Chapter 350 Woman Of Madness [Part 3]

Chapter 350 Woman Of Madness [Part 3]

“Chaos Sword Art Subform one: Falling Star”

Northern’s dual bladed staff drifted upwards in a wild motion, one that was explosive, sudden and elaborate.

Tremors ran beneath the lady’s skin, causing her to vibrate with excitement as Northern exploded to her front and slashed down diagonally with one bladed end of the Gengar.

Ensnared by the beauty of Northern’s sudden, in-battle growth, besmirched with a naughty expression featuring her tongue stuck out, she had forgotten to dodge.

Northern’s strike looked like it would hit her for real but in the next moment, the Gengar dug into the sand.

Northern raised his head in surprise, eyes darting around.

‘Where did she…’

Only for him to look up, there she was, falling from above.

He quickly raised his sword up to block, but felt the weight of her attack push down on him like a sky-sized boulder, his legs dug into the sand.

He clenched his teeth and had to resist the biting force of her attack but it was to no avail.

It was as if there was a force pushing her from above, she was above him, horizontally, and her body was not dropping to the ground, if anything she seemed to even be pressing more on him.

Which logically should not be possible.

‘Well, I’d be damned if logical ever defined anything in this world’

Northern groaned a bit and from his belly, shouted and threw the lady’s attack to the side, using the moment to leap away in the opposite direction.

‘I subconsciously stopped using Chaos Eyes because of the strain but even my normal eyes are trained enough… Still I couldn’t see her move at all.’

Chaos Eyes was a heavy ability, an eyes of its own that spawned from the realization of true chaos in and of itself, one that infected all eyes and took over.

It was a different eye set from the usual one Northern had and was incredibly strenuous to use.

He had adopted the idea of using it at all times but when the strain became too much, he always subconsciously switched to normal eyes.

Although he had seen now that he needed to work on that.

What however bothered Northern was that, his eyes, due to the presence and effect of Chaos Eyes have greatly improved in their own sight.

He was able to see way better than he used to. Except that this mad woman he was fighting was faster than the speed of light, it made no sense.

‘Faster than the speed of light…’

Northern accommodated the thought again.

In as much as he wanted to define her to be, indeed. His mind screamed against it.

‘It can’t be…’

He fixed his eyes on the lady and slowly straightened his back.

Then he frowned at the lady.

“You’re powerful, even blocking out my talent abilities…”

She stared at him with an exhilarated expression, a grin was stuck on her face with her eyes lit with sparkles. Literal sparkles.

Her expression made Northern almost cringe.

She looked like a child that had seen candy…

Northern’s brows creased into a deadly scowl as he said to her,

“This battle won’t be the same as before going forth.”

The lady nodded her head vigorously, her cheeks tomato red.

“I can tell. You’re growing, It’s so beautiful, so hot!”

Northern’s mouth fell, he was dazed and unsure what to say.

‘She sounds… happy?’

This crazed woman seemed to be sincerely happy that he was growing in their battle.

He looked around himself, they were alone in this desert land.

‘By now, Raven and her friends should be here…’

He wasn’t counting on their help, but had thought that their presence was bound to interrupt the battle one way or the other.

He didn’t really have a take on that, as long as he gets to leave here unharmed.

He didn’t want to kill another human. So, there was no gain from this battle.

‘Ahh, whatever…’

Northern cracked his neck a little to the left and to the right, then he fixed his gaze on the lady and got in stance, shifting one leg forward.

The lady in response also filled her face with a nasty glee. She was drooling.

Both of them, at the same time, charged at each other. The woman with her spear poised to strike, and Northern with his twin-bladed staff spinning in his hands with a fluid grace.

He sidestepped her initial thrust, bringing the staff up in a swift arc that deflected her attack and sent her reeling back.

The woman’s eyes widened in surprise as Northern accelerated towards her.

“Chaos Sword Art, sub form two, Comet Fury”

He struck with a series of rapid thrusts, each one aimed to exploit any opening in her defense.

The weight of Gengar no longer felt cumbersome; instead, it guided his movements. Although, he still felt strange and a bit strenuous curving the weapon to weave the sword Art of Chaos since he was used to swords.

But if he’d compare both, the twin-bladed staff gave him more likable results than swords.

The impact as she blocked each of his strikes, he could feel it in his bones, muscles, belly.

It was like when you know for sure, you are hitting something, the exhilaration of a perfect hit even though she was clearly blocking all his strikes.

Northern knew she was beginning to feel the strain of his attacks on her defense.

It’s only a while until he completely breaks her defense apart.

Realizing that, Northern didn’t let up.

“Chaos Sword Art sub form one, Falling Star”

He lunged forward, Gengar whistling through the air as he delivered a powerful downward strike.

She blocked with her spear, but the explosion of the blow drove her to one knee.

Northern could see the strain in her eyes as she struggled to hold her ground.

But that same second, they contorted into a mischievous grin.

She glared into his eyes with that grin and said, with trembling voice.

“Now that you’re beginning to get a hang of your weapon. Can we now start fighting for real?”

Her brows drifted upwards, cheeks reddening even more.

Northern in that moment, flew away from her and landed as far away as he could manage in one leap.

His face was pale, eyes trembling.

“What was that just now…?”

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