Chapter 375 The Disaster That Was Wrought In Sloria [Part 5]

Chapter 375 The Disaster That Was Wrought In Sloria [Part 5]

Afkon’s grip on Raven loosened, allowing her to gulp in precious air. He turned to face Northern fully, his earlier confidence replaced by wary respect as he looked around his surroundings.

His eyes came back to rest on Northern, before turning to Raven.

“Is he your boyfriend? I’m offended, little bird.”

Northern’s face contorted with disgust as he heard his words.

“That girl owes me many favors, no doubt. But you, in particular, I am interested in.”

Afkon finally abandoned Raven and fully turned to Northern.

“Who are you and what are you looking for?”

Northern whistled loudly, causing Afkon to look around warily once again.

A couple of seconds afterwards, a large beast ran towards them and finally stopped behind Northern.

It was so fearsome that Afkon’s gaze scrutinized it for more than just a minute, not to talk of the light of caution hidden in the depth of his eyes.

“You see, I am looking for a man,” Northern started, “he’s tall, blonde hair, blue eyes.”

Afkon narrowed his eyes, “Zephyr?”

“I guess you do know him. He has my friend, and I’m just here to take him back.”

Afkon giggled for a bit, “Well, you are quite the dumb one, you didn’t need to come all the way here to meet Zephyr, he’s still camped at Lotheliwan castle. He’s not to come back until he has the entire stronghold by his side.”

Northern raised a brow.

‘Why the hell didn’t I consider that?’

His decision had been on the fly, he knew, but to what did it matter.

There was no need to let the enemy know that.

“Stupid? No, I was not. I wanted to burn this entire place to the ground either way. As you can see, none of your subjects remain.”

Afkon looked at the leftovers of the black flames dancing around like pieces of torn clothes here and there.

Then he stared into Northern’s face, his expression was a bit stony and strong this time around.

He wanted to speak but hesitated, still staring at Northern. He smacked his lips mildly and smiled.

“More than half of my army is on Lotheliwan. Word of the empire’s knights’ demise has gotten to the empire by now and a special force is being put together to eradicate all of Lotheliwan. There is nothing waiting for you guys today but destruction.”

He turned his head to Raven.

“Little bird, come over to the right side. When all of this is done, Luinngard will open its doors to us.”

Raven staggeredly stood up, slightly touching her neck,

“Is that why you sold out your kinsmen, the people that trusted you with their entire self?”

Her voice started off a little hoarse but regained its strength as she continued.

“Because Luinngard was going to open their doors to you when all of this is over? Did they know that you have bargained with their lives?”

Afkon shrugged, “They were going to die anyway, this Desolation offered nothing but destruction. It was only a matter of time before that happened. And look, you have no right to lecture me… your friend over here killed them all!!”

Veins grew along his neck as he shouted.

For once since they started, Afkon was beginning to seem worked up.

Raven looked at Northern, there was a little spark of distaste he could see in her eyes. But she redirected it to Afkon.

‘Is she judging me?’

He killed a lot of people and gained so much from it. And right now, he wasn’t even feeling bad about it.

But he had to know the reason why that slight and almost unnoticed look in Raven’s eyes unsettled him greatly.

His brows contorted into a frown.

‘I’m done with this…’

He raised his head slightly, as he came to his decision.

“You know what…” his eyes sat on Raven for a bit, then moved to Afkon, “I’ve had my answer. I know where your buddy is. I don’t care what happens from here on out.”

Afkon smiled delightfully.

“What a posh young man you are. Carry on.”

Northern glared at Raven and turned away from them, climbed Mr. Fluffy, and hurtled away on the beast, not caring if Raven died in Afkon’s arms.

After traces of Northern and his wolf had long been gone, Afkon turned to Raven with a sweet smile designing the corners of his lips.

“My little bird, where did we pick up?”

Raven slowly stood upright and dismissed her swords. She looked into Afkon’s face and said, hers betraying no emotion.

“Have you ever wondered, Afkon, what my talent abilities are?”

Afkon scoffed, “Isn’t it obvious, sword lady? Your fast movement, swift and precise accuracy with the sword. That’s no ordinary… I figured it out long ago, there’s no way you would have beat me by pure skills. Your talent ability is something that adds to your sword.”

Raven curved her brows upwards, “You have it wrong, Afkon. I did beat you without any talent abilities. But you are right about one thing, my speed and swiftness with the sword is not ordinary; I trained and died multiple times to be able to attain it.”

She paused and looked at him squarely.

“Afkon, I meant it when I said: You. Can’t. Kill. Me.”

Afkon, stoic in his composure, tilted his head slightly.

“Oh my little bird. Delusional till the very end.”

He spread both his arms and grinned, the markings on his body began to peel off, like they were plasters being torn out of flesh only to manifest into reality.

The black markings waved around him like tentacles, eager to shoot forth on his orders.

On his face was a smug grin, as he presented the core of his talent to Raven with a dangerous and twisted ferocity in his eyes.

Raven, however, did not seem fazed. She brushed her hand through her hair and lowered her head.

One could tell by her demeanor that she really hated the path she was about to take.

Then she muttered.

“Light Manipulation. Sella’s Halo.”

Immediately, a ring of light appeared on her head. Following that, all the scratches on her body began to heal, her eyes changed from crimson into bright white light, her hair turned completely white, and her body shimmered with a golden aura.

Afkon was completely stunned by this presence, his expression became dour.

Nothing was funny anymore.

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