Chapter 504: The Ghostwalkers

No way.

It was not possible.

There was no way the kid knew they were following him.

But the fact that he deliberately went to a closed alley before calling them out pointed to the fact that he knew they were following him.

But it was impossible. There was no way he would know.


They were the elite forces of Tharion, birthed in darkness, and since the day they learned to walk, they were trained with a special heritage footwork called Light Step.

As fast as light, as silent as a feather.

This was the essential message of the heritage. Each of them from a young age rigorously trained to better their understanding of this heritage.

And all of them had achieved true comprehension, in fact managing to level up the heritage to level 5.

Even Northern, after all his understanding of the Chaos Art, had still been stuck in level 3. Bringing a heritage to level 5 was an incredible feat. One that could have only been achieved by such meticulous determination and training.

In addition to that, they knew of their origins; they were not humans, and compared to humans, they were much more adept at totally erasing their presence.

It was a simple trick of just ceasing activity in their soul core.

All this coalesced together, it was impossible for a human, much less a kid, to notice their presence.

‘Right… it has to be luck, or maybe guesswork… perhaps a function of his talent?’ The leader of the elite forces thought to himself.

Even if it was a talent ability, it was just impossible to notice their presence. Because the Ghostwalkers, as the name implied, were basically ghosts.

They moved as if they were non-existent. Even down to their faces, they have never been seen, their voices have never been heard.

No one has ever actually seen them operate, no one even knows of their existence except the headmaster himself.

So it was just so impossible and unbelievable that this kid would notice them.

No, it stained their reputation and denied the essence of their existence.

The leader nodded his head, vehemently refusing to believe that Northern had indeed sensed their presence all along.

Northern’s voice resounded in the alley, causing him to flinch.

“What? Aren’t you guys going to take me away? I’ve been waiting for a while now, you know?”


The leader, crouched upon the wall of the alley, stared down with a tsunami of confusion crashing all over his face.

Should he take him?

Should he not take him?

It’s true that their objective was to kidnap the kid that caused a ruckus in the citadel earlier in the morning.

And the only reason why the headmaster had given them the task was because of the sensitivity of the matter at hand.

When he first got the headmaster’s call, he had been surprised and shocked because this was the first time in three years that man was calling him.

However, when he had heard that the said kid used the word ‘elf’, even he couldn’t deny the urgency of the situation at hand.

However, being here like this, with this kid, who for some strange reason seemed to have been expecting them, left him utterly blank.

Never had he been confused on a mission before.

His comrade landed beside him with the grace of the wind, then whispered.

“What do we do, boss? This guy seems suspicious, too suspicious.”

He frowned back, almost responding out of frustration, “You think I don’t know that?”

“Sorry, boss.” The lackey bowed and went silent, focusing a scowl on Northern, who was looking up at them with a grin.

The boss of the Ghostwalkers scratched his head in frustration and gave an order. “The mission is to bring him in alive, and that’s exactly what we will do. Knock him out.”

As the last word went out, the ghostwalker beside him glowed like dark wind, blurring as he landed with a swift motion of his hand across Northern’s neck.

However, his eyes widened as he felt his hand cut through empty space, slightly parting the thick wind of the corner.

“Where are you looking?”

With even wider eyes, the ghostwalker made a swift turn, lunging to grab Northern only to grab the air.

‘Where did he go?’ His mind bugged.

“You know, when I said I will go with you, I didn’t mean be disrespectful and knock me out.”

The leader suddenly heard a hoarse voice behind his neck, the same voice that had been resounding in the alley.

He belatedly realized who it was, staggering in a frenzy, causing him to lose his footing on the wall.

As he fell down the wall, his body automatically twisted, landing him sturdily on his feet. “Ohh, nice reflex!” Northern exclaimed with a true look of surprise on his face. Immediately they saw their leader moved, all the Ghostwalkers instantaneously moved, covering the sky with a shroud of thick darkness, and descending upon Northern.

He raised his index finger slightly and pointed down. Following the flow of his finger, there was a sudden drop in gravity, forcefully smashing all of them into the ground at the same


Northern folded his hand, earnestly deliberating:

“What should I call this one, Almighty push? Nah, that’s lame. Almighty fall? Gravity fall? Northern’s Finger fall.”

He shook his head rigorously, “No, no, no, how about I just create a five-finger rule, using each finger to govern the little of what I can tweak in nature’s law…”

He grinned in satisfaction, “Yes, yes, that sounds way better! I guess my index finger will be the Gravity finger.”

He finally focused on his supposed kidnappers who were still being pressed down by an unknown force.

They tried to force their way up, but the force only got heavier, as if a mountain had been placed on their backs.

Some of them coughed blood as they tried too hard to resist the force pressing them to the ground.

Their leader stared in paralyzing confusion, his eyes so widened that they looked like they would fall off their sockets.

Northern, as he saw the look on the leader’s face, smiled widely, however dark.

“There, there, elufu. I like the look on your face.” His tone rang out with a sinister chuckle.

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