Chapter 134 Union Of Heroes

After all that Northern had said, everyone stared at him with varied expressions etched across their faces.

Many clearly did not believe what he had claimed, thinking he had either exaggerated some details or was outright lying.

Of course, people like Raven, Gilbert, Annette, and others who knew of Terence’s ability to discern lies and were attentive to her subtle communication with Gilbert believed him.

‘In the end, I was not able to copy it…’

Northern, however, was baffled by another dilemma—the lie-detecting ability.

‘How in the world of Ul does she even activate it?!’

As far as talent abilities went, Northern had figured that the Copycat system would automatically copy an ability when he witnessed it in use.

Or perhaps his entire proposition could have been wrong, since it had only happened once.


At this point, he didn’t know what to think anymore.

He sighed and raised his head as Gilbert’s thick voice cut through the silent air.

“It’s impressive… really, I don’t even know what to say.” Gilbert’s gaze settled on Northern. “You’ve been through a lot.”

‘Sorts of justified his rage towards Grandmaster Rughsbourgh…’

Gilbert continued, “I’m sure with all those wars you claim you fought while in a state of insanity, you’d be close to being a master by now.”

‘…that also justifies how he was able to move like that, I guess.’

“What has happened to you indeed is a curse, but I suppose it was also a blessing in a way. The rift you said you encountered within the rift while journeying with this… your monster friend… ehm…”

“Night Terror,” Northern provided.

“Thank you, Night Terror. You really didn’t confirm where it led to?”

Northern responded sternly. “I already told you. I couldn’t have if I wanted to. I was traveling with a monster that was counting on me to help it kill its boss, the only thing that kept that horror from killing me was because I was useful… if I decided to suddenly enter a rift, don’t you think it would have killed me even before I could move?”

Gilbert allowed a short chuckle. “I’m sorry if I sound disrespectful. You have to understand that even though all you have said is true, there are many discrepancies and irregularities when compared to what we all have known about rifts—which are facts.”

“I’m as helpless as you are… they are just the things I saw.”

Gilbert caressed his rough beard.

“Hmm, I see… but some things also make sense. When the rift in the center shattered, several kinds of monsters poured out of it, but the stories speak of four strongest: the Bulfor, the Razorlf, the Weldermorne, and the last one… Friggians.”

Northern nodded his head as Gilbert counted with his fingers. “Which fit the description of the monsters you say are at war with each other. You also claim to have also come across Corpse Eaters too. And we’ve also come across monsters like Smoke Wraiths and Gorgemaws…”

He looked at Northern as he continued, “If you say you were at war with these four major races of monsters, that would mean, someway, they could enter the rift. Hm, I see, it makes sense to deduce that the rift you saw leads to another rift.”

Gilbert looked around, taking in all their faces before speaking.

“This would mean that we know what monsters are in the other three rifts… well, the one in the center is an issue, but it’s closer to Sloria, and they’ve not done anything about it. For now, we’ll focus on the one that could pose a threat to us.”

He turned his head back to Northern.

“Young lad, the last thing we’ll need you to do is provide a comprehensive report on the monsters and their abilities. If you can’t write, I can have Braham here…”

“I can write,” Northern interrupted sharply, frowning.

It was understandable why they would think he was incapable of writing, as he had grown up in the outskirts of the city, where most children did not have the luxury of getting a tutor or were not considered intelligent enough to grasp such skills, if taught.

The way nobles looked down on countryside folk was even more dire than this.

And Northern was somewhat familiar with the game.

“Oh, okay, then I’ll trust you to make the report.” Gilbert paused for a half-second and continued, “I think you can be excused with that… since you are not a member of this union, it’s only best that you excuse us while we make further plans… right? Or have you changed your mind?”

Everyone turned their heads toward Northern.

‘Sly… he’s one hell of a sly bastard,’ Northern curled a corner of his lips and let out a silent scoff.

“It’s fine, Headmaster. I still remain firm on my decision. I’ll leave now.”

He bowed and removed himself from the table but stopped as he was about to go further. “But do not forget to uphold your end too.”

Gilbert smiled and responded, “Of course.”

Then Northern walked out of the hall, leaving the union of heroes to whatever planning they had to do.

Silence ensued in the hall for a couple of seconds, even after Northern had gone completely.

Then Arlem’s arrogant tone shattered it all.

“Are we seriously going to believe that story?” he inquired, folding his muscled arms.

Terence frowned and shot him a response, “I was monitoring him closely; there was not a moment where he lied.”

“It’s crazy, though… so you’re telling me that guy went through all of that and is still alive?” A red-haired guy noted, his eyes sparkling with astonishment.

“I don’t think I’d be able to sleep at all knowing a monster is around me… we have to admit it… he’s been through hell,” another guy, a black-colored buzz cut with bushy brows, commented.

“If Lady Terence says that she detected no lie from our survivor….”

All eyes came on Gilbert as he took a moment of respite and continued, “Then I think it’s only expected that we believe him. Moreover, his story correlates with some facts that we have seen around. With what he will provide about the monsters, we should be ready to challenge the next rift.”

Gilbert smiled and stole a glance at Raven, who sat with her usual cold expression.

“Well, with that, I think that should be the end of today’s meeting. Do not forget to go for your hunt when it’s your time. Order must be kept in this place, you hear me?” His eyes drifted toward Arlem at the last second.

“Yes, sir,” they all voiced out at the same time, their voices all muddled and rough.

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