Chapter 449: Targeting Nuclear Military Bases

Nuclear weapons were now proven to be completely useless.

The moment this information was communicated to the leaders around the world, their moods instantly dampened.

Nuclear weapons represented the pinnacle of human technological efforts, at least as far as warfare was concerned. It formed a lynchpin of confidence even in a rapidly changing world.

The weapons which once threatened to exterminate the species had served as powerful deterrents. But on two key occasions now, they had done little to extricate humanity from major threats. Big Ivan had done nothing to the Jupiter LXVI satellite, and now Typhon seemed to only be strengthened by nuclear powers.

Typhon was clearly different from the malicious satellite, however. It had flesh like all living creatures. And even ordinary missiles could hurt it, but its ability to recover simply exceeded people’s imaginations. This was very tricky to deal with, but this gave everyone the confidence and belief that they could face off against the King of Demons of Greek mythology. If human weapons would fight against it, then humans could be proud of their technology.

But the result was disappointing. Conventional weapons could not kill this monster and nuclear weapons made it stronger. Perhaps no known human weapons would be able to resist its advance.

“Block the news. Do not let this information spread out, otherwise there will be wide-scale panic.”

“But the nuclear explosion was seen from the island of Hawaii, and Typhon has still not been destroyed. It would be too easy to associate the explosion with the US Navy and understand that we couldn’t stop the monster’s advance.”

“If we can’t hold Typhon back, this will affect the credibility of our government!”

“Government credibility? That thing was already almost gone when supernatural creatures first appeared!”


In the Pentagon, the command was in chaos. In the Earth’s Defense Council, the leaders of the countries were also having a heated argument.

But compared to the tension and panic of the United States of America, the other governments were relatively more relaxed, because from the present-day intelligence, Typhon began moving to the west coast of the United States of America.

Although the governments of all countries set up the ‘Earth Defense Council’, it was not a joint government. Each leader was still responsible for their own country. Seeing that the monster was not annihilated but attracted to the United States of America, many countries were gloating and even countries that were bullied by America were secretly happy.

It’s not that the other countries did not know that they shared a common fate, but for other countries, it wasn’t the time to despair yet. Whether it was Christ who would wake up in 6 days or the old immortal recuperating in the East, as long as they waited for these two great powers, there would be a way to solve the Typhon crisis.

But the top government officials were also a bit depressed. Who knew since when they began to rely on others instead of themselves when they encountered a crisis.

Now, the Earth’s humans could only kneel down to beg God and worship Buddha.

But even though the new developments had made the governments uneasy, people with lofty ideas were heated in their speech. They believed that divine right had slowly begun to replace human rights even if the supernatural forces had not yet intervened in politics.

Because other than believing in these gods, human beings had no way to retaliate in the face of these myths and legends.

“Where is Typhon right now?”

Even though human technological weapons appear to be powerless, human beings were not creatures who easily backed down. The United States of America still had material resources and could still fight.

“Typhon is still in the Pacific waters. It is currently heading to the west coast of the United States.”

“Will the Third Fleet be able to stop it? We absolutely cannot let this monster reach land. This monster can easily destroy cities and cause casualties in the millions!”

The president , secretary of state, and military top brasses were all on the same page at this time. They had forgotten the mutual denunciation of the past. When the American homeland was threatened, everyone’s interest was on the line. Because the time was short, even those plutocrats had to be involved as they could not transfer all their assets in a short period of time. All they could do was their best to stop this monster.

“Report, we have tried to stop Typhon with missiles again, but it has become stronger and faster. Even its flames are now able to intercept missiles easily!”

“… Typhon’s range has exceeded fifty nautical miles. The Third Fleet and the fighter planes have suffered casualties. We simply cannot stop its rampage.”

“Who decided to attack this monster with nuclear weapons at that time? He should stand up and take responsibility. Nuclear weapons simply gave the monster more power!”

“This is not the time to pass the buck. The decision to use nuclear weapons was agreed upon by everyone!”

“All right, stop arguing!”

The President of the United States of America slammed the table to stop this quarrel. At this time, the President was no longer in the White House. He and everyone had gathered in the Pentagon’s military command center in order to obtain first-hand intelligence.

Seeing the President get angry, the silent command center became much quieter.

“Can you gauge which city Typhon is heading to and on what day it will arrive?”

A military commander asked the most crucial question.

The experts were anxiously tapping away at their computers and pulled up various charts to find an answer. After some data comparison and calculator, everyone reached a relatively accurate conclusion.

“Typhon is now advancing in a straight line. Its advance seems to be purposeful. It will make land in the suburbs of Los Angeles. If it follows its current speed, it will reach the mainland within three days!”

This conclusion made the top brass pale.

“Why is it Los Angeles? How could it be Los Angeles!”

Even the president was panicking. Los Angeles was one of the largest cities in the western part of the US. Typhon making land there would cause a huge crisis.

“Three days? Only three days? Christ will resurrect in six days, can’t we do something to slow down Typhon for six days?”

“It’s impossible. We can’t stop this monster at all.”

The command center once again erupted into chaos.

An American admiral stood in front of the electronic map. He looked at the direction Typhon is advancing towards from the west coast to the east coast. Then his forehead sweat and his body trembled. Panic appeared in his steadfast eyes.

“General, is there something in Typhon’s direction?”

The politicians present were able to read the situation and noticed that something was wrong.

“Mr. President, everyone… I think I already know where Typhon is going… It’s here, in this canyon on the southeast side of Los Angeles, that is one of our strategic missile military bases. It’s a storage of large amounts of radioactive material for manufacturing nuclear weapons!!”

With one sentence, the top brass present felt their hearts in knots. Typhon’s advance had a goal. With the knowledge that Typhon could absorb nuclear energy to enhance its power, they all understood that it was planning to attack military bases that possessed nuclear weapons and absorb nuclear material to make it stronger!

Double chapters for the next few days.

Chapters I owe everyone: 20

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