing to the unification of Italy.

Its such a stupid move that even in third-rate novels, the author wouldnt dare to write it like that.

Unless the assassination was staged to lure Austria into a trap, otherwise Napoleon IIIs brain must have really been flooded.

Of course, if it was staged, Napoleon IIIs brain was still malfunctioning. It was because he didnt help out of goodwill; after the war, he was rewarded, and the Italians were not grateful to him.

The Franco-Austrian War left France politically isolated. At the same time, it made enemies with both Austria and Italy, and during the Franco-Prussian War, both countries retaliated.

Tyron replied, Its still unclear. The French have blocked the news, and there are bloodstains at the scene, but were not sure who got shot. According to the intelligence we have received through our back channels in the French government, the perpetrators appear to have been apprehended shortly after the assassination and are currently being interrogated, but their identity are still unknown.

Franz scoffed, First find out if something happened to Napoleon III. Since the French apprehended the assassin, they can easily conjure whatever identity and story benefits them!

Theres no way around it; Napoleon III has done a lot of crazy things, and Franz isnt sure whats going to happen next.

In the other timeline, without his selfless contributions, Germany, Italy, and America would not have unified so easily, if at all.

The successes of Bismarck, Cavour, and Lincoln were all built on the sudden mental lapses of Napoleon III. Otherwise, these three would not be associated with greatness and hanging from the gallows would be more likely.

Yes, Your Majesty! Tyron replied.


News of the assassination attempt on Napoleon III sent shivers down the spine of the Prussian government.

French ambitions in the Rhineland were common knowledge. The deployment of 60% of Prussias troops in the Rhineland was enough to signify the seriousness of the situation.

At any other time, French aggression might have been met with interference from various European nations. But this time was different. If evidence emerged linking the assassination attempt to the Kingdom of Prussia, even the Vienna System would not be able to deter French actions.

In terms of motive, the likelihood that the perpetrator was German is very high, given that French intervention thwarted the chances of German unification. Retaliation by fervent nationalists would be entirely plausible.

Foreign Minister Manteuffel explained, Your Highness, theres no need to worry. We had no hand in this assassination attempt. Even if the French wish to cause trouble, they cannot pin it on us.

The Vienna System has just been re-established. If France starts a war on flimsy grounds, it will face hostility from all nations, unless they do not mind a second anti-French coalition.

Prince William Frederick Louis nodded. The chances of France making trouble at this time were not high. Disrupting the Vienna System now did not align with their interests.

Vigilance, however, was an instinctive reaction. It was a lingering effect of Napoleons domination of Europe, and despite the passage of time, there remained a deep-seated fear of France.

Yes, under normal circumstances the French would refrain from such actions. However, we cannot afford to be complacent. Order the troops at the front to reinforce their defensive lines and not give the French any openings.

Although Russia was currently the worlds foremost military power, the recent performance of the French army in the Near East War led many to believe that the French possessed the most formidable fighting force in the world, with the Russians relying on numerical superiority to suppress them.

Theres also Franzs hand in this, deliberately exaggerating the strength of the French to keep everyones perception of the French army rooted in the Napoleonic era.

This misperception kept the French diplomatically constrained. Faced with diplomatic pressure, Napoleon III rarely caused trouble on the European continent after he ascended the throne.

Although he had his eye on the Rhineland and Belgium, he took no concrete action.

It is impossible to expose this deception. The government of Napoleon III, entrenched in its own circumstances, is unaware of the current fighting capability of the French army, which is not as formidable as it was during the Napoleonic era.

It was not just a matter of training; it was the absence of the military spirit forged during the Napoleonic era. Especially after the brutal experiences of the Near East War, the morale that once inspired the French army had diminished considerably.

However, because of the high casualty exchange ratio, the French army was able to maintain its reputation.

The only way to expose this facade is to go to war with a great power. Losing such a war would, of course, reveal the truth. However, under the Vienna System, the likelihood of great powers directly engaging in conflict is very low.

Its not just the Prussian government thats on edge; the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Kingdom of Belgium are equally anxious. Everyone prayed that the perpetrators had no connection to their countries.

With the passage of time, the case of the attempted assassination of Napoleon finally received an answer. On August 15, 1858, the French government announced that the culprits were four Italians.

When he saw the names, Franz was speechless. They were the same four Italian heroes from history, but this time they were out of luck. They might not live long enough to be pardoned.

Although Napoleon III and his wife were unharmed, three of their escorts were shot and one died on the spot.

If Napoleon III pardoned the assassins again this time, his subordinates might feel disheartened.

Whether it was to consolidate royal authority or for strategic interests, he must cause trouble for the Kingdom of Sardinia, especially since they share a border.

Given the current international situation, it is very difficult for the French to expand on the European continent. Looking around, the Kingdom of Sardinia is the easiest target.

With a ready-made excuse presenting itself, the French government is unlikely to let this go easily.

Originally, Franz was prepared to order the frontline troops to be ready for battle, but he abandoned the idea. If Napoleon III acts irrationally and walks right into his doorstep, it couldnt be better.

In the great game of nations, worrying about one city or one piece of land is completely unnecessary. If the goal of the French is Austria, Franz does not mind luring them into a trap.

Due to transportation and logistical constraints, all-out war was out of the question. The power gap between France and Austria was not that great, so whoever fought on their own turf would essentially have the upper hand.

If Franz could lure the main French forces out, he wouldnt mind pretending to be weak first, then assembling an anti-French alliance to break the backbone of the French in one fell swoop.

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